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Ted Dantzler

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Everything posted by Ted Dantzler

  1. Let Nebraska back in the Big12 but make them play all their games on the road until they can get their TV Rights back.
  2. The Athletic article had some more details. A couple players got back to town on Friday, were tested but didn't get their results until monday when they came back positive. Those players hung out with some other players over the weekend so they had to retest 55 players who had contact with the infected players, 6 of the retests came back positive. Its going to be a long year.
  3. This is the correct answer. If you make your money on livestock its a ranch, if you make your money on cash crops its a farm. "Ranches" may still grow crops but typically its supplemental feed/silage for the cows.
  4. They are very similar to A&M in that they could never win anything on the field so getting a SEC invite was their way to "win". They are now some of the worst SEC! SEC! SEC! kool aide drinking fans.
  5. As a K-State fan who interacts with alot of MU fans I can help shed some light on why everyone hates mizzou. First of all you have to understand that they are constant underachievers and have been for their entire lives. They are the only P5 school in a state that has 6 million people in it but they have not won a conference title in FB since we landed on the moon. The majority of that time they were playing in the Big 8 where they had a massive population advantage compared to the other states who had multiple P5 schools(OK/KS/IA). Despite never winning anything mizzou fans have an extremely over confident view of their program and this manifested itself with them lifting their skirt to the big10 and starting the whole conference realignment saga of 2010 that almost sent K-State to the Mountain West conference. Fuck mizzou.
  6. Just finished up season 1 for the 3rd time and planning to make my way through them all again. So many good lines that you forget about (Daniels to Burrel) "You would rather be surrounded by shit than be seen with a shovel in your hand"
  7. I work in the transportation industry and most of our customers are food/beverage/ag. We started seeing the same thing this afternoon.
  8. In case anyone was wondering the large wine warehouses in Northern CA that everything ships out of were deemed essential and are operating as usual.
  9. K-State is back! Dark horse for a big12 championship next season.
  10. Pence's current plan is to send the Coronavirus to a camp and use conversion therapy to turn it into the regular flu.
  11. Goodland KS is where you start to get more Bronco fans than chiefs fan, coincidentally its also where you would start getting Bronco games every Sunday instead of Chiefs games. Not sure where the exact Broncos/Chiefs TV line is but I'm guessing that if the main reason.
  12. Here is some old FBI reports on the KC mob from the 60's. https://maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=128074#relPageId=5&tab=page
  13. Yeah, as bad as things look now they are no where near 1968. Tet Offensive in Vietnam, middle of the civil rights movement and MLK shot in April. Sitting president declines to run for re-election, RFK shot, riots at the DNC in Chicago (both inside and outside). 1968 is a fascinating year to look back on.
  14. WHO DO I BELIEVE?!? https://www.wsj.com/articles/iea-sees-u-s-shale-squeezing-opec-influence-11573603201 IEA Sees U.S. Shale Squeezing OPEC Influence U.S. shale-oil production will reshape global energy markets in the years to come, the International Energy Agency said
  15. Oil noob here but I love reading about he business. I'm assuming that shale oil exists in other places all over the world. Now that the technology to extract it exists what is stopping every other country from frac'n(may not have used the term right) their shale oil and flooding the market with even more oil?
  16. Lets play a game. I type a name and you tell me what comes into your mind. Jordy Nelson
  17. Comparing Skylar Thompson to the #1 overall draft pick is pretty high praise.
  18. And really, how many "city" cats actually get to go outdoors on a regular basis? I'm sure feral cats kill alot in the cities but they were killing that many 50 years ago.
  19. "Domesticated" cats have been slaying birds for thousands of years. I'm guessing the real reason for the reduction is pesticides/loss of habitat. In fact I'm going to wager there were more cats running around killing freely 50 years ago than there are now. We have a farm on the high plains and there are always around 10 barn cats that hang around the place, with the decrease in the number of individual farms over the last 50 years I'm guessing the killer farm cat population has decreased significantly.
  20. Honest question. What would the president of the USA need to carry money for? It's not like he has directly paid for a meal or purchased anything in person since he became president. Just seems odd that he is walking around with a couple $20 bills in his back pocket. Jr's allowance money?
  21. Yup, was an outlet from a larger lake. Caught around 10 bass and that 1 pike in less than 2 hrs. https://www.google.com/maps/place/42%C2%B032'45.7%22N+100%C2%B036'31.9%22W/@42.546016,-100.608859,649m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d42.546016!4d-100.608859
  22. Also hit up the valentine national refuge in the Sand Hills of NE. Found a nice honey hole in a 5 ft wide outlet stream and pulled some good sized bass out along with a pike.
  23. Went trout fishing on the N Platte in WY a couple of weeks ago.
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