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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. That guy didn’t say anything about deportation though…
  2. This was our row at TS. Never been so thankful and assured an aggy didn’t design NRG.
  3. Makes my stomach jealous. Makes my heart jealous.
  4. You may want to kiss your 350 goodbye
  5. Good for me. I can lay the conduit lines the same as I can a gas line.
  6. Is it your contention that “or we’ll bring the war home” is not being chanted? Or do you just feel better when your approved Twitter “reporters” keep you from seeing that?
  7. Looked like a perfect day for them to provide a shitload of electricity into the grid. I bet they were.
  8. Drove by a couple of solar farms yesterday and they were cooking. I’m sure they were sucking it all up.
  9. I can’t believe he is allowed to post things capt disagrees with. What kind of pos would allow that?
  10. All I ask is they build these 3M affordable houses near capttifa and as far from me as fucking possible thxkbai. Hell put them over near the non-gouging grocery chains and we’ll just hang out over with the easily affordable HEBs
  11. Agree. Worth every penny for boots you plan to keep.
  12. It was cheap a few weeks ago. Need to get an update. 8.55 mid summer
  13. I’ve been replacing them all with the “10 year” 9v batts. We shall see if that puts it off a bit longer.
  14. I moved (via several dozen axles of SPMT) several drag lines in that area. Would dig under the plate and jack and crib them up, then move them a mile or so, then jack them back down.
  15. I do pretty much everything except fuck with garage springs. I’ve done it, I don’t need to do it anymore.
  16. Whew. We were still 9$ at buccees about 3 weeks ago.
  17. Need a second pic of arms to be sure. Still, wood.
  18. I know a guy with one. Eats a shitload of lettuce but seems like a pretty cool pet (member of the family for them). But something like 2 heads a day appetite.
  19. ETA: they are as much marketing or more as quality though, no disagreement there.
  20. This is one hell of an exaggeration. Even the delta in Ariats and Tecovas is substantial. I don’t think Tecovas are measured in years, but times worn. I’ve got at least one pair of crocs and one pair of ostrich that are on their 3rd sole with the cheap luccheses, both >10 years of consistent wear. Blackjack is considerably nicer than the last few Beans I’ve handled. Been awhile, but I’d say he same for RoM as well. My Beans and “cheaper” lucchese’s are indistinguishable imo. I like the BJ more than Lucc classics.
  21. I will. I’ve been watching that kid since he was doing dumb shit to his daily driver, and repairing it between videos. He catches a lot of flak because his entire schtick is trashing things to troll people. But for years he’s done it while telling people it’s dumb to care so much about material possessions. You could tell he genuinely believed that. Getting rich off of trolling people in the comments was one helluva a perk. A lot of the folks he collaborates with say he’s very genuine. He’s let guys that stole his stuff off without pressing charges, and only asking for an apology, offered them some $$ if they they needed it instead of further stealing, etc.
  22. 5 years, even on a premium battery, is getting your full money’s worth.
  23. And gave 100% credit to her therapist and their several times a week sessions for her return. Probably her ENT therapist. Eta: credit is due to overcoming mental blocks as well. Massive issue with athletes in this sport. She’s gets credit from me for overcoming that, but it hit her at a bad time
  24. I didn’t watch it. Agree that it shouldn’t have that tow rating. The 150 would hold up for decades longer, and is also carries an overrated tow capacity - all 1/2 tons do. People forget towing isn’t Just about moving it forward in perfect conditions. Either way, lol at WD doing work on the CT. There’s now a maroon and white wrapped CT around my area. How can you make this worse, hold my beer.
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