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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Constant

  1. Absolute atrocity. Burn it to the ground.
  2. Phase 2 of installing fascism. Even when wrong or illegal, do it anyway.
  3. I just hope every single eligible voter out there voted this election. Some people like activism until it comes down to the actual time to activate your voice. If those that get shit on in Texas would get off their asses and fucking vote, we wouldn’t be getting shit on in Texas, imo.
  4. Anyone still on the fence about Project 2025 being implemented?
  5. At some point MAGAts will have to realize Republicans hate unions, right?
  6. Yes there are already talking heads on Fox saying DEI could have played a factor.
  7. Just once can he say something presidential instead of acting like a 12 year old with a reaction youtube channel?
  8. Project 2025 stated he needs to replace 30% of the federal government workforce with loyalists. Thats all this is.
  9. If anyone else wants to join me in Illinois - the governor gets it.
  10. It will be a great litmus test on who you can cut out of your life.
  11. Without revealing too much about myself, the county voted Democratic, the mayor is a Democrat, and the city council is mixed. However, state politics aren’t focused on undermining education or women’s health, which are my two top priorities. I’m also confident that I won’t have to deal with any immigration-related issues. I spoke with the chief candidly and he and I are on the same page. Thats all I can ask for, and more than Texas will ever provide.
  12. Right after their done boycotting Columbo.
  13. This whole thing is stupid
  14. Shameful. Those men and women gave more for this country than Trump could ever dream of.
  15. They are telling you their intentions everyday.
  16. I have accepted a conditional offer of employment in central Illinois, with a potential start date in April or May. The whole family plans to join me in June. After considerable thought and research, I believe these particular circumstances are the best fit. I’m looking forward to living in a state that will fight this madness, not kowtow to it. If anyone is interested in living in Midlothian, I have a 3,500 sq ft home coming to market later this spring.
  17. Imagine trying to explain to him that some rivers flow north.
  18. It’s just going to be a daily deluge of poisonous bad news, getting progressively worse. How can we possibly address yesterday’s atrocities when tomorrow’s will be even worse? That’s how they’ll get away with it—vile overload.
  19. Be careful of what you tolerate. This is bigger than some website. They are cleansing the government of things they hate and minimizing who they’re willing to represent.
  20. The reality is you’re probably going to die you stupid fuck. Pro-life.
  21. Total psychopath bitchass.
  22. Probably trying to erase the 15th and the 19th as well.
  23. “The people can always be brought to the bidding of their leaders. All you have to do is tell them that they are in danger of being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.” -Hermann Goering “The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don’t ask for their love; only for their fear.” -Heinrich Himmler “If there had been a strong democratic sentiment in Germany, Hitler would never have come to power . [Germans] deserved what they got when they went round crying for a hero.” -AJP Taylor (historian) “Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state, has its roots in the street.” -Joseph Goebbels “Since the inception of the Nazi Party, social scientists have attempted to define its nature in terms of its membership. Scholars have described the party variously as a class movement, a regional movement, an anti-urban revolt against modernity, a generational revolt, even as a collection of losers, cut-throats and criminals.” -Paul Madden, historian I strongly believe Nazism is here in America.
  24. Tried to convince my wife she should delete tiktok since its outright censoring opposition to trump, but that went about as well as I thought it would. Pretty crazy the hold that app has even on her demographic.
  25. The offensive coordinator has already been hired. There’s a vacancy, and I wouldn’t mind trying to fill it with Knowles. That said, I’m leaning toward an internal promotion with Venables calling the defense.
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