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Posts posted by heso

  1. Fox News has to cover its bases right now. Its viewers will gravitate to whoever is telling them what they want to hear and they are increasingly at risk of that not being Fox News. So they have to cover the whole range from extreme skepticism and move into opposition party mode to full on ride or die Trumpism. 

    Whatever flavor of bullshit you’re looking to eat, Fox News is serving it. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I'm not familiar with hair dye. I thought it would permanently dye your hair. Or is that some crap you buy at the convenience store that only lasts until your next time you wash your hair?

    Not to mention that it's always sad when the old men dye their hair so it doesn't even remotely look natural. If you somehow had jet black hair 80, you should dye some grey into it.

    He was getting his shoes polished this morning and said to the guy “Hey give me a little up top. I want to look sharp for this press conference.”

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    After the election, three Republican governors doing an about-face on mask wearing:


    As Ray Wylie says, "some get spiritual because they see the light and some because they feel the heat."

    If there was ever a measurement how how stupid the republican base is and how spineless it’s politicians are, this is it. These people are so fucking dumb that GOP governors made policy decisions that will have directly caused the spread of sickness and death simply because doing so got them votes.

    I mean, we already knew both of those things, but to see it spelled out so plainly is even more disgusting than I expected it to be. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
  4. 37 minutes ago, LurkingHorn said:

    I think those who think he will win in 2024 are severely underestimating how much losing as an incumbent leaves a stain on a candidate. Trump raised $1 billion and lost to a guy 4 years his elder. He squeaked out every possible vote he could get and is still going to lose by a pretty sizable margin. Unless the Biden presidency is an abject failure, the GOP isn't going to run a loser back up there. 

    Demographics are not working well for him either. His base (older white people) are about to start dying off at an increasingly rapid pace. Just doing some simplistic math, if you assume 2.5 million people will die each of the next 4 years and that 47% of those are Trump voters (it's probably more because these are mainly older people), the guy is losing over 1 million votes each year. I don't believe those are easily replaceable unless they think the Latino vote is where they will keep making in roads. And as far as his son, I think it's more likely Trump Jr ODs in the next 4 years than becomes a presidential candidate. 

    And not only that, but time will expose the full scale of how badly he fucked up the response to the pandemic, initially downplaying it just to save the stock market because of his assumption that tanking would hurt his re-election and then him downplaying it because he couldn’t let the base think he fucked the response just to save the stock market. 

  5. 16 hours ago, WBT said:

    I keep seeing 1-X, with X gradually increasing.  What is the 1?  Is it the thing about the PA supreme court extending the deadline to receive mail in ballots?  I'd call that more of a draw due to irrelevance than a win.

    The 1 win was a PA court ruling that the SoS didn’t have the authority to extend a deadline for first time voters that were voting by mail that didn’t provide appropriate identification to provide that identification. I’m not sure what the circumstances would be for that because, at least in Allegheny County requesting a mail in ballot online, you had to provide either your ssn or driver’s license number to submit the application.

    But apparently there was some scenario where a first time voter could request a mail in ballot and then have until 6 days after the election to provide the appropriate identification for their vote to count. The SoS extended that deadline to 9 days. The court ruled she didn’t have the authority to do that. 

    Whatever this small number of ballots were that fell in that extra 3 day window won’t be allowed to count. But they were never counted in the first place. They were segregated and waiting for the appropriate identification when the lawsuit was filed. So Biden will miss out on some tiny number of ballots that would have marginally stretched his lead. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Steelers welcoming Burrow to the afc north in style. Has to be rough being a rookie in Cleveland or Cincinnati and knowing that 1/4 of your schedule every year is going up against the Ravens and Steelers defenses. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, MoJames said:

    From a lawyer perspective is there any reason at all to hold onto evidence of voter fraud at this point? I don't see one and don't believe there is any fraud, but I need to prepare for holiday discussions.

    Georgia will have it’s recount completed and results certified in a week. Pennsylvania and Michigan will have their election results certified by the 23rd so you should feel comfortable that at your thanksgiving dinner you can laugh in all of their stupid fucking faces for thinking dotard would win. 

    If, somehow, those states haven’t certified their elections by then we will be in full banana republic mode on our way to civil war and after thanksgiving dinner you should take stock of any guns and ammo in the house, potentially stealing any gun safe keys you can find. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 1 hour ago, DigDug said:


    The Trumpers are split between being convinced that this is the first chink in the armor and that it sets massive amount of legal precedent about Secretaries of State power and will lead to a win on some subsequent lawsuit that will cause millions of ballots to be invalidated AND/OR assuming that these ballots were mixed in with the full pool of mail in ballots which now, having no record of how many there were, invalidates the entire lot of mail in ballots statewide making the state unable to certify their election and thus unable to send any electors to the EC. 

  9. 49 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    These people, many of them volunteers, are counting hundreds of thousands of ballots for 12 hours a day for multiple days while people are watching over their shoulder for any sign of something suspicious.  Sometimes they mix it up - they put down 3650 for Biden and 3855 for Trump when it's the other way around.  Or they add an extra digit by accident when inputting things into a computer - Trump didn't get 3677 votes, just 377, but someone fat fingered it. 

    This is why they recanvass and audit counts before certification.  Humans make mistakes and they catch the mistakes during recanvass. 

    Just making sure you're not thinking it is something nefarious. Per the article, they found a 200-something vote error for Trump in one county and a 100-something vote error for Biden in another county.  It was not just against Trump. 

    I totally get it. I know that there are going to be mistakes and a few hundred votes is meaningless. 

  10. Just now, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    200 votes means 99.99%+ accuracy in counting in AZ. I think it is just a recognition that the real world differs from theoretical. 

    Under normal circumstances I couldn’t give two shits about a few hundred votes, but if Trump co.  is going to contest every vote, I want to know where all of his incorrect votes came from. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. In typical fashion, the masters app and website provide the best coverage of any sporting even. 

    New feature this year is My Group. You can add any number of players to a channel that then shows you every shot from those players, live.

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