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Disco Strangler

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Everything posted by Disco Strangler

  1. So, the Fuck Joe Biden / Let’s Go Brandon dipshits believe that presidential respect and decorum have been compromised? At a rasslin match no less! Signs and wonders . . . .
  2. Does anyone know who this old guy is?
  3. 30 stone = 420 pounds. I might have a heart attack from just seeing someone that fat naked.
  4. Tex Drillerson AND Big Bertha? How are we not ranked in with the Ivy Leage?
  5. Washington Post has a great calculator that will tell you where you rank statistically. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/interactive/2023/middle-class-income/
  6. Did I miss a discussion about the Asian honey they keep showing in the stands?
  7. Three squares a day and all the dick you can suck, or he can go to prison
  8. Well, polish up that Edward R. Murrow award. Journalism will never be the same again.
  9. Hey, some asshole dork taped some bullshit to your back. Let me help you out and take that embarrassing sign off you.
  10. Try that kind of outburst next year in the exercise yard, gonna get shanked.
  11. Based on the the rapid rate of our once-grand state's decline into dip-shittery, Oklahoma would probably be on board as well.
  12. Kid Hitler can fuck right off.
  13. I wouldn’t hire a West Texas A&M grad to wash my dog.
  14. Maybe someone from Bracewell will take this on contingency.
  15. For him, I hope it’s both. America’s shittiest president electrocuted, eaten by a shark and then a flotilla of Magatard boats and their incompetent shark hunters headed out to sea like a scene from Jaws.
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