I'm happy when people are paid what they are worth. Why do I dislike unions? I work for a union shop. Our management, of course, is not union.
I can only speak to heavy highway, PLCA, and welders unions, but almost to the rule the union employees are lazier, hilariously entitled, and overall just fucking dickheads. They don't care about your company (leave you in a bind in an instant) or its success, they don't care about their quality of work because it's an act of congress to be replaced, and in general are the types of people that NEED someone to make sure they have a good job because they'd never survive on their own merits. There was a time and a place for them, we are long past that.
The BA's spend ALOT of energy trying to take money out of my pocket, damage the equity I have in my company, and generally make my life worse. Turnabout is no longer fair play? I would and now rely on my men to return that favor with fervor. Afterall, you live by the agreement, you die by the agreement.
So we'll continue to pay 100k for a well equipped pickup truck, and some guy with a GED will get 135/hr to push a button so a robot can move it down the assembly line. And we will like it because if they didn't have that given to them, I can only assume these fucking leaches would be on welfare, taking their blood from there.