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Disco Strangler

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Everything posted by Disco Strangler

  1. Has anyone ever done more to sabotage their own reputation in such a spectacular manner? What a three-month tailspin for "America's Mayor": -Borat 2: Caught on film being sexual / creepy as shit with someone he believed was a minor -Four Seasons Landscaping -Sweating diarrhea down his face while spouting diarrhea out of his mouth in one of his numerous, slanderous press conferences -Almost certainly headed to a bankrupt future due to the aforementioned slander <torbush.gif>
  2. Which one of you beautiful bastards gets credit for the Buda billboard.
  3. Looks like The Pin Man is going to finally lose his virginity. It will not be by choice.
  4. Feller is a cock-eyed scoundrel. <Allegedly> Fucked Donna Campbell’s staff member <Allegedly>. I’m not one to judge a man for the fidelity to his wife, unless you stomp around in a “Christian” cloak of righteousness. It’s a bad look for the self-righteous and some of that stink eventually rubs off on Christianity. Ground swell is developing (gushing) to primary his ass. I will donate to both the R and D for his replacement. Wish we could have the FBI drag him off without waiting for two more years.
  5. She lived in Canada. He met her at Niagra Falls. You wouldn't know her.
  6. I often fantasized about how I would have cut short Hitler’s time in the spotlight. Until now, I never thought that I might be able to tittie fuck Hitler to death. . . .
  7. Nobel Peace Prize, motha fuckas. . . . Andres is who we all should aspire to be.
  8. Then I found out about movie tricks. Trick photography. I was crushed.
  9. You don’t want me on that jury, counselor. Guy showed up for sedition, dressed prepared for sedition, actively entered the “sedition zone.” But his defense is entrapment because the anti-sedition forces failed to keep me out? Hang him out to dry as a seditionist. He’s guilty as shit and doesn’t deserve the privileges that he was born into.
  10. Flee the country, no US Secret service. Dude isn’t going to come out of pocket for his own security. Israel or Saudi Arabia might bankroll his exile for a bit, but he will be miserable and will wear out his welcome in weeks. Florida is where he is going and his shit will be on blast until he dies in shame in the next two years.
  11. This list is not accurate for objections to Biden’s certification, at least for Texas. Here is the accurate Texas vote list: https://www.texastribune.org/2021/01/07/texans-congress-vote-electoral-college-certification/?utm_source=articleshare&utm_medium=social
  12. Did you see the debate? Perdouche is still gargling Listerine to get the taste of Ossof’s balls out of his mouth. Owned to an embarrassing degree. He can’t say Ossof’s name out loud, but no way he is forgetting it.
  13. So, anyone else predicting that Joe Strauss is reading tea leaves to see whether or not to primary Dan Patrick or even Hot Wheels? Guy has been pretty quiet since leaving the Lege, but starting to see some public condemnations of the recent horse shit. If Texas remains red (at least next term, it’s likely), I would prefer moderate / economic “conservative” guidance than the nut jobs currently at the wheel.
  14. He should request that he be sent to one of those all white prisons. What? There is no such thing? Prepare your anus, traitor.
  15. Abbot would most likely appoint himself and roll right into Cruz' senate seat. You would not be able to object based on lack of standing.
  16. She going to go through some things. Year two of Jenny’s incarceration, Trump dies in his own prison cell after multitudes of exposed crimes prove that he was a foreign asset all along. Working in the prison laundry, Jenny hits rock bottom with regret of her life choices thus far. The following week, Jenny embraces Islam. Around that same time, the relationship with her cell mate becomes one that teaches her the pleasures of female tenderness. Things improve for Jenny over the next four years of her sentence thanks in part to some serious self-reflection, as well as a computer programming class that the new warden has implemented. Unfortunately, Jenny never fully takes control over her diabetes. She dies of a stroke six months before her first parole hearing.
  17. Suggests that the 25th is not seriously in play. Mrs. Turtle is one of the cabinet members I would expect to be in camp of removing Trump to erode his influence in the GOP.
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