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Disco Strangler

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Everything posted by Disco Strangler

  1. They say. . . (1) that Melania moved back to New York 4-5 months ago, (2) Barron is not actually Donald's son, but may be Don Jr.'s son, and (3) Donald forced Melania to have an abortion when they were dating and before they got married because Donald was concerned that it was not his.
  2. Imagine a coordinated tweet attack among all Dem candidates, each dropping a bullying nickname at the same time. Warren kicks off the party with "he calls me Pocohantas, what should Donald's 'Indian name' be?" Suggestions tweeted by the minute: Little Hands Donald, Putin's Reek, Bigly The PornSlayer, Raw Dog the Bounty Hunter. . . .
  3. Barr refused to address Congress' question of whether he had already shared / leaked the findings of Mueller's report to Team Trump, which means of course he has. The delay in producing the redacted report is not because it is taking so long to redact it, but because Team Trump is using the time to refine their "counter-report" so that they can release it (and the Fox-friendly talking points) at the same time as the Mueller report.
  4. As a veteran of the UT “Government” (class of 1992) vs A&M “Political Science” wars, this hits close to home. Would that it were, Massie. . . Would that it were.
  5. Dude looks like what would happen if Coach Pop butt-fucked David Letterman.
  6. Why is Tig Nataro sitting next to Trump in San Antonio?
  7. Either get busy living, or get busy sodomizing traitors. - Red
  8. Path to defeat: (1) every voter distracted from real issues of health care, disappearance of middle class, corrupt / traitorous president, (2) shift focus to red meat click bait, including: (a) reparations, bitch!, (b) late term / post-birth abortions (thanks, VA black-face Gov), (c) "socialism" as defined by Fox News and without push-back. (3) every "God-fearing, red-blooded" US citizen (including all of those related to me) can't shut up about this shit for months, worked into a 2020 voting frenzy. Maybe these ideas open a path to nomination for more centric candidates like Biden or Beto. Maybe they open up a conversation or ideology shift that awakens our grandchildren's generation. They will not turn out votes that get Public Enemy No 1 out of office, but will turn out his closeted supporters in droves. Clearer heads need to prevail. Cut this shit out and focus on real problems, real solutions. Stop injecting Red Bull into the MAGA veins.
  9. Apparently Texas A&m School f Law needs to hire a new evidence 101 professor.
  10. Does this affect those of us filing quarterly? . . . Banging 10s (hottest on campus)
  11. Hurd was on the committee last term as well and rubber stamped all of the Nunez ‘release the memo’ nonsense intended to gloss over any real oversight on the Russia treason we have been living with for the last two years. Biggest reason I voted for Ortiz-Jones over that Aggie. 2020 will be unkind to him despite his efforts to paint himself as a good Anti-Trump GOPer.
  12. How could she be lesbian? She sponsored a religious bill in 2014 that allowed for discrimination against gays. Does not compute - need pics for confirmation.
  13. Movie title that describes my last trip to the loo: A River Runs Through It
  14. Is she being sworn in on a Federal Reporter?
  15. "Take the guns first, go through due process second." -Not Obama
  16. Beto is running. This commentary on top of his recent appearances at the tent cities in Tornillo show him doing much more than testing the water. The more criticism of the Trump at this point in the cycle, the better. Don't know if the Operation Send Our Troops to the Border Just In Time for Election Day (aka Operation Scare the Olds) made the difference in the final outcome of our senate race or not, but Beto has a special standing to call that shit out for exactly what it was. I expect Julien Castro is waiting to see what Beto does before throwing his hat in the ring. Between those two, Beto definitely is the more tested candidate of the two. He actually put his balls on the line to put some real skin in the game for Texas. Bernie's saggy old man balls were too old in 2016 and he needs to keep his ass on the sidelines from here on out. The free world cannot afford to have him be the 2020 nominee.
  17. (10) The Now Now - Gorillaz (9) Expectations - Wild Child (8) Scorpion - Drake (7) Be the Cowboy - Mikski (6) A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships - The 1975 (5) Good Thing - Leon Bridges (4) Lo Moon - Lo Moon (3) Honey - Robyn (2) Caer - Twin Shadow (1) Astroworld - Travis Scott Honorable mention for best song of the year when sung by the student section during a UT game: Mo Bamba - Sheck Wes
  18. Afraid of the hand grenade being rolled into the golden latrine.
  19. Do none of you remember having to either listen to Texas vs Rice on the radio, or watching Texas vs a nobody on PPV?
  20. Go watch the Sooner Network. Or the Aggie Network. Oh wait . . .
  21. Good man? More like BEST MAN. . . . At Joe Dirt's wedding. Nice boutonniere.
  22. Expect to be worn out after driving my Dodge Caravan full of seven Guatemalans around to vote in Medina, Kerr, Bandera and then Sutton Counties. Probably will just cash my Soros check and head to bed
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