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Disco Strangler

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Everything posted by Disco Strangler

  1. I have donated to M J. That said . . . Her best chance for victory is being the only viable candidate as Trump self-immolates and takes every treasonous R down with him. So, I give her a 50/50 shot. As a corollary, John C was a fellow San Antonian who rose to power under “normal” Republican principles and was someone I disagreed with, but never thought was anti- American, anti-democracy or nihilistic (fucker was on Tx Sup Ct and signed my law license). It has never been more clear that he is not only complacent but complicit in the complete subversion of our democracy. A canary in the coal mine as to what Trump would do to the (R) party (spoiler alert: he turned it into a glory hole for himself and his yes-men). Not to short-change him, but Ted Cruz is a piece of shit, yet he is the bastard who we always knew he was. However, Corny is worse because he bent the knee, folded up any ‘principles’ he had and has been the Trump cheerleader that would embarrass anyone who know what real character looks like. He turned a blind eye as Trump took a flamethrower to our Constitution, himself took the tea-party position of no compromises as whip in the senate, toasted COVID-19 with a Corona beer, and lastly stopped answering constituent emails asking for a dialogue on his role on important Texas issues in the Senate Fuck Corny.
  2. History’s greatest monster. And did you hear about Michelle’s sleeveless dress?
  3. Remember the story told in A Very Stable Genius (Mathis, Kelly, Tillerson and others meeting Trump at the Pentagon to explain the importance of NATO) had more of the same 3rd grade insult language that is reflected in the Atlantic article: “I wouldn’t go to war with you people,” Trump told the assembled brass. Addressing the room, the commander in chief barked, “You’re a bunch of dopes and babies.”
  4. Praying hard regarding the thread bumping on this topic. T and P! Any dittos out there? Smega-dildos? . . . Anyway, I have a cold 40 that I am saving for a pour-out for this fat guy who bought drugs from his housekeeper, yet went on to inspire so many . . . to hate their neighbors.
  5. Regerts. Plenty of folks had the same reaction. Bet he picks his nose and eats it.
  6. Um, no. But, Trump is a man-baby and Schiff repeatedly destroyed Trump’s ass (no lube) during the impeachment trial.
  7. Will government fix the Fox problem with a return to the Fairness Doctrine? Doubtful. Politics wont let that happen. The solution is in the free market: Fox News channel is valued around $10B. Bloomberg blew $1B on worthless four month campaign. Bezos has had earned about $33B (thus far) during Covid with constant criticism by Trump (such that Trump is ready to privatize postal service to spite Bezos). America’s billionaire elite need to take one for the country. Buy Fox and neuter the channel from the inside. Compromise every member of on-air media with buy-outs and non-competes. Take glee in slowly getting the olds to turn their opinion around with people shouting (Why don’t we have universal insurance when Germany does - we kicked their asses in the big one!). Simultaneously, put some cash into salting the earth on OAN or whatever is next.
  8. Hits close to home. I too am well hung. But, that's just our cross to bear.
  9. This post made me want to tell you - try harder. But I just kept reading. Your next two posts . . . totally_redeemed_yourself.gif
  10. No shit this. Father’s Day is to spend time with your kids - not to victory lap that your sperm made offspring. Hopefully Bannon shot some hoops with his real dad. Maybe Eric and Junior can get some reimbursement from pops for the therapy they need (but will never get)
  11. Why didn’t we see the same type of massive protests that we have had in response to George Floyd’s murder when we went through Colombine? Sandy Hook? Orlando nightclub? Virginia Tech? Mandalay Bay? Stoneman Douglas? Santa Fe High? Sunderland Springs? El Paso Walmart? Countless others. We have seen public sentiment reach critical mass on racism. It will reach critical mass on gun control soon. It’s coming. Second Amendment fans will wonder what happened to their stronghold on the issue and wonder how the change happened so fast. Change is coming and the old NRA “slippery slope” argument for fighting tooth and nail against the slightest change is a loser bet. These kids doing active shooter drills for the past few years protest and march their asses off, so I’m betting they are going to vote en mass as well. If you are in the 2A camp, this is your window of action. Don’t buy more guns. Instead, put your money where your mouth is. Invest in mental health with real treatment sponsorship. Agree to global background checks. End gun show loopholes. Meet reasonable legislation half-way. Stand up for truth when nut jobs call the next Sandy Hook victims “actors.” Stop the good guy with a gun fantasy play, and set up a fund for victims of random gun violence based on a voluntary fee when buying guns or ammo. Change is coming. Positive action. By you. Right now. Is the only way to head off the kind of changes that you see as worst case scenario.
  12. On Founding Fathers vs. Confederate Losers: our 17th century founders have warts, but are the winners writing history and remain revered in spite of their warts. The statues were erected out of a place of reverence that endures, even as we dig deeper and talk about into the uglier and more broken failings of these men. The traitors of the Confederacy have statues not erected out of a sense of reverence, but out of a continued attempt to suppress the cause of freedom and equality they explicitly stood against. All of the Rob E Lee High Schools in Texas started after (and in response to) Brown v Board of Education. These monuments are not about honoring the ideals of flawed men, but honoring the flawed ideals themselves.
  13. The new RTJ4 is fire. The song Walking in the Snow is the best protest song since Four Dead in Ohio.
  14. You on the party line with Brisket, or is there a phone talkin’ club that the rest of us can’t join?
  15. Does Texas reap the benefits of this “windfall”? I’m expecting magnified shades of Chicago 1968 and can’t imagine the amount of protests and tension NC is avoiding. Thankful that SA mayor Ron Nirenberg said F-off to the R convention two years ago.
  16. I chose to put one of the posters on this thread on ignore six months ago. Now that I revisit this thread, I’m aware that this poster only really posts on THIS thread. This website contains multiple sections and subsections, but well played, comrade.
  17. This kind of thread is where Surly shines (and simultaneously insists upon itself)
  18. But of course, mask wearing has become a culture war issue. Wear a mask in close quarters? Shit, I would rather kneel for the anthem. My mask-free face is a symbol of my individuality and my belief in a personal freedom. It was easy to see it coming: Trump advised mask wearing when the recommendation started, but also went out of his way to state that he would certainly not be wearing one. Pence tours a Covid ward and is the only person who can't be bothered to wear one. Trump tours a mask factory, refusing to wear a mask. Cities like San Antonio and Austin put teeth into mask ordinances, only to have Gov. Hot Wheels (after putting his finger in the air to see which way the conservative wind was blowing) completely gut local control by making it an unenforceable recommendation. The new study from Austria shows that mask wearing reduces Covid transmission by 90%. It should be an easy sell, Golden Rule issue for the already-vulnerable MAGA crowd. But, they have confused something that is a minor inconvenience for the collective good with the concept of "fighting tyranny."
  19. He literally Jim Jones’ed some cult members with his command to drink the Kool Aid.
  20. His wife is pegging his sweet ass tonight. Weak ass beta cuck. To keep his ego intact, what’s it gonna take. Gonna have to tell the boys at Cracker Barrel that he made that candystriper cry and put that libtard in her place.
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