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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Constant

  1. I hope the plane train is broken and you have to walk a far distance you jerk.
  2. Yeah, and probably #1 in squandered resources so not super concerned.
  3. No, it doesn’t feel very different. We are big time fucked. Currently 9th in the SEC recruiting.
  4. I’d take that statement with a grain of salt. He may not be outright firing guys, but I expect some soft firings of Finley, and Murray.
  5. The ass kicking continues. The chasm between where we are and where we want to be grew a little larger today. I expect bad news from Fasusi as well because why the hell not. Perhaps they can toss the Mills NIL money to Fasusi pile and salvage something today.
  6. I just started my second round of this, about 10 years apart. I knew exactly what it was despite the doctor’s skepticism. She assumed it was an STI, but I knew that couldn’t be the case since I can barely convince my wife to agree to sex, and I haven’t seen South Austin’s mom in a long time. Regardless, I felt a bit offended but also like a Johns Hopkins MD when the CT scan revealed a 4mm stone near my bladder. I hate my life.
  7. Go to bed, grandpa.
  8. Brennan Thompson broke his ankle last night, so there goes top 6 WR’s.
  9. Give me OU vs. USC in whatever shit bowl they want.
  10. Physically whipped their ass all over the field.
  11. Should’ve just rained bottles down on the field instead.
  12. Dagger.
  13. Eli Bowen is a stud.
  14. Maybe he tucked it in weighted side down and struggled to get it out of his pants because he’s stupid.
  15. Love it only took 11 games to figure out how to run the ball.
  16. 205 yards rushing in first half for OU.
  17. I don’t know but I’ve never been less interested in watching a prime time game against Alabama.
  18. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything like this in my football life. For those keeping score, thats 5 starting/heavy rotation wideouts, 3 starting oline, 2 starting defensive backs, and a possible starting running back out tonight. This team was destined for mediocrity this season, but these injuries took any chance of competitive football away.
  19. A pedophile as AG would be one of the most shocking appointments, if it weren’t for the pedophile appointed as President.
  20. I’m sure he’ll get right on that—it’s not like he’s predatory himself or anything.
  21. Just another sad day for this country.
  22. !
  23. Spineless wet dog shit Marco Rubio for SoS is peak GOP.
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