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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. one of the reviews on the site has them straight. The horns are smaller but it's at least been done.
  2. 12.7х99NATO, 12.7x108, 12.7x114“HL”, 14.5x114, 23x115mm Lulz.
  3. Been awhile since I looked at any R&M sheets, but I don’t recall hit by SUV being on any. Ymmv
  4. I don't either. I'm only stating what the ISD's released a few days later. There was additional police presence the first 2 days when all the local ISD's were getting threats. I can only hope they are running down where it originates and giving the perpetrator the scare of their life.
  5. QFMFT Bonus, very minimal ruined meat. My oldest (12 yo girl) shoots a heavy barreled custom .243. Very minimal recoil on that one.
  6. Montgomery county and Fort Bend last week. Nothing come of either threat. Apparently just fwd:fwd:fwd: text chains that got spread between thousands of kids.
  7. My searches these days are .222, .17 rem (not for deer), and .410/28 gauge sxs’s. When something really nice pops up, I snag it (lost a bid on a great bob a few weeks ago ). My collection of shoulder crushing wbys and other assorted magnums will have to collect dust until I can convince the wife we should do Africa. *note - I still love my .257wby more than anything else I own.
  8. I am in Coral Gables every few weeks. Amazing how much wealth hangs out in the restaurants and bars down there. Some of it gaudy, a whole not of it not
  9. 7-08 or 243 would be my choice. ‘06 ruining too much meat is stupid but I get it, their rules ((shot placements like EVERYTHING ELSE, being the key) center punch the shoulder with anything listed and let me know how much is not damaged)). The bigger knock on it, imo, would be potentially introducing bad habits into a new shooter - ‘06 takes some shoulder. I have no idea how big your son is, but my narrow ass wasn’t ready for the -06 I used as a child, and it took a lot of shooting to unfuck some of those habits later. Imo, there is still a felt difference between a 500/800/1500 gun, but that’s not to say there aren’t a TON of good options in the lower-middle range now that used to not exist. Get an $800 gun (Tikka/Bergara/etc) and put $750-1000 Leupold VX5 on it and keep for next 40 years. Personally I think you need a 243 (or 3) before a 7-08 but both have killed many, many, many deer. The kids on our lease all shoot 7-08’s, every last one of them. Eta: weight does factor into the cost, but not at that price point. Also, a “good weight” depends on what you’re going to be doing. Strictly mountain hunting elk on long stalks, people will pay huge $$ to save those ounces. A young kid that can hump around a slightly heavier rifle, not as big a consideration. A heavier rifle will generally help you reduce felt recoil, although there’s exceptions both ways.
  10. Had a very tough hunt Saturday. Beat the shit out of doing anything else though, so, no complaints. Pretty sure I drank every beer in Jim Wells county this weekend.
  11. I am for sure. Had to turn down a Ulvalde hunt that’s typically awesome af. Good luck down there.
  12. lol. Haiti has been shitty a lot longer than dome has been been treating dick like rungs of a ladder.
  13. I was at that game. About 10 rows back on the 49, in a friends seats.
  14. Well, yeah, some countries are shitholes, or half a shithole, as it were for Haitians.
  15. You believe the white people featured in that video, from Springfield Ohio, were born on 3rd? Being from Ohio is much more akin to getting earholed by Nolan in his prime, imo.
  16. I answered it on gun thread, but that’s where I would (and do) look in that price. Some really nice options on guns that were built better, lock up tighter, and are prettier than what’s in that price range today, imo.
  17. I’ve been using O/U’s almost exclusively for the last 20 years. It’s going to get well covered by everyone’s favorite. In that price range you can get any of the B guns, and are sneaking close to some of the upgraded Etchen types. My only advice would be don’t sleep on some that aren’t new. You can score some really nice superposed, Dalys, red labels, from back when that (imo) are better than a lot of what’s new on a shelf today.
  18. Shareholder value allows you to not have to buy shitty Tyson chicken if you choose. Or shop at Krogers. Or any of the other dumb fucking examples from that post. Shareholder value is literally the only hope most Americans have at some type of retirement. But yeah, fuck all that, because someone somewhere is making more money than I think they should be allowed to.
  19. I don’t understand why you waste the top half of your posts with bullshit, only to come with the correct answer at the end?
  20. I love seeing people who know how to fight. Calm as a cucumber. How about I just take the breath from you sir? Ok I’ll let you up. Oh, again? Goodnight.
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