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Ollie Slatt

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Everything posted by Ollie Slatt

  1. A Brit would go with black. An Italian would go brown. In America its divided and seems to depend on age. Since the people you are interviewing with are old . . . black is the safest choice. However, very dark brown or corodovan shoes rarely look out of place.
  2. Your geography skills could use some work. BART does not go to SV.
  3. Blonde on Blonde
  4. I was scrolling through the comments thinking "its a shame these folks don't know about Gervinho" . . . and then BAM there he was. Clearly the hairline GOAT.
  5. I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but while browsing Redfin I came across this house: https://www.redfin.com/TX/Austin/1306-Elton-Ln-78703/home/31225939 Its as if someone invented a time machine and sent Mitch Cumstein's wife back in time to 1967 with some good drugs and an unlimited decorating budget. I dig it. Unfortunately, I am sure the new owners will have a very different vision for the house/lot.
  6. You don't go there for the brisket. They may have the best tacos in Austin.
  7. I agree with the sentiment to some extent. But these are not the best examples. There are a whole lot of TS songs where she has the sole writing credit, including a lot of big hits. And you could strip all the production out of some of those songs and IMO make them much better (see the Allison Krause and Vince Gill version of "Red" from the CMAs for proof of this). The girl is a real talent and would have succeeded with other producers, co-writers, etc. Also have to point out that a large number of the "real" artists we all love from the last 5 years all work with the same producer (Dave Cobb). That includes Isbell, Brandi Carlisle, and Sturgill (on the better of his albums). So it is not like flashy artists like TS are the only ones benefiting from talented producers who make their work better. As for Lucinda, she won grammys for Car Wheels on a Gravel Road and for Passionate Kisses. What else has she done that is particularly worthy of recognition. Steve and Dwight probably should have won more than they have, but both are hurt by the fact that by far their best work was on debut albums when nobody knew who they were.
  8. So I started this damn country bandCause punk rock was too hard to sing
  9. I've got two ears and a heart, don't I?
  10. At least now we know why he didn't have time to check his emails.
  11. When the weather warms up, you should start taking your kids fishing in some of the local creeks. Onion Creek, Bull Creek, the San Gabriel, Brushy Creek . . . all have decent fishing. Once you figure out what you are doing through some repetition, you wont get skunked, and exploring the creeks looking for new fishing holes is half the fun anyway. My kids are younger but they love it -- I bring good snacks and act like anything they catch is a trophy (even tiny sunfish).
  12. So are we looking at an earlier than normal white bass run this year? I like to make one or two trips to Reimers each year, but I never quite seem to hit it at the peak.
  13. I once met a McGill grad who said "We like to say that Harvard is America's McGill." Make sure she never says that.
  14. Ollie Slatt


    It’s kid friendly and convenient. But the other Neapolitan options in Austin (pious, buffalino) are much, much better.
  15. "I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona"
  16. I was just about to guess Tommasos. It would be hard to think of a more stereotypical classic Italian restaurant than that. For the really good Italian food in SF, you generally have to get outside of North Beach and go somewhere like Flour+Water (the Mission) or A16 (the Marina). However, the North Beach places are still fun if you like the kitschy old-school Italian-vibe (pictures of Sinartra, red and white tablecloths, candles in Chianti bottles, etc.) Of those places, my favorites are probably Tommasos and Firenze by Night (which has great gnocchi)
  17. Isn't there a plan to expand/rebuild Murchison soon to address this issue? I know they are in the process of rebuilding Doss.
  18. Interesting thread. I am actually in the process of looking at houses zoned to Doss because I have young kids and am under the impression the Doss - Murchison - Anderson track is about the best option in AISD. I have no interest in moving further out of central Austin or dealing with the privilege/entitlement issues in Eanes. Is there really a cause for concern with Anderson, or are people on this thread being dramatic? The one issue I have with Northwest Hills is that housing falls into two categories: single-family homes in the $750k-1.5M range; and run down apartments. It seems like the divide between have and have not could be pretty obvious in that setting and create some interesting social dynamics among kids.
  19. How many neighborhoods in America could Ocho Cinco move in and not be the flamboyant weird neighbor? Amazing
  20. Anybody know when the new Tatsu-ya place is opening on Burnet next to the TacoDeli? It seems like it has been rumored for almost a year, but I have not heard anything about an opening date. I know this is a thread about Anderson, but its the same general area.
  21. East Side Cafe is closing at the end of the month. Not many restaurants in Austin that I would be truly upset if they closed, but this is one of them. I have been going there for 15+ years, and that buttermilk pie is one of the best food items in the city.
  22. This was basically my thinking with Keto first time around. I dropped 35 pounds over 5-6 months and then started reintroducing some carbs into the diet. The problem was that I had grown accustomed to eating a lot of high fat food, and when you add carbs back it is a recipe for fast weight gain. I gained everything back over the course of a year. Now in round 2 of keto and this time will do a lot more thinking about my exist plan and what a post-keto diet should look like.
  23. My understanding of Keto has always been that you only count net carbs anyway (i.e., fiber doesn't count as a carb). So I eat a lot of high fiber stuff on Keto.
  24. Agree with most of this except about Fonda. The atmosphere is great, but its food is not blowing anyone out of the water. Suerte is easily better and El Naranjo is at least as good.
  25. I like the 10+ course tasting menus just like everyone else, but they all kind of run together in my memory to the point that no specific one stands out. So here are some simpler meals: - Cafe Jacqueline in SF: Tiny restaurant run by an old french woman. The entire menu is comprised of souffles. - Antico Noe in Florence: Sandwich shop in an alley. I just remember sitting outside with some friends and eating what had to be the best sandwich of my life. - I once finished up an 8 day backpacking trip that included some epic trout fishing. Body was completely breaking down by the end of the hike. We get back to the car and I polish off a sleeve of thin mints and a beer. 15 years later it is still lodged in my memory. Nothing tastes better than good food after a long day of backpacking or hunting.
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