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Posts posted by heso

  1. 1 hour ago, The Dude said:

    For the outside looking in, you can’t understand it.  

    so, there ya go


    1 hour ago, Axle Hongsnort said:

    To share the pain with the players duh


    1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Back when it was an all male school, this little tradition developed where the fans/students squeeze their nuts to feel the same pain the team is feeling by playing hard.  As with all things aggy, it’s weird because it started when they were basically a giant frat for wayward youth but they treat their traditions as dogma. 
    Yes this is a serious post. 


    1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:

    It’s a tradition. They squeeze their balls so they share the pain of the fighting Texas aggies on the field. Yes, I’m being serious. 



    blink-182 wtf GIF

    • Haha 4
  2. 12 hours ago, TeeDubya said:

    Aggie is going to have to squeeze hard to save face.....


    I’ve seen this gif posted here hundreds of times but I still have no idea what is happening. Why the fuck are they grabbing their nuts?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Queen Bitch said:

    Speculative of course, but I truly cannot stop cackling at the possibility of locking aggy into a Big XII pod for the rest of their SEC days.


    I had no idea so many schools had a dedicated baseball logo.  Seems stupid. Get 1 good logo and run with it. 

  4. 9 hours ago, HornyPony69 said:

    Various stages of grief and delusion 











    One of the things that I love about this board that drives me crazy on other boards, and texags seems to be the absolute worst about is keeping topics to a single thread. 

    Almost every thread on their front page should all be in a single topic. But they are all such self important cunts that they think every thought they have merits it’s own thread instead of just posting it into a single thread. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  5. 7 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:


    That’s a bit of an overstatement. It’s just us and OU having an average of 1-2 bigger games each season. Depending on how pods/divisions work out, some years maybe more and some years less. We’re not adding Bama, LSU, Georgia and Florida every season


    No, but when you’re in the sec games against tenn, sc, and the Mississippis get billed as top tier matchups. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I think it's sinking in for me how huge this is going to be. This is THE dominant national sports news story right now along with the Olympics. 

    TEXAS and OKLAHOMA in the SEC. Just bananas. The gap between the SEC and whoever is 2nd - the B10 I guess - is going to be hilariously massive. 

    The TV money, ratings, merchandise sales are going to be insane. The recruiting edge is going to be insane. Basically every weekend you are going to have a crazy slate of games in conference play. Some weekends are going to resemble a playoff slate in October or November. 

    If this does happen - the fallout is going to be something to witness. There's going to be a mad dash from all the other "power" conferences to try and put together anything that can compete. 

    Plus you guys will be able to move the games against UTSA to November for a late season breather as per sec tradition. 

  7. This move solidifies the SEC as the top conference after Saban is gone. After Urban left Florida and Cam Newton left Auburn, the sec has largely made its name on 1 team. As we’ve seen with Texas, Michigan, USC, etc. It’s more likely than not that they dip for a spell. Outside of Bama’s run under Saban they really have been just another conference that kept its reputation by what 1 team was doing. Remember in like 2014 when people were trying to say that when the first playoff rankings came out the top 4 should be bama, ole miss, miss st, and auburn? And then all 4 went on to lose their bowl games. 

    Having Texas and OU there all but guarantees that after bamas dynasty fades, that collection of schools is still always the best conference, rather than comparable to the B1G or the old B12 or anyone else. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 5 hours ago, PittsburghTiger said:

    There is a reason why I said - I'm not saying it couldn't happen. It surely could happen in today's crazy world. Imagine a conference with Pitt/WVU/State Pen and Maryland. The ease for fans to get to games would be incredible. It'd be awesome.

    But, there are differences in experiences for folks who have gone to Morganhole for games. Try doing it as the fan of one of their traditional rivals. It is usually not very pretty, especially at night. And the comment I posted did not come from a walk-on to WVU football. It came from a guy who made the NFL. And he is kind of in the know. He has no reason to lie to me about what he was told.

    WVU already trying to remind western PA that they still exist in their OOC. In 2023 their nonconference games are Pitt, psu, Duquesne. They also have a game against Robert Morris scheduled. One step away from adding slippery rock. To their credit, at the opposite end of the spectrum they have a home and home with bama scheduled. 

  9. 3 hours ago, alphahorn said:

    if it happens the first fucker who starts an sec chant is banned for life

    No one here will do it on the board. But we all know that the first time Texas wins a bowl game as an sec team there will be thousands in the stands chanting sec-sec-sec. 20 years from now, the younger set of Texas fans will be full-on “sec über alles”.

