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Disco Strangler

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Everything posted by Disco Strangler

  1. That’s some 20/ __ hindsight.
  2. The fattie with the mask. Family Guy Fawkes
  3. How many of these fuckers goin to prison in the next three years? Gonna be more than Trump’s 2016 circle of dipshits. Hopefully Jared gets the Shawshank shower treatment.
  4. Counterpoint: if team (R) cared about the Constitution or country, we would have a more competent leader (not much, but definitely more) who would be a steadier hand in this debacle. Pence would not have lead as many sheep over the misinformation cliff. Instead, they traded our future on the 50/50 chance (at that time, less now) that they would hold onto their power. That vote was our country’s turning point, not a distraction.
  5. True story: People kept referencing "Lt. Dike" in their posts on this board, and every time I assumed they were referring to our own Danny Goeb, who is Lt. Governor and kinda looks like an elderly female lesbian. Only today have I figured out the Band of Bros connection.
  6. Foreshadowing: Early news - Chinese virus, wet market issues, I made jokes about “bat soup” on 1/19 (MLK weekend 2020) . . . It was a story onTV then. The Setting: The moment in time that we rejected WHO tests, setting the course of a multi-week delay until CDC developed tests. Conclusion: First Trump “daily” press conference - “We have 5 MILLION ‘Chinese virus’ tests rar’ing to go . . . and we will test err body” [Opie Cunningham / Narrator: They didn’t . . .] Shocker / real story: Why did we forego the WHO tests and decide that we would go our own way with new CDC tests? Who was at that meeting? What was the strategy? Prediction: The journalist answering this issue wins the Pulitzer (Quote me when this happens)
  7. Maybe we need a code word language. Like Chad Johnson on Hard Knocks: Child please = Trump is going to kill us all shiiiiit = a unified federal response would have shown real leadership say what? = where are the 4M tests that were coming 10+ days ago?
  8. Would be delicious if George Soros put up his bail money.
  9. Soy bean welfare queens. Meanwhile, think of how much money we are saving by cutting back on free/discounted school lunches for those little bastards ripping us off and scamming the system. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps, punks!
  10. This reminds me of the glorious Aggie fan stories about visiting teams kicking the shit out of the Ags on the field, but utterly changed in their spirit by experiencing the wonder of Kyle Field and hospitality of 100K gomers. Pure. Fan. Fiction.
  11. Trump just handing out Presidential Medals of Freedom to his golfing buddies: Tiger. Rush. Next up. Kid Rock, come on down.
  12. Ever notice that IANAL is Lanai spelled backwards? Coincidence?
  13. Surly attorney here say that Pat Cippolone violated ethics rules by participating in the defense while he was a fact witness to the meeting directing the quid pro quo. Needs to lose his law license over that.
  14. The Profiles In Chickenshit 2020 award goes to . . . You may know him as Lyin’ Ted . . . his dad killed Kennedy . . . His wife is not attractive to the President or to him. . . He jerked off with Canadian Bacon while peeping through the keyhole at his best friend taking a dump . . . it’s the guy who is as equally Hispanic as Tom Cruise but infinitely less cool, memorable, or overall mentally fit human . . . It’s . . .Ted Cruz
  15. Obama has a time machine to spy on a less obese Trump.
  16. Counterpoint: since it’s Australia, 500M of those animals were venomous man-killing freaks of evolution. Still, fuck all the climate change deniers and ass clowns who will remain skeptical - may their grandkids piss on their graves.
  17. You remember Nixon’s best argument against impeachment: we gotta see what documents the Democrats had in those file cabinets in the Watergate building.
  18. Lubbock, Corvallis, Starkville. Leach definitely has a type.
  19. Like the triple option. Good LBs will eventually flip the tables. However, in the era of spread, Too many LBs on the field are a liability.
  20. What's the last thing you want to hear while you are giving Willie Nelson a blowjob? -I'm not Willie Nelson
  21. McGahn also received orders from the president to fire Muller (which he did not follow), but the president lied about and was and was one of the largest pillars of obstruction of justice included in Muller's report.
  22. Just e-mailed Cruz and Cornyn to ask them the question of whether they watched today's hearing. Seems like they should. I will let you know what they say.
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