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John Coctostan

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Everything posted by John Coctostan

  1. Do you know how I know that the Hill writer doesn't follow college sports?
  2. She must’ve been something before electricity.
  3. That's the hit I was thinking of when people started talking about how easy Colt had it. James Harrison with the crown of the helmet right into Colt's face. Ugh.
  4. I'm interested in how you made it through Barry Switzer as head coach but Deion is a bridge too far.
  5. That the current line is luring big money in on Ohio State makes me happy.
  6. Haven't you been following along? fOSU has already beaten us. We're just waiting for it to become official.
  7. Can we get Jerry to crank the heat in his atrocity of a stadium and get it in the 95-98 range?
  8. This. There was a reason they were showing clips of Jake Plummer. That was the last one they had (or maybe the guy who got blue-on-blued in Afghanistan).
  9. Spoken like a Pitt fan. (And my son goes to Pitt, so I understand.)
  10. It's going to be Pedo, ND or Georgia. There are no good options.
  11. Music licensing talk not going away.
  12. Yeah. We have three guys here covering the empty side of the endzone.
  13. If we can get through it with less than two injured players, it’s a win.
  14. Our team played the Big 12 championship game in Jerryworld last year. And I think you’re thinking of Jeff Hostetler.
  15. Can’t struggle in the red zone if your offense never makes it to the red zone.
  16. Somewhere up above, Mike Leach is smiling.
  17. Clean living will do that for you. He doesn’t look a day over 60.
  18. I'm not sure a team that lost at home to Northern Illinois has a walk against anyone.
  19. It is now.
  20. Seems like the defenses decided to take the second half off.
  21. 3-1 aggy ratio? I think I’d rather be on a cruise with a norovirus outbreak.
  22. T Boone had that kind of money in the cushions of his couch. They don't have their sugar daddy around anymore to bail them out.
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