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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. Much, much better than shingles tho. Fuck that sucked.
  2. Mostly your shit takes, followed by your hatred of profit and capitalism, closely followed by you getting wet for socialism. The encore being your inability to read the fucking room with your habitual CR line stepping.
  3. Tables are hard, nuance can be difficult. But in this case, it’s not. I’m betting it’s people that are embarrassed of others that wear the same badge. No difference than the R’s that don’t want to be associated with the fringe. I know… but I think there’s like 7 of them that aren’t nazi fascist puppy killers.
  4. Listen, I know you recently matriculated at U of TikTok for your Econ degree, but really, we got this. You’ll be just fine listening to the appeasing echo in the CR. I promise, we will be just fine here.
  5. I don’t enjoy it. I’m just telling you, me, I’m hiring someone from any named school before our “standalone” offshoots of UT. Signed, guy who has a couple of degrees from one of them. I wouldn’t send my kids there unless it was all they could manage. Sucks, but decades from now people will still long for Austin campus, or bust.
  6. Comrade, your piece of shit board is ———> cry over there please thxkbai.
  7. God you are a fucking beating. Are you this way in real life? I guess keep hoping someday someone will view UTSA/UTA/UTRGV/UTEP with any modicum of respect. Maybe the grads all stay in their respective cities or work in everything but O&G. I’ve worked with a grand total of 3 of them, and one being in Covington. Out of hundreds of engineers. 3. Such rigorous establishments that they didn’t even require an SAT/ACT submittal for acceptance in ~’01. Texas won’t catch UC in 10 lifetimes.
  8. Well, I watch and participate in it pretty regularly. UT-D for computer science, yes. Thier engineering wouldn’t get a second look at any place I’ve been in last nearly 20 years. BUT, plenty of LSU/Bama/UH engineers. Only place I’ve ever seen the city-university’s have success was Chevron. They liked to put one graduate from every school there is for some reason. Mediocre named school >> “standalone” city named university 9/10 times for gainful employment.
  9. I don’t disagree, they have it together. But employers aren’t treating UCLA the same as UC-whatever the fuck, fairly or not. Also, USNWR sees aggy pretty favorable, but seriously, they gave some flawed ways of coming to their rankings. My point is you can build UT-D (or any of the others) up for the next 20 years and it still isn’t going to be UT-Austin. Fair or not. It WILL be an improvement of what we have now. But you’re still going to fight the Ark/Bama/Miss etc drain. They’ll get hired faster than directional satellite of a good school.
  10. Having lived in a neighborhood who’s few nearby apartment complexes catered to and were soon overrun with the refugees, I’ll respectfully disagree. Luckily it was another poster here who owned the house, and took that fucking on his resell. There’s a whole lot of things that can go to shit before pointing to no appreciable increase in…murder.
  11. Ask Cali. Yeah they’re all great schools, and none of them hold the weight of their flagship.
  12. It’s happening in emails across many states, it appears.
  13. Re: feed bags. If it’s facing you, it typically pulls right to left. It doesn’t work in the other direction.
  14. Apparently, in the next decade.
  15. I know exactly where they went - Houston resident.
  16. @YGIFS My wife shoots a 9mm HK P30. I have her run thru 50 or once a year, shooting a cactus patty at 20’. She’s accurate with it, and comfortable with how it functions, so I’ve never changed it. Not American made, but neither is the Glock (outside of the 42) https://gununiversity.com/hk-p30-review/
  17. Over simplistic? I’m assured here constantly that the decision isn’t difficult. And I don’t disagree.
  18. Nope. It’s going to be center D vs progressives. Hopefully this court has another good decade in it but doubt it.
  19. Lol at having so many “definitely not a Democrat, but will never pull lever for another Pub”.
  20. Our local academy has them all the time. Easier to find there than 16 for sure. Spent an hour earlier looking at SA but it’s still the same 3-4 I had looked up a few years ago. Maybe someday but still not my cup of tea.
  21. Yet not a single person in the thread has had it happen at their school. Weird.
  22. Lol fuck off. Enjoy your outrage tweets. fwd:fwd:fwd!!1!Book burning in Texas schools!!1!1!
  23. My daughter currently has the diary of Anne Frank checked out from her school library. From a middle school in aggyville.
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