I have one that is a natural academic high achiever and another that is smart, but a satisficer who is okay coasting in that cohort below the GT crowd. (Second has natural confidence, lack of anxiety, positive disposition and social nature that I'd bet he makes more money in the real world. Unearned confidence of white boys is a super power.)
All purpose advice: Focus on teaching grit. Help them work hard, encourage them to do the grind on their own initiative. That levelto be a chellenge but not too hard) may vary based on the kid, but just teach them that its okay to sometimes have to work hard. Encourage non academic sports and hobbies that don't come easy. Develop those good habits and attitude and they'll be happy and productive adults. Now maybe grit cannot really be taught. I dunno. So I also tell myself kid #2 can be fine with a degree from Texas State or Tech, or be a cop, or use that 529 money too be a linesman or electrician.
Basically just pinch yourself, because I know *so many* super smart couples with kid(s) that struggle on the spectrum. My theory is assortive mating means 2 smart parents make kids that can be outliers. I pray those kids end up fine too. If you don't have those struggles, parenting is on easy mode.