I did not grow up in either state, but spent about a decade living in each of Cal and Texas. So I feel i am uniquely qualified to wade into these disputes. My opinion:
- Mexican food in Texas is just overall better. Its true of Tex Mex and even things like interior Mexican food. I think the health consciousness of Californians may be holding them back in this regard. With that said, Cal Mex does make great use of seafood, which can be awesome. We could use some seafood focused Mexican places in Austin.
- The most iconic Cal Mex item is the mission style burrito. Great idea . . . I love burritos. But, while they may have invented it, its just not that hard to make a good burrito. As a result, Even the most famous taquerias in the Mission are not putting out burritos that are head and shoulders above what you can find elsewhere in the country. Cabo Bob's puts out a better burrito than 90+% of Bay Area taquerias. Its more like NY and Cheesecake than it is Cen Tex and brisket, if that makes sense.
- Putting aside Mexican food and a few other obvious foods (like barbecue), almost every other type of food is going to be better on average in California (and especially northern California). And that is true on the high end and the low end. Even basic things like deli sandwiches tend to be better. Probably a variety of causes, including access to the best/freshest produce in the world, more commitment to patronizing small businesses instead of chains, large affluent populations that are food obsessed (and have been for decades longer than other parts of the country), and more ethnic diversity (including significant Asian and Italian populations).