I agree with the sentiment to some extent. But these are not the best examples.
There are a whole lot of TS songs where she has the sole writing credit, including a lot of big hits. And you could strip all the production out of some of those songs and IMO make them much better (see the Allison Krause and Vince Gill version of "Red" from the CMAs for proof of this). The girl is a real talent and would have succeeded with other producers, co-writers, etc.
Also have to point out that a large number of the "real" artists we all love from the last 5 years all work with the same producer (Dave Cobb). That includes Isbell, Brandi Carlisle, and Sturgill (on the better of his albums). So it is not like flashy artists like TS are the only ones benefiting from talented producers who make their work better.
As for Lucinda, she won grammys for Car Wheels on a Gravel Road and for Passionate Kisses. What else has she done that is particularly worthy of recognition. Steve and Dwight probably should have won more than they have, but both are hurt by the fact that by far their best work was on debut albums when nobody knew who they were.