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Everything posted by CleverNickname

  1. Oct 2009
  2. Drove up on Sunday. Third trip in a week... maybe a bit too much. Anyway, for now I put a waterproof vinyl tarp up. Much cheaper.
  3. Amazon Fire in kid proof case. About 90% as good for 25% the price.
  4. Sunday I put in some post bases. Om Weds & Turkey Day I put in the posts. So next time I'm up I'll out up 3 or 4 purlins across the top, and 1 or 2 middle joist. The whole frame is 10x12 and I'll put on 12x12 of roof panels. Probably clear poly in the center, so the hole ain't too dark. The materials are pushing $300 already and the panels will be another $200 (and another $50 in lumber). Wife not super happy with the credit card statement, but sometimes you gotta put a roof over your hobby hole.
  5. Lawyer here. I draft and comment on insurance policies. I can't make definitive heads or tails of the tie breaks. If it was a contract, all I can say is that the ambiguity should be resolved against the drafter. I honestly think there could be an injunctive hearing if it does not come out cleanly.
  6. It's been wet. I flipped over the to and let things air out. I'm a little concerned how moist things get. To that end l cut off 18" from my sophisticated playset head-frame. I immediately bumped my head on it. My plan is to construct a 12x12 or so shed roof. I'm hoping that will shield enough water. Also I could maybe put in some diverters (maybe out of dryrock?) to diverts surface water.
  7. In 2005 it seemed like every play was run out of the same personnel and formation. Maybe it was a bit like air raid, in that the very lack of variability made it somehow unpredictable. No tendencies to track. Nothing to give a play away. Like GD had somehow solved offense with one magic set of 4 plays. (But mostly it was an elite NFL roster and a singular genius mobile QB just torching everything.)
  8. Well, is it going to cum or what?
  9. I, for one, think all the new sidewalks and bike lanes are awesome. I don't understand why they didn't just do sidewalks when the roads were built in the first place.
  10. Super disappointed the number of folks online who thought the name of the monkey is Pole Assassin.
  11. Suit was filed Dec 2021. Anyone able to look up the case and see what's up?
  12. Oct 26 2023 9:23AM Short term lake level forecasts for Buchanan and Travis: Buchanan A rise of 1-2 feet is expected over the next 24-48 hours. Travis A rise of 1-2 feet is expected over the next 24-48 hours. https://hydromet.lcra.org/riverreport So not a lot but maybe the ground is saturated and the cold front will bring its own rain.
  13. Llano at Llano showing 12k cfs, so that's an acre foot every 4 seconds or so. Doesn't suck. Still training to the west. This might be a real event.
  14. The Llano basin might get 3-6" over the next 24 hours. Let's not count out a little bit of quantifiable inflows.
  15. Re: kids and money. We've been enjoying Greenlight. Prepaid Mastercard, basically. With app move money around and see every transaction. I even set up my 75 yo mom as user, in case she needs a backup card. I have my own child account, to use at shady gas stations so if I get skimmed ain't nothing to steal. The kids can use it for middle school volleyball tickets, online purchases, etc.
  16. Holla my fellow Bull Creek watershed peeps! That sweet sweet > 1" yellow.
  17. Does anyone remember the Shockwave game "12th of September"? All I can find is YouTube capture of game play.
  18. Fourth batch of 10 silver buffalos has come in (actually 11 this time). So that's two full tubes since I started the $100/mo plan.
  19. You were correct (a lighter). Goes well with the bag of meth.
  20. Found on school campus today. Real or airsoft?
  21. I dont know shit, but a misfire soon after launch would have all the propellant explode, whereas when it putters into some Haifa neighborhood, everything is spent but the warhead itself.
  22. If this dude gets away with it, I'm damming up the creek on my place. Imma get mine.
  23. I had a sort of unspoken oberservation that young folks were increasingly ambivalent about Isreal and sympathetic to the bleak circumstances of Palestinians. And this just sort of destroys all that goodwill in a day. I don't get people.
  24. Kitties Penn State (easter Mountain Lion) Northwestern (Wildcat) Houston (Cougar) Kansas State (Wildcats) Kentucky (Wildcats) Arizona (Wildcat) BYU (Cougars) Auburn (Tigers) LSU (Tigers) Missouri (Tigers) Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles, and Bovine Maryland (Testudo) Florida (Gators) TCU (Horned Frogs) Iowa (Hawks) Kansas (Jayhawks) Texas (Longhorns) Colorado (Buffalo) The Maryland/Florida/TCU makes for a neat trifecta. Those are the core. Fewer birds than you might expect, but maybe one day Illinois will join them. Colorado/Texas make for a pair. Furry friends Wisconsin (Badgers) Minnesota (Gophers) Michigan (Wolverines) Baylor (Bear) Georgia (Bulldogs) Mississippi State (Bulldogs) Cincinnati (Bearcats) - not a cat, apparently! So many critter teams - I decided to go with "fur" as a theme. Is a bearcat snuggleable? I dunno. But I bet a Mountaineer could make a jaunty hat out of it, so let's put em here. Jobs/Occupations Purdue (Boilermakers) Nebraska (Husker) Indiana (Hoosiers) Oklahoma (Sooner) Oklahoma State (Cowboys) WVU (Mountaineers) Texas A&M (aggies, but also Reveille) People, its made of people. Warmongers Vanderbilt (Commodores) Tennessee (Volunteers) Michigan State (Sparty) Texas Tech (Red Raider) UCF (Knights) Ole Miss (Rebels) One could argue some of the Jobs pod could be here, but we've got to have some balance. Other Ohio State - Buckeyes Illinois (formerly Illini, possibly belted kingfisher?) Iowa State (Cyclone, but also Jack?) Alabama (Crimson Tide, but also elephant) Arizona State (Devils) Utah (Utes)
  25. Any advice? For summer '24. Loading the family truckster and hitting the road. We've done a lot of road trips, but we haven't gone to GSMNP. Tentatively thinking 2 day ls driving from Austin to Gatlinbilurg or Pigeon Forge. Long days but not 12 hours on the road. Any cool pitstops? When the kids were little they did the Arky diamond mine. Not sure I'd youngins give a dam about Memphis or blues or Elvis. Might do 3 days on the west side and then 2 nights in Brevard or Bryson City to cover NC side. Focus on reasonable length day hikes and occasional dips in swimming holes. I like old ghost towns and such, my kids are sort of meh. Usually wake fairly early to do trails in the cooler morning, with swimming or scenic drives in the afternoon. Might swing by southern route on the way back for a day at Gulf Shore or similar beach.
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