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Posts posted by heso

  1. 12 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It's worse than that.  It's a split on the most fundamental level.

    There's a simple principle: "we should give a shit about other people."  Not only can we not agree on that principle, which to anyone sane, seems like the most non-controversial idea you could have....a large swath of our population so despises that principle that they purposefully endeavor to work AGAINST IT.  You're  not doing "right" unless you're "hurting the right people."  It's fucking insane.

    "We should give a shit about other people."  And the response is "not only no, but hell no, and if you give a shit about other people, you're a communist socialist probably muslim terrorist who should GTFO of America!"


    7 minutes ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    We are all living together in the same house as roommates and we don’t like each other and wish we could afford our own place. Everything has a shelf life.

    The thing is, there always has been and always will be a group of people that wanted themselves to succeed regardless of what tole it took on another group of people. Most people wanted the country as a whole to succeed, thought it would be nice if the American dream was accessible to everyone, but only really cared about themselves succeeding. 

    What has changed is that one political party has convinced millions of people that the only thing that matters is hurting another group. That those people over there want to destroy your way of life, take your money, and take away everything you enjoy, so all you need to care about is electing people that will hurt them. Your success doesn’t matter right now because all that matters is hurting them. Give us some of your money and we’ll make sure that they don’t take more of it. They’ve convinced the rubes to act against their own self interest in the name of hurting other people more. 

    It’s not that most Americans don’t have a shared set of values. It’s that one party and its media arm has convinced millions of people that most of the media, doctors, scientists, universities, big businesses, actors, artists, anyone living in a city, everyone who wasn’t born in the US, are all conspiring against you to take away your money and freedom so you need to trust us.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  2. On 4/22/2021 at 3:46 PM, BTW said:

    Any yogis on the Surl? After doing maybe 3-4 classes a year in the past, I decided in Jan of this year to commit to 100 classes in 6 months. As of today I'm at 60 classes and I can say that the transformation has been even better than I expected:

    - I've lost 21 lbs (back to my pre COVID weight)

    - I've added about 25 yards to my driver at the golf course

    - I get to hang out in a 90 degree room with a bunch of (mostly) hot limber chicks in spandex

    - My posture is better and I have less back pain

    My preferred flavor are the heated vinyasa flow classes, but I'll admit that I haven't tried many of the other ones.


    Anyway, maybe this thread is a place for discussion of thoughts and ideas surrounding all things yoga, or maybe (likely) it devolves into just a bunch of pics of chicks in yoga pants, either way I won't ragert starting it. 

    I’m intrigued but I’m wondering how much of those benefits could be gained at once or twice a week instead of 4 times a week. 

  3. 3 hours ago, MoJames said:

    The only place I've seen this pop up in real world scenarios thus far if I'm recalling correctly, was in women's cycling? Wasn't there a male to female athlete doing well in the professional circuit? 

    The two that I’ve heard of are one where some high school girls track athletes were suing the state of Connecticut (I think) claiming that they were missing out on opportunities to compete at higher levels because they got beat by two trans girls, and the other was a power lifter who won 9 of 9 events and broke a bunch of female records and then was stripped of all of the trophies and records after the governing body found out she was trans.

    I’m sure dominating their sport played no role in their transition, but I’m not surprised that girls and women who try to compete at the highest level of their sport have a problem with trans athletes setting marks that are likely impossible for a person who was born female.


    That’s not to say that I agree with the women that feel that way. Prohibiting trans women from sports runs antithetical to everything sports should represent. Also, no one except Karen and her parents care that she missed out on states by half a second or who holds the female masters 40-44 powerlifting records. Especially compared to what the opportunity to participate means for the trans women. 

  4. Thanks. I’ll get them repotted and see how they do. I’m still a few weeks away from being able to get them into the ground. In zone 6b and we’re projected for a little snow later this week. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

    Lack of water? That soil looks dry

    It was dry on top when I took that pick but I thought maybe my daughter is watering them too much. Seems like the containers are perpetually soggy. 

  6. Why did my tomato plants start turning yellow about a week after we transplanted them from a seed tray into small pots?


    That was a few days ago and they’ve continued to get more yellow.

    The roots are growing and have grown out through the pots in a number of places.

  7. There are some range games you can play as well. Set an imaginary fairway at whatever width is challenging for you, say 15-20 yards. Take 40 balls and, starting with your shortest club, hit until you get the ball in the fairway, then move up a club. See what club you can get to before you run out of balls. If it’s too easy make the fairway narrower or make it 2 balls in the fairway before you can move up a club. 

    Another one:

    Imagine  a 20 yard fairway. Find/create or imagine small greens (approx 20-yards diameter) at 100, 150 and 200 yards. Then complete the following stages in order:

    Hit two drivers in a row that land in your fairway.

    Hit two shots with a fairway wood that land in your fairway.

    Hit two shots with a long iron that land in your fairway.

    Hit two shots in a row that land on your 100 yards green.

    Hit two shots in a row that land on your 150 yards green.

    Hit two shots in a row that land on your 200 yards green.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. a9272f61bab50609f5e46aad69f3821f.jpg

    Gonna be a chilly start to the season for a couple hours tomorrow morning.

    But the clubs are clean, the bag is stocked, new glove, new shoes, and the clothes are picked out like it’s the night before a middle school field trip.

