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Ollie Slatt

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Everything posted by Ollie Slatt

  1. Ollie Slatt


    I like some of Midland's songs, but they are not in the same league as Sturgill, Margo Price, or a lot of the other indie country acts out there now. In fact, these guys are more of a creation of the Nashville machine reacting to the fact that country audiences were suddenly interested in more authentic music (e.g., Chris Stapleton). The front man is a former model, they are signed on Big Machine (Taylor Swift label), and the songs were written by Shane McAnally (same guy writing hits for the Sam Hunts and Luke Bryans of the world). There are also articles out there calling bullshit on the entire backstory about them being a hard-working Austin band: https://www.savingcountrymusic.com/despite-the-quality-of-on-the-rocks-midland-are-still-bullshitters/ All that said, the songs are catchy and not bad.
  2. Maybe he was only admitted there due to his swimming prowess
  3. Klobuchar is interesting. I don't know much about her other than she seems likable and is wildly popular in her home state. Any negatives?
  4. Most bikes for kids that age weigh a ton when you compare them to the weight of the kid. So get something light. Our son has a Woom and rides it like a champ. He started riding it at 4 and is not a particularly athletic/strong kid, but having a bike that fit and did not weigh much made all the difference. I think Woom's primary US location is in Austin.
  5. https://www.businessinsider.com/matthew-whitaker-robert-mueller-investigation-defunding-2018-11 Apparently the new AG previously floated a plan to simply strip necessary funding from Mueller rather than firing him. I wonder if they will go this route . . . strip funding and do everything possible to limit the scope of the investigation rather than firing. It would be similar to the way they made sure the Kavanaugh investigation lacked teeth. And that plan would be a lot less likely to draw public ire than firing Mueller since most Americans are incapable of understanding something this nuanced. Hopefully the investigation is far enough along that none of this matters.
  6. Ollie Slatt


    I like the french dip at Biderman's. For Pastrami, Pieous is pretty hard to beat. Just wish they had a location in central Austin.
  7. My freshman roommate is a great guy. We have been friends most of our lives. But during freshman year he just sort of lost all inhibitions and gave in to weirder impulses, most of which involved trolling the other dudes on our dorm floor. We still keep up and laugh about all this shit now. Examples include: - upon realizing most of the other guys on the dorm floor were small town redneck dudes, he painted our dorm room pink. Also started wearing a sweater with a big rainbow across the front. - He hung up a bunch of pinups in the room that I am pretty sure came from vintage copies of JET magazine. I had to take them down because it freaked out every girl that came to our room. - He found a hat/mask from a child's blues clues Halloween costume. Would wear it -- and nothing else -- down to the communal bathroom on the floor to take a piss (often in the sink). Would also occasionally urinate in the dorm elevator (while sober) - He downloaded a mp3 of loud sex noises. When we were going out for the evening, he would sometimes crank that up on his computer and then leave it on for hours while we were gone. I think there is a ton of other stuff I am forgetting. Eventually the other guys in our dorm decided they liked the roommate after realizing he was not gay and was a musician (which somehow made all the strange behavior seem acceptable to them).
  8. I saw her at SXSW this year. Probably the best show I attended.
  9. And awesomely crowded. They need about twice the seating. But the food is great.
  10. That was actually just a clever ploy by Gander Mountain to attract customers. They were overstocked with 223 ammo and tactical clothing and needed to clear out some inventory.
  11. To those saying it no longer feels like the rest of Texas . . . Austin may have never truly been for you. And if you left Austin to move to some generic Houston suburb, then I can guarantee that is the case. It has always been unique and different from the rest of Texas, and hopefully it always will be. Now this feels like a more legit point. But I think it is more down to the increased availability of real career-focused jobs in Austin and the increased cost of living that has accompanied the economic growth. That has little to do with whether new arrivals to Austin are from out of state. An influx of career-minded processionals from Dallas or Houston would have the same effect (or worse) on Austin culture.
  12. Keeping with the theme of parent abandonment. Here is a Sufjan track discussing his mother, who had serious mental issues, abandoning him in a video store. Actually, half of Sufjan's songs could qualify for this thread.
  13. Isn't that the beauty of "originalism"? You get to ascribe a single intent to a large group of people with varying viewpoints who after lengthy debate and negotiation put down a single compromised position on paper. Its always bullshit, so the judge gets to pretend like whatever interpretation fits their political leaning is what the original drafters must have intended.
  14. This one always gets me
  15. When I saw the thread title my first thoughts were Grand Tour and TVZ's Marie (already posted above). Here is a nice little version of Grand Tour
  16. Of course it will be. These are largely the same people people still talking about welfare queens 20 years after they go the welfare reforms they wanted. Republican fear mongering does not have to be rooted in truth to work.
  17. That is interesting and very funny. I had just assumed California was doing this more as a political stunt . . . I never considered that the feds failed to preempt state action.
  18. This thread reminded me of law school when we had to go though all of the commerce clauses cases chronologically up through Gonzales v. Raich, which is a case worth reading for anyone interested in this issue. You dip into the case law and it becomes very clear that some conservatives (Rehnquist) actually do care about states' rights. Others (Scalia) care about it only up to the point where the consequences become politically unpalatable for them. In this instance, there is an obvious interstate element -- certainly a lot more of an impact on interstate commerce than homegrown medical MJ, which was at stake in Raich. From a legal perspective, the Feds should probably be able to win the case. And rightly so. But that does not change the hypocrisy. We had many decades of conservatives bloviating about states being a laboratory for new ideas, a substantive 10th amendment, etc. They largely abandoned those principles when "states rights" stopped being code for protecting racists and started being code for states liberalizing MJ laws and trying to protect the environment.
  19. Texan and former ok state basketball walk-on Mason Cox plays for Collingwood. Hope he has a big game.
  20. Interesting. The few times I have been there it was filled with olds in pleated pants. I think of it as a spot for convention attendees. I don't think the food is bad, but it is certainly not exciting. Very generic southern food.
  21. https://www.texasobserver.org/cody-wilson-austins-edgelord-prince/ I just read this on the guy. Apparently, he is the sort of tool that writes a memoir before turning 30 and soft minded enough to get radicalized at an Alex Jones affiliated bookstore on the drag.
  22. This. I heard an interview with this guy recently (maybe on NPR). Seemed like a complete ass. The interviewer would ask thoughtful questions, and his response to every question was both moronic (he basically answered every question with some version of "because I believe in the 2nd amendment") and said in the most condescending tone imaginable.
  23. He could have used the IHG status at Van Zandt or Stephen F. Maybe he is just a holiday inn by the ARCH kind of guy.
  24. That is strange. I wonder if it indicates some sort of disease or is just a weird marking. Did you keep him? I have not kept a freshwater trout in years, but I would have been very tempted to take that one out of the population.
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