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Posts posted by heso

  1. 13 minutes ago, Eastwood said:

    Today I learned that the Hodge Twins turned from social media comedians making fun of fitness trends to conservative pundits. Wild.

    Well I’ll be damned. Last I heard of them they were talking about Craze preworkout being banned.

  2. 10 minutes ago, gyroprotagonist said:

    yeah, the states that refused to start counting/prepping mail in ballots prior to election day is criminal.  No one batted an eye when when Texas was blue for the first 2 hours or so as mostly red votes came in during the night and eventually the state turned red.  But for states that did not process mail in voting beforehand and the state turned from red to blue it's somehow a conspiracy. 

    The GOP legislatures did this intentionally knowing there was no way a state could process and count 3 million mail in ballots in 1 day. The day after the election, worst case scenario Trump and his team can cry fraud, best case scenario they have days to file lawsuits in a hope to delay or stop the count. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. If it gets to the point where a state’s electors go against the popular vote of its people, or even don’t send electors, its time to start building the gallows. Right in front of the capital building. 

    Im barely joking. This is all fun and games up to that point, but if it comes to that, traitorous motherfuckers can fuck around and find out. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, Thiefery said:

    I had to turn it off.. didn't think that would get me as upset as it did..like i really wanted to punch him through the TV.. Fuck man.. just gonna mix me some watermelon ciroc and club soda and watch some more Cobra Kai..

    I couldn’t do it this time. I tried last night just to see if any of it had even the slightest shred of evidence and I had to turn it off. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Thiefery said:

    it's not something big..it's all fucking lies man.. how the hell does FOX allow all these heresay, there's nothing concrete, just accusations 


    Because they care more about their viewers than anything else. The rubes have spoken: Trump is god and anyone that refutes that is a leftist commie. 

    Fox tried to do the right thing on Saturday. They called the race for Biden and then tried to shift into opposition party mode. The trumpkins would have none of it. Their god said he was cheated and Cruz and Graham validated it. Once someone outside of the Trump family spoke up to support that narrative the breaks were off and the GOP went full throttle into the abyss.

    From where I’m sitting, it LOOKS like this is all just pandering to the base and to Trump’s bruised little ego. He has the base, and if he does indeed start a PAC, he’ll have all of the small Trumper money. As of right now, he’s just asserting his complete control over the Republican Party and the politicians have no choose but to play along. 

    If this goes 1 day past November 23rd and PA doesn’t certify their election results, that’s when shit starts to get real. Up until that point it’s all just pandering and preening for Trump and his minions. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    The court cases are meh. What’s more concerning is what the PA state senate and house are trying to do

    This is what’s really concerning to me. We already knew that trump could do anything and not lose support. What this shows is that republicans at all levels of government are realizing that, as long as they are in a safely red seat or safe majority they can do absolutely anything, up to and including aiding and abetting subverting the electoral process. 

    Anything done in the name of the Red team is not just tolerated, but encouraged. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    AZ - Trump needs to hit his flush on the river
    GA - Trump has a pair of jacks but Biden hit his straight flush on the turn
    NC - Biden needs to hit an inside straight draw on the river
    PA - Trump needs to hit runner-runner quads

    It hurts, doesn’t it? You can’t believe what fell. All your hopes... dashed. Your dreams... down the toilet. 

    Your fate... [gestures toward the southern district of New York]

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  8. 8 minutes ago, We’reTexas said:

    My favorite is the guy saying that any evidence of fraud might cause a small number of ballots to be thrown out that might shift the split for Tillis from 49.7 to 50% and avoid a runoff, completely failing to recognize that the difference between them is 89,000 votes and a small number of fraudulent ballots might be less than 100 votes. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    What a bummer to be working on that matter. Probably a little confused. 

    I have to imagine anyone involved with these lawsuits is just mailing it in. You know before you even get started that it’s just throwing shit at the wall knowing full well that none of it is going to stick. None of it means anything. That it’s all just posturing so the Trump rubes think that the forces of good are laying all out there to prevail against Those that would steal their country from them. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    The President's lawyers at Jones Day entering the conversation. 


    They mistyped Philadelphia county as Pennsylvania county on number 5. There is no Pennsylvania county. 

    4. Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties alone received and processed 

    5. Allegheny and Pennsylvania counties conducted the canvassing and tabulation in convention center rooms and placed observers far away from the action.

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  11. 1 minute ago, Captainant said:

    IMO, if he delays the electors voting in the EC on Dec 14, that's an act of treason as well. 

    And no shit, he's personally liable for over $400MM of loans. Many of them to russian strongmen. It's not just that they know where the bodies are buried, but they know where they'll bury donald too.

    I’ve seen analysis that says it’s over 900 million, potentially as high as 1.1 billion. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    What is really, really disturbing....is GOP is going to burn everyone and everything down for Donald Trump.

    That's it. Trump.  A person who was a Democrat as recently as what, 6-8 years ago?

    We all know they sold their souls the past four years, but now, they are going to double and triple down after the election?

    For Trump?




    They aren’t doing for Trump. They are doing it to grab up as much of his cult as they can before the moment fades. 

    They are trying to be viewed as the segment of the GOP that fought to the death for their king.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, TexEx15 said:


    I have always been amazed at folks that claim conspiracies as large as these without thinking for a second what it would take to pull off.  Bill Clinton couldn’t get a blowjob in the Oval Office without the whole world finding out but sure Democrats managed to steal a whole fucking election.

    Just in PA alone would have taken the coordination to push 50 of 67 counties (many GOP controlled) in the state 2-5% towards Biden while shifting Philly 3% towards Trump for believability I guess?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    So with North Carolina and Alaska not totally called, but obviously done in terms of being for Trump.  

