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Everything posted by CleverNickname

  1. Here is a pup abandoned by its mother because of fireworks on the beach, Lincoln City. Did mom ever come back? I don't know. I hear this pup was seen last week turning tricks for bits of Mo's fish & chips in Newport.
  2. The website says 7.2m, one of the signs there says 8.7m, buy according to my watch if you do every spur to see ever waterfall it was like 11.1m.
  3. The cats were very chill. Pacific NW people are way into their pets, but holy hell on every hike that had a "No dogs allowed" area had dogs. Anyway, if i were the cat, I want to watch the birds or the seals. No wonder they looked over it.
  4. Related: Backpacking catpacks Seals These are called "Tidepool Old Man Balls" Devils Punchbowl Drift Creek Falls
  5. Oregon. Banged out Trail of Ten Falls ar Silver Falls SP. Ten waterfalls and several you walk behind.
  6. https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/25/us/big-bend-national-park-deaths/index.html Hiking in BigBend when it is 119? Like, wtf.
  7. My 2018 canyon doesn't but I know Ridgelines do. What about new Rangers or Tacos?
  8. What trucks have rear ac vents for the kiddos in the backseat?
  9. Up until 4th grade it's usually 7v7, but > they play a full field 10v10 (goalie, 3 defense, 3 mid, 3 attack). But re: today's practice, looks like Thor lightning detector is going off, so my flakiness doesn't count.
  10. My boy had summer 7v7 lax,l practice, but he said he wasn't feeling well, so we are skipping it. Pads and helmet in this weather? Pass.
  11. I got dime size (near Spicewood Springs), but just up the way off Anderson Mill they got that artillery. https://twitter.com/jenniferlowry13/status/1669902034005372928?s=20
  12. I'll hit 80 at age 53 with ERS in 9 years. Folks hired after 9/1/22 don't get the plan at all (not even with the pre-60 penalty). I'm very worried about recruiting. But enough about hypothetical people. How has retirement been without COLA increases? That's what I worry most about. I wish ERS offered an inflation adjusted option. I don't have a good feel on how much to save to basically provide my own inflation kicker.
  13. Huh. Every dude I know that wanted 50-50 got it. Women want their ex to have partial custody - that's how they have time to date! What I see is dudes not willing to do kid errands (endless practices, birthday crap, etc) or fun stuff, and then wonder why their kids would rather be at moms house. Then when kid hits 14, they tell pops to fuck off. Kids take work. Wives divorce dudes that don't contribute to home chores, because kicking the dude out is literally less work for them. Because soooo many dudes want bang maids. That only works if you got a big enough paycheck to have a nanny and housekeeper (so they ain't a maid).
  14. Eh, that's a little close to Red Pill logic for my liking. But it also true that American women with jobs & education don't want to settle for being bang maids for slobs. If they can amazon a zillion toys (& bang hot dudes no strings?) and avoid scraping stale urine off the base of the toilet, I get it.
  15. That's fair. And I understand the NIMBYs because I used to be one. But it seems like the Austin contingent of D legislators either failed to identify that the cost of housing as the #1 non-abortion issue (or at least highly important), or recognized it but didn't offer a single solution. And that's worthy reaspn to primaty them in 2024.
  16. Donna Howard, Vikki Goodwin, Gina Hinojosa, Lulu Flores... all old-style Austin liberals who voted against SB 1412 (by right ADU). NIMBY bullshit ain't gonna help Austin affordability, but I guess it helps with the Karens in the neighborhood associations. I hope they all get primaried for some Dems who actually give a damn about the housing crisis. Caveman degrowthers shit up just means another 20k of sprawl in Liberty Hill.
  17. State worker. New buildings, built and planned before Covid. Like an army prepared to fight the last war, not the next war. For now we go in 2x per week. Personally I enjoy the one day of face to face, but more than that isn't necessary. State employment in TX no longer offers a pension to new hires. Salary bumps haven't really kept up with inflation, let alone student debt and central Texas home prices. Management appears to think 2-3 days remote is the way forward for now (begrudgingly). The thing is, they think they have control. They don't. Market forces will dictate the moves of C suite executives. They compete for talent. In public service the trade off for marginal salary is work/life balance and benefits. Pension is hamstrung for new folks (if it ever was truly good). They will simply have to let people remote work. Maybe in the office 1 or 2x per month. Then folks could afford to live in Temple or Lampasas or Luling. I bought in 2007, so I had minimal grad debt, ATX home lottery ticket winner, and grandfather pension (retire at 52 w/o inflation adjusted pension). Now we can only afford to hire trust fund kids and folks with tech job $ spouses. I'd never be able to make it if I started now.
  18. I haven't been this aroused since Josh Primo showed me his junk in the Hyatt over by Sea World.
  19. Near Mullin, west of 183. Never saw pigs as roadkill on 183 until the last year or two. I know a neighbor just a mile or so west on 573 that has been fighting them for years, so it was always inevitable. We have a wet weather creek, but no tank. I think they've just missed us until now. Don't really want em, but I don't like venison so I don't really pull a deer license most years. But as owner I can hunt em year round (right?).
  20. First camera evidence at our place since we bought the place in 2007. Mills County.
  21. My son rides my 20+ year old mongoose cruiser to school.
  22. My neighborhood land value has gone up ($100k to $400k) in the past few years. A little hard to swallow, but also homes have been bought and torn down for >$400k... so yeah. They might be throwing darts, but they ain't too wrong on that point either.
  23. He's hiding in here (nylon pirate flag for nerf battle capture the flag):
  24. Did a little work at the hole and round this fella under the treehouse. Broad banded copperhead. Maybe 2.5ft long and as pretty stout. Enhance!: Figuring he liked the water trough that had a few inches of rain in it, I dumped the trough. The ruckus made him hide in the bucket, which with convenient nope rope handle and a long painter extension pole made it easy to relocate a ways yonder. In laws wanted me to kill it, but I stayed my hand. So i think we are cool now.
  25. Probably just bad winds? Or are you suggesting the NWS and local media are in cahoots to suppress a tornado touchdown (I don't recall a tornado warning being issued, so I can sort of see it)?
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