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Everything posted by Constant

  1. Austin Stogner’s transfer plan makes sense now. He is 4-0 against Texas after spending last season at South Carolina. Next level thinking to skip the down year.
  2. It would require him to admit he made mistakes. Not his strong suit.
  3. Constant


    To be fair, the blocked punt was OU’s fault. The punter needed to be two steps further back and kick the ball on a single step. Instead, he went about it like we were on the 30 and got his shit rocked.
  4. Trouble in paradise. These problems seem familiar.
  5. Constant


    I like to think he was saying, “im fast af boi” while running all over Kyle field.
  6. Constant

    3rd and 9

    I respect the quote game you just showed if you’re on mobile. It’s a nightmare.
  7. Constant

    3rd and 9

    @Rickylovesweed You have not come to face your music so we’ll just do it here. Eat my ass. Eat my ass. Eat my ass. Eat my ass. Eat my ass. Eat my ass. Eat my ass. 23 offensive points. Eat Brent’s ass.
  8. Constant

    3rd and 9

    He did not return. He got his bell rung.
  9. Constant

    3rd and 9

    I’d imagine he’d be a little better covered if that were the case. It was a touchdown if the throw was better. Gotta love any and all theories on why y’all lost, though. Sanders probably should never have played at all. He looked so bad in warmups.
  10. After last season, I take nothing for granted.
  11. Very possible. Something that needs to be guarded against. Beating Texas won’t mean much if we fuck up against Central Florida.
  12. Well, I suppose its a good thing I wasn’t really talking to you.
  13. Constant

    3rd and 9

    Once won 5 in a row, 9 out of 11, and 11 total.
  14. I guess I shouldn’t limit it to any one fanbase. He’s done a good job and he has built a strong foundation for a good program. Some stuff, like NIL, may never be elite, but he’s building a program that can last and compete. We’ll see where it goes from here, but he should definitely have people’s attention now.
  15. You think that because you spend literally zero time or effort to learn anything about him - which I understand. If you’re open to the possibility of a different opinion, watch his speech here. He’s a humble, hard working man that grew up with extreme hardships and has earned this opportunity. He’s quite simply the antimeathead. He demands everyones best and knows how to get it.
  16. Alright. Continue the idiotic line of thinking I guess.
  17. Not sure why Texas fans assumed he wouldn’t be. Can’t even begin to count how many times I read we’ll be wandering the desert for a decade, he’s charlie strong, etc. Texas fans and Brandon Walker thought he’d fail. Great company to hold.
  18. Constant


    Davis Beville was a 3 star out of high school. Davis Beville could not complete a forward pass last season. We did not have a RB playing QB, but we did have TE playing QB for a lot of the game.
  19. To temper your optimism, here is Ethan Downs from Weatherford, Oklahoma manhandling a bonafide 1st round pick.
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