Polk county bruh. Rough place.
I spent a minute this afternoon trying to find even the tiniest bit of understanding about how people like this work. Just absolutely inexplicable to me. Let’s assume he didn’t kill her, and dad never found out about whatever terrible shit he did (assuming rape). You’ve only what, completely ruined a child/woman’s psyche/life forever. Upped her odds of all kinds of terrible shit by 10000%. Just absolutely destroyed the next 20-50 years for some child because who gives af? How can someone know that’s the BEST CASE scenario from your violent act, and still act? My only thought was they hold absolutely no regard for life. If that’s the case, why continue to live your glorious life between prison and campers behind single wides in the depths of east Texas piney woods?
I don’t care about the painful death or prison buttfucking this guy has coming. If he’s found guilty, he could be rid of in 90 seconds at a cost of $.30 to the taxpayer. Fuck this guy.
There is a lot to be sad/mad about these days, but this kind of shit - this kind of shit just puts me out on the ledge I’m not even welcome on.