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Posts posted by heso

  1. As I hoped and somewhat expected, as of last night our school district is mandating masks for all students, staff, and visitors regardless of vaccination status at all district buildings through at least the end of September. 

    They surveyed parents in the district on their preference: 54/46 in favor of masks. 

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  2. The next school district over from me voted last night to mandate masks across the district. The vote was unanimous in favor of masks, while the asshats booed. Then an asshole flashed a nazi salute as they stormed out. 

    This is primarily an affluent, old money Pittsburgh neighborhood.

    Vote at 1:30:20, nazi salute at 1:31:30.



    Our school board meets tomorrow. Should be fun (sad). 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. US amateur is at Oakmont this week. Parker Coody with a great round on day 1:

    Of the 60 players who stood at par or better at the end of the day, 58 played Longue Vue and just two played at Oakmont, which is hosting its record-tying sixth U.S. Amateur and 17th USGA championship.

    Parker Coody, 21, of the University of Texas, shot the lone even-par 70 at Oakmont on a day in which temperatures reached the low 90s and the heat index reached nearly 100. The scoring averages for the courses reflected Oakmont’s difficulty, as Longue Vue played to a 71.7 mark and Oakmont was at 77.1, nearly 5½ strokes higher.

    “If you tell me I’m going to shoot even every time I tee it up here, I’ll take it, no doubt,” said Coody, whose twin brother, Pierceson, is No. 2 in the World Amateur Golf Ranking and posted a 5-over 75 at Oakmont later in the day. “It’s just so penalizing off the tee. Miss in the wrong spots and you’re looking at bogey. Just make sure you’re not making double.”

  4. Just saw that as of yesterday, my company is now over 90% vaccinated in our US offices, which includes 3 offices in Texas. My office in Pittsburgh is at 95%. I haven’t seen any numbers on any of the international offices. 

    Even with 95% vaccinated here, if you go into the office (which is optional at this point) you have to be vaccinated and wear a mask. That changed as delta started increasing the numbers in the county. As of june, if you were vaccinated you could go into the office without a mask. If you’re unvaccinated, you’re not allowed to go into the office without a compelling business case for being there. 

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  5. 17 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    That's where I'm at.  These motherfuckers are just trying to win their primary next year, and the Presidential primary in '24, but they are fucking around and pissing off a lot of people who are going to show up in the general to vote against them.

    They seem to have already forgotten that Trump lost bigly even with his base turning out in large numbers.


    The goal is to win the primary while other segments of the Party works to restrict democratic voting as much as possible. They aren’t worried about winning moderates. They are worried about winning the base and cutting out as much of the opposition vote as possible. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, C-Man said:

    Somebody linked a story last night that put the number of actual herd immunity on this needing to be closer to 90% vaxxed, I think. We won't ever get to that level unless 25% of the current US population dies off.

    I expect that natural immunity can contribute to that % as well. And I expect that’s the long term outcome of this. We get to 90% total immunity by way of vaccination and natural immunity. And on the way there a lot people will die unnecessarily. Potentially worse than that, a huge number of people will have life long debilitating complications. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 3 hours ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    If the plan is to fully populate schools ala 2019 but with masks I really don't see that making any difference.  The interaction and distancing of kids is just too low. Kids aren't adults they hang all over each other, use masks as Kleenex and touch everything.

    Duke did a study on 100 school districts from March to June and found that masking, regardless of any distancing regulation, significantly reduced covid transmission in k-12 schools. 

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  8. 5 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    By recollection, covid didn't top cancer or heart disease for the 12-month (Feb20-Jan21) period, but it was close.

    For the calendar year it was a solid 3rd. Well behind cancer and well ahead of unintentional injuries. 

    But that also leaves out 3 of the 4 worst months of the pandemic in the start of ‘21. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. Just now, Anastasis said:

    Chicago Human Improvement-Reassessing American Quandrants.


    Jesus Christ man I know you’re not this dense. 

    clearly I wasn’t comparing Savannah to Brazzaville. I was commenting on the fact that a large portion of the south has a current covid death rate per capita on par with countries whose citizens’ primary concern is access to drinkable water. 

    But these morons’ brains are so addled with GOP encephalopathy that instead of taking the vaccine that’s been readily available for months they are consuming apple flavored horse dewormer. They’re only one step above recommending shark fins or rhino horn powder as a cure. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Well yeah. This is not reality based. 

    The American south is a self imposed 3rd world shithole. 

