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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. But this doesn’t track with the following: I don’t fucking believe you. MAGA leadership has EXPLICITLY said they want total immunity for all cops. This is what they want, this is the outcome they want. It’s LITERALLY part of their stated platform. Ackshuly sounds a lot like what NAAL replied. Huh.
  2. Post 919 and 924. No laws mentioned. Just Brisket sowing more racism and political nonsense and NAAL saying it’s actually not what’s being posted online in 2A forums. Pretty simple back and forth there. Compared to Briskets mind? lolsolutely.
  3. No, not really. He just said that in real life, he’s seeing something different than Briskets post of feels. Sometimes following along can be difficult, but this example was pretty simple. If you’d like, I can try to hunt down a tiktok that can explain it for you?
  4. No point bud. Brisket has racial and political division to sow, how dare you provide a dissenting observation.
  5. No shit? That’s kind of the whole purpose of it. He very likely did. Dude made tons of $$$ on his own accord, and was/will be blessed further from his family excelling.
  6. Not really. Oh no, some internet guy says I don’t associate with Democrats, how will I ever survive? Just disappointed more than anything.
  7. Yeah who knows. Double whammy for R’s fighting their own apathy alongside huge boost from the D’s. There was a time your posts were at least funny, iirc. Put in a modicum of effort for the rest of the boards sake anyhow.
  8. Not sure. Every trumper I know understands that race is over, and not much reason to show up. All it takes is a reminder that they could lose the state as well, and they’ll reluctantly get up off the couch.
  9. Correct. This is typical trope from our resident I got my economics degree from TikTok captcommie bullshit. Looking forward to the opposite overcorrection that will follow this LT gains silliness.
  10. We donate a shitload each year. It’s just my opinion it should be up to the individual to make that choice, that’s all. I don’t know how that is construed as controversial.
  11. I mean you made a rather specific, controversial statement. There’s plenty more accusations I wouldn’t really gaf about, but your example is pure bullshit.
  12. Receipts or more bullshit?
  13. receipts or nah? Not going to have to worry about that. I don't care what color or sexual preference people have. Not a serious person? Your president just put in a justice that cant define woman. Fuck out of here if you want to discuss serious.
  14. For real tho. Too successful, something needs to be done about their unabashed greed. Gordon Gecko the CEO?
  15. Nah just out doings kids sports things. Your question was why I would vote for trump? I’m not, D’s have this one wrapped up, and the less R engagement from TX this go around may cause them to spend harder here going forward. Iirc, your other question was why would I want trump to win? Easy. Status quo is considerably better for me than the silly shit the D’s often occupy themselves with. But in the end, I realized in ‘20 that overall, I’m pretty much unaffected.
  16. Do you need to reread it? Maybe slower this time, where you sound out the words?
  17. For my life, D’s have been better, pretty convincingly. Hell, due to dumb policies they are usually unintentionally better for my industry. But I feel a lot better when the $$ is being wasted on military than flushing it down the toilet, investing in trash.
  18. That would be you, correct?
  19. Yep. Funny the dems that don’t mind being dems feel the R’s have been terrible since jumpstreet, and we are paying the dues from them now. Can’t really be both of the problem is “these days”.
  20. My absolute favorite part about the CR is there’s ~10 posters who don’t get offended or are actually proud being called a Democratic voter, but hundreds that vote lock fucking step but don’t want to be associated with them by name. Me? No way, I’m not a Democrat, pretty far from it. I just don’t believe in borders, encourage late term abortion, and should working middle class white families really be afforded a comfortable lifestyle they’ve worked for? Bout time those oppressors paid some reparations, imo. Props to Dennison, BT, and most of the surl gay mafia for being true to themselves.
  21. Yeah but can we even believe a video posted by Oliya Scootercaster?
  22. Round trip? Send them all to hell for all care.
  23. Why would terrorist sympathizers being assimilated with their terrorist idols he the same as sticking the klan with their rival/enemy? Am I missing something?
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