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Everything posted by CleverNickname

  1. Speaking of self loathing, this is one of my favs: https://youtu.be/lkajnfrLerU?si=Uy7089aXwB6XxoJP
  2. John Elway's Quarterback Normal/Reverse is my go to.
  3. He's a tortured artist Used to be in the Eagles Now he whines Like a wounded beagle Poet of despair! Pumped up with hot air! He's serious, pretentious And I just don't care Don Henley must die! Don't let him get back together With Glenn Frey! Don Henley must die!
  4. Probably easy to find now, but Making Love With You is great.
  5. She's mostly in to me for my penis.
  6. John Fullbright + Bruce Robison playing at Paramount in April. I'm old and psyched.
  7. I recently found out that my wife of 17 years and mother to my beautiful children doesn't really pay attention to the lyrics. I guess she just lets the vibes roll over? She doesn't really appreciate clever lyrics or concepts. I need some time to come to grips with this.
  8. My bad. I didn't realize Ray Dog had gotten himself into certain... quantum entanglements.
  9. Don't we already have one lovable free energy physicist? We might be at capacity.
  10. Pulled out the 8ft wood ladder. Too short on the deep end. Put a folding extension ladder. Got about 28 buckets out of the "shallow side" My buckets: So I'm about 11' even across the bottom. Next time I'll bring up some 2x10s for side lagging. It's time. Hoping to score a used 20 ft ladder. Might save the lagging for the heat of the summer, and try to get to 13' across before it gets too scorching.
  11. I have one that is a natural academic high achiever and another that is smart, but a satisficer who is okay coasting in that cohort below the GT crowd. (Second has natural confidence, lack of anxiety, positive disposition and social nature that I'd bet he makes more money in the real world. Unearned confidence of white boys is a super power.) All purpose advice: Focus on teaching grit. Help them work hard, encourage them to do the grind on their own initiative. That levelto be a chellenge but not too hard) may vary based on the kid, but just teach them that its okay to sometimes have to work hard. Encourage non academic sports and hobbies that don't come easy. Develop those good habits and attitude and they'll be happy and productive adults. Now maybe grit cannot really be taught. I dunno. So I also tell myself kid #2 can be fine with a degree from Texas State or Tech, or be a cop, or use that 529 money too be a linesman or electrician. Basically just pinch yourself, because I know *so many* super smart couples with kid(s) that struggle on the spectrum. My theory is assortive mating means 2 smart parents make kids that can be outliers. I pray those kids end up fine too. If you don't have those struggles, parenting is on easy mode.
  12. If he's never taken one before, I wouldn't want the first time right before I head to the airport. Lots of people are allergic.
  13. I'm alive. Barely. It's been rain in the forecast each weekend and I'm on what feels like day 21 of rsv/cold/flu/covid. And now begins spring sport weekend season, so time is a bit more scarce. On top of that, big wind blew off half my tree house roof, and I need to get new metal panels up. Sigh.
  14. Fwiw, I think the notion that senior in HS ought to have a concrete idea of what they want to do (let alone have substantive internships related to that) absolutely bonkers.
  15. My rising 9th graders counselors keep telling everyone (kids and parents) not to take "advanced" (pre-AP basically) everything. Take one or two classes with the norms, is how I interpret that. Does anyone listen? Like, she has expressed no real interest in engineering or sciences, but then again she is 14. Maybe she'll suddenly want to go med school and want lots of rigorous high school science. So: did yall's UT bound kids take pretty much AP/IB everything?
  16. $100K sounds about right, maybe even low. Tuition is about $12k per year, and if your kid can eat and sleep in Austin for around a grand a month you've found a good deal.
  17. If returning the cart is scary, just park near the corral. That's what I do: thread the needle between being a good citizen and being lazy by planning ahead.
  18. I had a case with a local fire marshal. I think we had a meeting at some hotel with BATF. We rode up together, and he parked his plain white fleet escape on the red painted curb right in front and put a white placard marked "FIRE MARSHAL" in the window. I asked him how he got the placard. He said, "well, [Clever]. I opened up MS word. I put the doc in landscape. Then I typed 'fire marshal' and upped the font size until it was big. Centered it all, and hit print. " So there ya go. That's how those placards are created.
  19. Random observation: I think cops tjat have heavily tatted up arms (and neck) is a bad look. Makes em look like a gang. Greatly reduces my trust, just right off the bat.
  20. Previous seasons were M/W so the extra day was unexpected.
  21. Question for Dads: son (6th gr) has sport practice 3x a week, and soon will have games on yet another day l. Do I make him (or guilt trip?) go to every practice? Sometimes he says he's tired. And well, maybe he is. But isn't developing the grit to do practice anyway part of the point? My wife thinks I'm too serious about this and a borderline asshole.
  22. @morehornsepower Cool. A lot of variety in the area (mills county), I mostly would attribute to well diggers being less than expert and/or lazy. But these seem reasonable guesses:
  23. The "rule" for digging side tunnels is that the overburden must be 2 or 2.5x the height of the tunnel. I'll do at least 2.5x just to be sure. So at like 16 ft I could do a 4.5 ft adit. Of course going horizontal is more dangerous. I've not yet seen a a big piece of side come down, but a piece of ceiling falling down is terrifying. So my plan is to go down to 16 and keep going. Maybe a nice layer of less fragmented limestone will be present that could serve as a header/ceiling. I could excavate against that and follow the shelf of hard rock. I dunno. Future me problem. It would be rad to go horizontal a long way and meet up with a new vertical tunnel, to make an air current possible. Even if that was just a drilled shaft with like 6 or 8" pvc. But a 30" hole big enough for a ladder would be rad. I did get this really janky ryobi light that they must 3d print or something off of ebay this week. It's just a bulb that fits over the battery. No switch.
  24. There is also this: https://www.thecut.com/article/polycule-polyamourous-relationship-meaning.html#_ga=2.36642336.1056953019.1706225701-1114508378.1705579535
  25. Thought maybe this was on page 1, but maybe it wasnt: https://www.thecut.com/article/how-polyamorous-relationships-work-ethical-non-monogamous-rules.html
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