    The second you cross the mason dixon line you’re in the exact equivalent of Central African human development index. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 49 minutes ago, AnotherUTFan said:

    I'm sorry they got sick, but I'm not sure how much guilt I should carry.

    Zero. She’s a bartender. For a year and a half bars have been proven to be one of the most significant spreading locations for the virus. Spending any amount of time in a bar unvaccinated is actively choosing to get the virus. 

    There’s a reason why all of the top 22 outbreak clusters are college campuses. A bunch of people packed together closely and talking loudly is the ideal location for it to spread. 

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  12. My daughter starts kindergarten in 3 weeks. The school district sent out an email asking if parents want the kids to be required to wear masks. 

    Glad to know that the school district is letting Karen who gets her opinions from Facebook get a vote in how the school district handles masking in the fall. 

    I’m not shocked. it’s a purple suburban district and looking at the precinct level data ranged from trump +14 to biden +28. So they are just punting to the parents but I would have hoped that decision would be based more on stats and science.

    side note: I just found out that more of my neighbors suck than I realized. Trump win my neighborhood 346-275. 

    • Rage+1 2
  13. On 7/31/2021 at 2:29 PM, Anastasis said:

    I think that a discussion around preventable deaths state by state would be interesting. Citing death statistics out of context, OTOH, not so much. BTW, the two charts you linked use very different scales, it is misleading to stand them up next to each other without pointing that out.  Below is a better representation.

    It's impossible to have an honest discussion about death rates between states without normalizing to population and a variety of other factors including waves.  What the NY state politician tweets is the same kind of bullshit that the anti-vaxxers spout when they do the "OMG 1/2 of all cases in Israel are occurring among the vaccinated!!" nonsense.  Misleading statistics are misleading, unless I guess we are just politically masturbating. I agree that there are lessons to be learned, and those discussions are interesting and should be had.



    Thanks for that chart. I hadn’t seen them overlaid scaled per capita. But I also don’t think it refutes my point. New York’s winter wave was just as avoidable and frustrating as everyone else’s. The nationwide holiday season “we’re not going to let covid ruin our Christmas” wave and then sharp decline. 

    As you said there are some interesting conversations to be had about different death waves: the southern “covid is bullshit” summer 2020 wave, the South Dakota sturgis bump and subsequent “see it’s not so bad” fall wave, the northeast early spring “the olds are getting vaxxed and we’ve been locked in for too long” wave. 

    But the most frustrating trend of all is the current one that is creating a disaster for the south right now. It didn’t have to be like this, but the antivaxxers are going to get a lot of people killed over the next two months. We’re seeing it born out right now in the difference between NY and TX. New York is ahead of Texas by 15 points in adult vaccination rates. The two states are currently on divergent paths. Cases in texas are 3x ny per capita and rising faster. Hospitalizations are 4x per capita and rising faster. Deaths are 4.3x per capita and rising faster. In NY locations that could turn into superspeader hot spots like Broadway theaters are going to be requiring proof of vaccination for entry. Masks are making a comeback.

    Governors in the south are doing everything in their power to make the spread as bad as possible in their states. 

    Desantis is securing the Republican nomination, or at least Trump’s VP pick, while simultaneously ensuring that he has absolutely no chance to win on a national level. There are counties in Florida that have a test positivity rate of over 25%.

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  14. I think that the data lends to a few different story lines. 
    But when a NY politician starts tweeting about Texas surpassing NY in COVID deaths, and posters here start masturbating over that tweet, I think that's is appropriate to point out how foolish it is to compare the NY death rate to Texas'. 

    There are definitely several story lines when you look at the death statistics. The overarching storyline being that most of the deaths were largely preventable. And Texas should absolutely be embarrassed about passing NY in deaths, regardless of other states being worse at mitigating the pandemic.

    Texas and New York deaths timelines:
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  15. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    Texas is 24th in total COVID death rate. NJ, NY, Mass, RI, and Miss are the top 5. 



    So you have a group of states connected to the NYC metro area where the virus was spreading unmitigated for several months at the start of the pandemic and 6 states where the deaths were mostly preventable. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 21 hours ago, gurt said:

    I'm dancing with breaking 80...just can't put two good 9s together.  Have had 9s of 40, 39, and 38 recently, just coupled with mid 40s on the other half.  Tantalizing...

    The most recent time I thought I was going to break 80 for the first time I started out even thru 6. Bogey the last 3 holes to clear the front at 39. Was feeling good tho making the turn. 3-putt the 10th hole from 8 feet for triple bogey and proceeded to card a 49 on the back. 

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