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Everything posted by rpspeed

  1. The OP deleted it. The comments were gold.
  2. spoken like every Arky fan on Facebook..
  3. If nothing else Beto looks to have a fine future filling Pepsi machines nationwide.
  4. Saw this come across my feed..Miss St has some gangly volleyball players
  5. rpspeed

    Charlie Brewer

    I think the 2nd half might have been a tie between his love affair with Brewer and mentioning how Baylor actually dominated the game except for the last 4 minutes of the 2nd qtr.
  6. the truck did a 180, showing the brick wall they backed up against
  7. They mentioned climbing up a house they parked next to
  8. https://livestormchasing.com/stream/brett.adair
  9. @8:57 what did you guys say to each other at the end of the game...."no comment"
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