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Everything posted by michael78747

  1. Tell that asshole to bring back BBQ flavored Fritos. Thank you.
  2. I brined your mom's turkey last night.
  3. Munchos.
  4. You did list four names in your post. What would you call that? You can cook, but I question your IQ.
  5. Denver Biscuit Company is awesome as well, it's not open for dinner but if you wake up hungover one morning I'd recommend stopping by.
  6. Work & Class is excellent, though it does tend to get packed in the evenings.
  7. If they did they probably shat themselves to death shortly thereafter and aren't around to tell the tale.
  8. @PappyVanVinceYoung What site or sites do you recommend to buy on secondary? I've been looking for a bottle of Birthday Bourbon and figure that is the only chance I have of acquiring one.
  9. Your Sister's Vagina All the Time We Spent Dying Coma Rape The Drowning Cowboys Sasquatch Hit Squad
  10. Yep, it couldn't be that we recognize self-indulgent bullshit. You might as well get a business card that identifies you as a food critic and join Yelp.
  11. I didn't realize you were a lesbian. Pics?
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