    Starting my golf season in March instead of shoveling snow is as good as it gets.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  9. On 3/1/2021 at 7:06 PM, DonkeyCigars said:

    All good stuff, but let’s remember, we are talking about a unique state. It’s Democratic West Virginia. Small population and not wealthy or industrious.

    I think Manchin has a hard job. On one hand he has to support the state and the businesses that provide a life line to people and the tax base and budget and on the other people are poor and clamoring for the pay raise.

    I don’t envy him; it’s a very weird state and I’d bet hard to manage and lonesome: his peers, typical D’s, don’t have his same unique make up and pains.

    Anyways, as a Texan, I’ll hang up and listen.

    The county with the lowest cost of living in the country is in WV. A living wage for a single person there is $13.29. For a family with 2 kids and both parents working it’s $18.31. 

    If a company can’t afford to pay its employees $15 per hour either the business model is fucked or the people at the top are keeping too much for themselves. End of story. 

    And that’s how it should be sold to every single mouth breathing, hillbilly trump supporter. 

    “You didn’t vote for us, but we’re fighting for you anyway because we give a damn. Trump gave massive tax cuts to corporations. Did they raise your pay? No? They can afford it. They could afford it before and they can sure as shit afford it now. But they are too greedy to pay you a living wage and the GOP doesn’t give a damn about you.”

    The Dems need to shove it in every hillbilly’s face that the GOP is voting against making life better for them and their communities. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  10. 16 minutes ago, StruggleBus said:

    From everything I’ve read Pfizer may be less likely to give you symptoms. But considering you’ll have to go back there for shot 2, I’d just get the Moderna shot and save 4 hours of driving time. 

    Anecdotal, but my wife and several people she works with were pretty wrecked by both doses of the Pfizer shot from about T+8-12 hours until about T+36 hours. Fatigue, headache, soreness. Her 85 year old grandmother had no symptoms whatsoever from the first dose of Pfizer, just got the second shot today. 

  11. On 2/23/2021 at 9:08 PM, Continental Op said:

    How about they just hurry the fuck up with D4 and concentrate on not having a dogshit launch like D3 did.

    Despite it’s failings, D3 at launch inferno difficulty was a lot of fun. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 11 hours ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    I am a little interested in the mathematical certainty here:  there are evidently 4115 cities in the U.S. with between 10,000 and 100,000, and 350 cities larger than that.  Presumably, 99%+ have some sort of journalism attached to them that publishes articles online.  You also have larger entities that are worth reporting on: counties, MSAs, states. You also have different time periods you can measure across: weeks, months. There have been 28.6M cases.  There have been a years worth of infections.

    It would be interesting to figure out if a story with literally every number between 100 and 999 has occurred for a geographic entity for a reportable period.  And if so, just how high of a number do you have to get to before there are not stories with that number of COVID cases?  Can we get to 2000?

    I think a conservative number would be that the top 150 counties in the us by population  (470k and up) have all had at least 4 months (many have had closer to 8-9 months) of daily triple digit average of new Covid cases reported. That’s at least 120 days of triple digit cases reported per 150 counties. That’s 18,000 reports of triple digit new cases, just in the last 4 months. Most of the top 40 or so counties have been in the triple digits since June or July. 

    That completely ignores the thousands of small town news papers that have added to the count. 

    There have probably been 50,000+ reports of triple digit cases in the US in the last year. 

    Just googling “beaver county times Covid”, a shitty small town newspaper covering a county with 150k people, the first article I clicked on has the numbers 200, 204, 763, 126, 111, 663, and 188. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 53 minutes ago, Snacks said:

    Article II, Section 4 reads:

    The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.


    Which one of those is Donald Trump today?








    The framers of the constitution discussed examples of impeachments that happened years after the official left office when writing the article. To them, blocking those officials from ever holding office was just as important as removing a current elected official from office. For exactly these types of situations. Trump’s crimes against the country should prevent him from ever holding office again. 

    • Like 1
  14. So instead of leaving the ball where it was for the rules official to take a look. He picks it up and then pokes his finger into the ground and asks the official to check after he made a fucking divot with his finger. 

    Fuck him. I hope he loses the next Ryder cup for the US by getting caught cheating in his Sunday match. 

  15. I bought my first table saw last week. Was ripping some Baltic birch to make a crosscut sled today. Had a piece that I was ripping into 5 equal strips for the front and back fence. Got to the last piece and it was .125 short. I should have had an extra .25 to trim off of it. 

    I just stood there dumbfounded for a second like an asshole trying to figure out how I got it wrong until I realized I never locked the fence.


    • Haha 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Jkwellborn said:

    How insulated is your shop? I don’t think it ever gets under 40 in mine. I plan on running a gas line out to it and putting in central heat and air. Lol

    According to google the brick and 1940s era drywall/plaster give the exterior walls a combined R value of roughly 2.

  17. Alright dudes, I’m calling my shot. This is the year I break 80. My best 9 last season was 39, but I followed it up with a 49 on the back. 

    My two key areas of focus are iron accuracy and getting up and down from inside 35 yards. 

  18. 9 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Browns just have to believe in themselves and that’s a lesson that can only be learned through winning. 

    This is the browns, lead by Baker Mayfield, and we’re talking about them believing in themselves?

    Fuck all of that. Fuck the Browns. Fuck Baker Mayfield. 

    They got lucky that the Steelers completely shit all over themselves and the Browns were able to capitalize by not in turn completely shitting all over themselves (which is a tall ask for the browns).


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