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Posts posted by heso

  1. 11 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    Cross posting from the daily Texan thread.  Treasury is the lead agency to coordinate Magnitsky and other targeted sanctions which the Russians freaking HATE.

    No worries. Texag says that it was China, not Russia, and that solar winds is a  shoddy fly by night cloud monitoring firm out of Austin that clearly has employees that were Chinese nationals educated in CS at tu, and also were freedom loving capitalists before they were indoctrinated in anti-capitalism by the liberal professors there. So after graduation they joined solar winds and have been feeding info to the Chinese. And Obama is also at fault, apparently giving passwords of some sort to Xi before leaving office. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. On 12/8/2020 at 9:01 AM, phdhorn said:

    I don't think Washington is any longer a "trash team".  They aren't Chiefs caliber, but they're far from what they were in September.  Their defense is third in the league (against some good competition) and their defensive rush is (to me) the best in the NFL.  Alex Smith has returned and since then the offense has improved noticably - Smith is a game-changer for them.

    It's too late in the season to say that any NFC East team is "really good" but the Giants and the No-Names have begun to play a higher level of ball.  It's likely that one of them will at least have a winning record and might actually be a decent playoff team.  

    The Steelers have looked less than stellar for the past month, but this game really isn't a shock.  Washington has been competitive in the last six weeks as the defense has both held them in games and improved each week.  Smith has given the team some offensive  confidence that they can produce, and more importantly as last night - habe the ability to come back.

    Washington is now at least a half-decent team.

    That is all completely accurate. I was most impressed with that Washington defense. The team is far better than their record. 

    Point stands that Steelers have a habit of losing games they are supposed to win that regularly cost them playoff spots, home field, etc. This one isn’t nearly as bad as previous years’ losses to browns/raiders and the like. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Now 17 states have signed on to the Texas lawsuit.

    SCOTUS needs to slap this down quickly.  And make clear the states don't get to have a say in how other states conduct their elections. (Or that states like Mississippi and Kansas shouldn't be signing onto lawsuits saying accepting mail-in ballots after Election Day is illegal, since they do it) 

    What does it take for a state to join up with this, just a republican AG that doesn’t want to get primaried in the next election?

    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. 15 hours ago, HenryJames said:


    This is so fucking stupid. The Friday before the election with some really simple math I estimated that Trump’s lead in PA on election night would be 686,228 and that Biden would win with 3,351,445 to Trump’s 3,022,872 to Jojo’s 197,144. 

    I ended up underestimating Election Day turnout by 3.5% and overestimating Jojo’s votes by 1.9%.

    Trump’s lead on election night peaked almost right at 700,000 and at that moment it was obvious that trump would lose pa because the returned mail in ballots by party were already known at that point.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, slorch said:

    I don't remember which program it was but they were trying to make Comeback Player of the Year a debate between Big Ben and Alex Smith.

    Alex Smith should win it every year he remains in the League, and I don't even really like him.   His story is incredible though.

    One of the Pittsburgh sportswriters on the local radio pregame show basically said that in most years Ben would be a lock for comeback player, but Alex smith should not only win it this year but they should retire the award after what he’s made it back from. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Jim Harbaugh can't coach the spread offense. It's ironic because when Michigan hired Rich Rodriguez, widely regarded as a spread offense guru, it was generally accepted that Ohio State couldn't stop the spread offense. 

    Struggling to stop Joe Tiller at Purdue in the early 2000’s is a far cry from adapting when the other two top teams in the conference switch to the spread. Was hilarious that they thought osu wouldn’t adapt. 

  7. I think McNamara carves up a bad defense and saves Jim’s job. 

    PSUs QBs have turned the ball over like 8 times. They put up 500 yards against Nebraska and only scored 23 points. If they clean that up they might make a game out of it. 

  8. I was curious to see how the counties that use dominion in PA matched up with the voter shift from 2016.


    The shaded counties are the 14 that use dominion.

    It’s pretty clear what happened in PA(it has been pretty clear since about 12 hours after the polls closed): Hillbillies and Philadelphia shifted towards Trump. The suburbs across the state shifted strongly against him.

    A lot of those big blue arrows are in pink counties that are just less red than 2016.

  9. 1 minute ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    I do not like nor think it wise that these repeated attempts and assaults continue. It’s normalizing this for the future and two to four years down the road. We can laugh about the sloppiness, but it’s having an effect in other ways. Stern pushback (not just defeat In the cases) seems better because those norms are being battered and who knows what the future judges will do?

    I didn’t realize at the start that this was a strictly GOP committee hearing when I started watching. It all makes a lot more sense now.

    The people organizing this charade in PA today don’t give a fuck about anything other than being re-elected in blood red districts.

    This comes down to “I was on the side of fighting for Trump when the socialists took your vote away from you.”


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