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Posts posted by heso

  1. 4 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Can someone tell me why B1G opens with conference games?

    This is the first year they’ve done it league wide, excluding the B10 only season last year. 

    I expect it’s because Fox told them to  

    sec used to do it with a few teams. Seemed like South Carolina kicked of the season with a Thursday night sec game all the time. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Js1 said:

    The mere fact that they are the ones dying, and not the Fox News hosts who got vaccinated to stay alive to pump their anti-vax propaganda, means the GOP Elite is keeping the grift out of the hands of the radio everyman. 

    It just shows that they are too stupid to see through the con. It’s the same with the low level conservative media outlets. 

    They aren’t able to preach the con from on high without being questioned. They have to live the con. They are middle men of stupidity. 

  3. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    That tweet from Eric Topol is interesting.  It looks like the vaccine in Israel was very effective for 4 months, and then their case count shot up.  I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the other countries follow suit, save maybe Iceland.  He points out waning immunity as a possible factor, but I imagine the delta surge came into play as well.

    You have to read the charts carefully, because most of the trace colors change between the two.  For some reason, the UK doesn't appear on the second chart, either.  "Data presentation", how does it work?



    Also, why didn’t they keep the colors for each country the same between charts?

    • Drool 1
  4. 4 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    Just give Biden a Sharpie. Problem solved. 

    This will forever be my favorite moment of the trump presidency.

    A man so insecure and incapable of admitting that he was simply speaking on outdated data (because he was more concerned with golfing), that he thought he’d fool everyone by getting a big printout of the outdated projection to show that he could have been right if he said what he had 4 days earlier but then that wasn’t clear enough that he wasn’t wrong so he drew an extra line in the map with a fucking sharpie. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. I use the grint app. Good gps yardages. I assume like most of the apps you can drag a point around the photo overlay to get distances to various features (ie. 230 yards to carry the fairway bunker, outside of the dogleg is 270, etc). Free and pay versions. Pay version gives you some more detailed stat tracking. 

    You can add friends that use the app and see their rounds live in progress to talk shit when they make a double bogie. 

  6. Day 1 on the bus was half successful. Morning went perfect. 

    the afternoon brought a thunderstorm with a torrential downpour. Got a text from the school that the bus was 20 mins behind schedule. Rain gets harder, I’m soaked from the waste down because it’s coming in sideways under the umbrella. Bus pulls up to the stop. A few kids get off, my daughter isn’t one of them. Bus driver calling back for her. Nothing. For what felt like an eternity but I’m sure was under a minute I have no idea if my kid is on this bus. Finally as I’m about to climb on the bus she comes walking out. 

    it was raining so hard that the poor girl couldn’t see our house through the rain on the window so she didn’t know it was her stop and she couldn’t hear the 100 year old bus driver calling her name. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Jkwellborn said:

    My youngest started kindergarten last year with all the bullshit going on. I hated that they wouldn’t let us walk him to class or walk up to get him.

    Yea they aren’t letting parents get out of the cars for drop off or pickup here. Staff member opens the door for them when you pull up. They give you a sign with the kids name on it so they know who to bring out to the car. 

  8. 1 minute ago, 4th&Five said:

    35 and healthy and 7 months removed?  I thought I jumped the line...;)

    She’s in R&D for quest diagnostics so technically in healthcare. Also, they had a few people in her building test positive so it didn’t feel like jumping the line too much. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    I tend to agree with this perspective.  I told my FIL to be clear that he is getting the 3rd shot booster that is currently authorized when he signs up.  He has enough in terms of recent medical history and procedures, including medications he is on, that he can fit under a reasonably broad immunocompromised category.  Maybe a little stretching involved, but not too much that I would be uncomfortable with.  Also told him to run it up the flag pole with his cardiologist for their reaction.  

    My wife called a local rite aid pharmacy to ask if she could get a booster. She’s 35, healthy, but 7 months removed from her 2nd dose. The pharmacy had no idea if they were supposed to give her a booster or not and said they’d call her back. Called her back with no real answers but that she could come in and get one that afternoon. 

  10. Fuck this game. For the previous two seasons before this one my strength was my tee shots. Both driver and 3w. Regularly north of 50% FIR, occasionally into the 70s. Well above average for my handicap. 

    But I just could not convert those fairways into GIRs. My iron play was total garbage. I was more comfortable hitting into a green with a 3w off the deck from 230 than I was with a 9i from 135. 

    I spent considerable (for me) time working on my irons to where they are by far the best they’ve ever been. 

    My driving has gone to complete shit. 

    • Rage+1 2
  11. 20 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    I guess I’ll be back to working 70 hour weeks for a few months.

    Sigh. I’m so exhausted and angry now as my baseline.

    But happy to see the administration go public with this recommendation. Even if it will spawn more conspiracy nonsense.

    My wife is 7 months removed from her 2nd dose, just got her 3rd dose of pfizer yesterday. 

    for those curious, the symptoms are similar and on par with the second dose. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  12. 47 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    I’m actually starting to feel dirty about all this schadenfreude. But god damn, people. You had a chance to do the right thing and protect yourself (and others) and you decided to be a dick about it and mock the grown ups in the room.

    It’s really really hard to feel bad for these folks. But then I remember they have kids and wives and friends and shit, and I feel like an ass for my initial smug reaction. 

    What a fucked up time to be an American.

    I feel bad for the people that were duped by the lies. I feel no remorse for the people that know they are peddling the lies. 

  13. 2 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    The internet is definitely where you want to turn for that sort of advice.

    Ha. Wasn’t going to base my opinion on it. I’m only 3 months into my second shot so I’m not too concerned about it yet, but pods seems to be more tuned into the actual data than I am so I wanted to hear if there was anything on the way of testing on that front. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Pods said:

    Another variable to consider is that Pfizer vaccinations started considerably earlier than Moderna on average, so there are more people walking around 5-6 months post-Pfizer vaccination than post-Moderna. The Mayo didn't look at vaccination date, so we can't tell how big of an effect that had.  

    Do you think it would be better to boost pfizer with moderna or more pfizer? 

    • Like 1
  15. On 8/11/2021 at 10:50 AM, Born to Run said:
    On 8/10/2021 at 8:07 PM, heso said:
    The next school district over from me voted last night to mandate masks across the district. The vote was unanimous in favor of masks, while the asshats booed. Then an asshole flashed a nazi salute as they stormed out. 
    This is primarily an affluent, old money Pittsburgh neighborhood.
    Vote at 1:30:20, nazi salute at 1:31:30.
    Our school board meets tomorrow. Should be fun (sad). 

    Yinz have a lot of racist white trash.

    Yes. That school district is 95+% white. Their idea of diversity is having Jewish people in their wasp haven. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I'm betting the 46% are not going to keep their kids home if masks are mandated.  The parents can hate masks all they want, but I'd bet they hate babysitting their kids on Zoom even more.

    Here in AISD, almost a quarter of the kids who were going to do virtual are now going to do in-person because of masks.  Butts in seats.

    Yep. I loved this line in the email announcement:

    ”We recognize that some families may prefer a full virtual option for the 2021-22 school year based on this decision. If you have questions about our virtual options or enrollment, please contact…”

    I would be shocked to learn that a single one of them pulled their kid out of school over having to wear a mask. 

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