I would suggest that anyone weighing whether to have kids ask themselves a few questions first:
(1) How solid is the marriage? This is important for a few reasons. First, kids make marriage about 5x harder. Suddenly your spouse cannot devote the time and attention to you they did before (and vis versa), and both parents will sometimes be prone to feeling like they are spending all of their time doing things for other people (i.e., the kids), which can lead to resentment issues. Second, once you have kids, you are a more locked-in to the marriage. While they would probably never admit this out loud, I have friends who I suspect remain married more for the sake of their kids than anything else. You don't want to be that person.
(2) Do both people really want kids? Seems obvious, but sometimes one spouse essentially agrees to have kids (or additional kids) to make the other one happy. Someone can grow into a good parent even if they did not want kids, but this could also lead to resentment or one person simply deciding to be a less active parent.
(3) How much do you (or your spouse) drink? This one may come off as too judgmental, but I think there is a conflict between heavy/regular drinking and parenting young kids. Parenting takes a lot of time, attention, and patience (including early in the morning), and it seems extra difficult for the types of parents that needs multiple glasses of wine every night.