    • Rage+1 2
  10. On 6/17/2021 at 7:01 PM, Lurch said:

    IMO making a 60* part of your roadmap is less than ideal, much less trying to spin a 60*

    If you routinely putt that well, transitioning that same feel to chips would be much more successful, much more quickly

    I can attest to this. For years my 60* was the only club I pulled inside of 70 yards down to the fringe. I had a lot of comfort with it, but I was constantly leaving the ball short. For every holed chip there were many that never got close. After about the millionth 2 putt for bogie after leaving a long chip halfway to the hole I decided I needed to re-evaluate my short game thinking. I’m currently trying to find as many ways as possible to take the 60* out of my hands. 

    It definitely has its place, and I’d never take it out of my bag, but it’s not for everywhere or everyone. 

  11. 9 hours ago, ztejas said:


    I meant to reply to Dewey earlier, and yes he's still an asshole, but Bryson is 100% right. This course just hasn't punished fairway misses. He was all over the place off the tee but he was always about 350 from the tee taking his 2nd shot. And he carded a bogey-free 68. 

    Whether he wins or not or capitalizes on his findings we shall see but his strategy is pretty on point. The rough and fringe just aren't that punishing this week and there are a lot of holes where distance plays into scoring in a major way. 

    In fact - Rory's 67 today wasn't all that dissimilar. I'd have to check his fairway % but he's always one of the longest hitters and sprayed at least a few off the tee today. He probably putt a bit worse than Bryson but put more balls in the fairway. 

    Just as a point of discussion, Rory was 23rd in fairways hit, Bryson was 35th. 10th & 2nd in driving distance. Tied for 8th in GIR. 21st and 15th in putts.

    Hughes and Oosie are 60th and 18th in fairways, 53rd and 61st in driving distance, 8th and 41st in GIR, 6th and 2nd in putts. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    It is probably fake anyway.

    It feels so contrived. Just pops up after the tour announces the “player impact fund”.

    Watching Brooks try to explain how it was bringing more attention to golf was painful. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. The Brooks - Bryson bro fight might be one of the dumbest storylines in golf right now. Honestly who gives a fuck about two douchebags pretending to have a rivalry?

    I wouldn’t care, but it’s been like 1/4 of the coverage in golf channel this week. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  14. 2 hours ago, NOMAAA said:

    i am logged in and do not see that as an option.  hope so.

    There is no option. From the notification I read, if you had bought tickets for 2020 they refunded your money earlier this year. You log in and apply for the lottery like you would any other year and then they will select those accounts to buy tickets before they draw the lottery. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, NOMAAA said:

    signed up for the max on on 7 days.  pretty sure my monday tickets from 2 masters one year ago are still good.

    From my understanding, if you had tickets for 2020 and didn’t get picked for the limited number of tickets for 2021, you can sign up for tickets now for 2022 and those people will be able to purchase those tickets. Then they will run the lottery for what is left after that. 

  16. 41 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I'm still puzzled why Surly isn't in love with this guy, though. 

    There are so many examples of him acting like a bitch but he also tries to act like he doesn’t care and he’s this robot that just expects to win majors. 

    Like when he said the person that made the US open commercial a couple years ago should get fired because he wasn’t in one of what was probably a dozen versions after he had won twice. 

    He’s one of those people that just seem like a douche bag. Like there are those people that you can have one short conversation with or see them interact with someone for a minute or two and you just know they are a douche bag to most of the people they come into contact with. He seems like that. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  17. The J&J vaccine was 66% effective in preventing any infection, but 100% effective in preventing hospitalization. 

    So you’d expect regular testing to show somewhere in the neighborhood of 30% of asymptomatic cases. I don’t know how many people are employed by the Yankees but 7 completely asymptomatic cases and 1 minor symptomatic case doesn’t seem wildly out of line with those numbers. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  18. I wonder how much Rogan’s shift towards Trumpiness is intentional and recognizing what the bulk of his fan base wants to hear and how much of it is just Rogan being a dumbass. 

    It’s really easy to get a moron to make several leaps of logic when you start with a generally agreeable position. Freedom is good. Stalinist communism was bad. Stoicism and self reliance are strong ideas to incorporate into one’s character. The masculine side of humanity has positive aspects and is not something to be rejected outright. A lot of the right wing media guys seem to start from these positions and then distort them into anti-left, anti-intellectual, dangerous radicalism.


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