    The Donald has 231 Electoral CollegeVotes to go with 231k dead American CovidVictims.  

    Nice symmetry Commander Dipshit.  remember this when we're laughing at your children putting you into the fucking ground.  At least they'll have ten minutes of peace. 

    Im not willing to rule out NC 100%. They still have over 100,000 mail in ballots to count. I think he still wins the state, but I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility 

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  15. To clarify the PA late arriving ballots that the Supreme Court was involved with for anyone that doesn’t yet understand how stupid this fight is. 

    PA voting law said that ballots not received by Election Day would not count. The PA Democratic Party filed a lawsuit to get that extended due to covid and the unusually high number of mail in ballots delaying the delivery of those ballots. The PA Supreme Court, citing some voting rights provision in the PA constitution, extended the deadline for ballots arriving 3 days after the election could be counted. 

    The GOP appealed to SCOTUS who in a 4-4 decision, chose to not hear the case.

    The PA sos sent guidance to each of the counties’ elections office that they were to segregate those ballots and not include them in the count.

    All available evidence indicated that the counties were doing just that. 

    The GOP filed an injunction request to the SCOTUS on Thursday naming 25 counties that they did not have direct confirmation from that these ballots had been segregated.

    Justice Alito issued an order that the ballots should be segregated, but never stated if these ballots should or should not be counted. 

    From what I’ve heard is that after all of the other ballots are counted the counties were advised to tally the late arriving ballots but not include that number in the totals.

    The Friday injunction is useless bullshit because:

    1. The ballots were already being segregated, and by Saturday afternoon 63 of 67 counties had explicitly confirmed that the ballots were segregated.

    2. These ballots would favor Biden at a roughly 75/25 split statewide. 

    3. Joe Biden is already winning the state. 

    I think the Trump team’s strategy was to invalidate a portion of the mail in ballots counted in philly during the period where they claim their poll watchers weren’t given appropriate access. And then hope that amount pushes Trump back ahead and then have the late arriving mail in ballots disallowed so that those are unable to make up any lead Trump may gain. And/or find some small backwoods GOP county that “accidentally” counted the late arriving ballots with the rest of the ballots, and then try to get the whole state’s mail in ballots invalidated.

    I’m pretty sure the lawsuit over the poll watchers has already been shot down. 

    since Joe Biden is ahead, the late arriving ballots are meaningless. 

    I don’t see any reason whatsoever that any of the PA lawsuits will have any effect on the election and I think the only reason the media is talking about it is because there being a Supreme Court non-decision related to it seems to give the issue some level of merit that it doesn’t deserve. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    I don't think this rift in the Dems is as powerful as the Trump rift for the GOP because the Dem rift is generational.

    When Reagan smashed Carter the Democrats transitioned away from popular movements and towards corporate donors. The "New" Democrats rose up as a rebellion against a generation of Democrats raised on FDR visions and that has been the ruling force in the party from 1990 to today. Those people are ancient now and the generational rebellion against them will go back to FDR visions (where they should be and never should have left).

    The Trump rift is cross-generational and it's centered around a single, highly-toxic, personality. It's not even going to stop when/if Trump finally concedes, because Trump will be Trump until he dies and after that he will, for a while at least, be some kind of spiritual totem for the freaks.

    The center and right (and their media apparatus) want to portray AOC as some kind of left-wing Trump, but the enthusiasm for her isn't nearly the same and the organization around her isn't primarily motivated by allegiance to her personally (look at her Twitter replies whenever she does something shitlibby, her fans roast her).

    I think it’s generational but there’s two other demographics that are shifting strongly democratic and pushing the party: college and post grad education and non religious. So you have a younger, more educated party that isn’t constrained by religious dogma and they’re looking at things pragmatically and saying boy it sure seems like it makes a lot more sense to build a society from the bottom up that includes everyone and has its eyes on the future. 

    I think some of that youthful exuberance comes with a bit of “fuck your we’re moving this country forward with or without you” and it leads to political missteps like embracing the term defund the police. That being the banner for police reform allowed Trump to scare a lot of people that were too stupid to see through it for what it was. Maybe it led to increased turnout in the base, but all of the data that I’ve seen seem to say that a lot of the country said “we don’t want Donald trump, but we’re scared of the caricature the left is allowing itself to be painted as. 

  17. 1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:


    AOC is a Congresswoman from NYC. Why do people like you talk about her like she was running for president?

    The obsession with her as an individual is yet another Republican move that many Democrats are happy to mirror/amplify.

    They play the fiddle and you guys just dance and pretend it's their job to determine the tune.

    Grow a set of fucking balls.

    Look, I know you get off on being an ass, and I was hesitant to even bother responding to you because I was nearly certain my point would fall on deaf ears, but I decided to give it a go anyway for some reason. 

    If AOC just wants to keep winning NY-14, then cool she can keep doing what she’s doing. But she talks like she wants to move the country. 

    If anyone on the left front of the Democratic Party wants to get anything of substance accomplished they need to figure out that they need the middle. They need votes. That’s the only thing that will get their ideas enacted. 

    But maybe they don’t actually give a single fuck about things like massive green infrastructure projects backed by a federal jobs program or a minimum wage that people can live on. Maybe they’re just as happy winning their royal blue districts as the scum that occupy the crimson house seats. 


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  18. On 11/6/2020 at 8:43 AM, bad_teammate said:

    Lumping BLM/Defund in with O&G is disgusting and disqualifying. It's extremely revealing about the fundamental white supremacy of Democrats writ large (see also: The Klan meeting that was white centrists during the red mirage. We already heard you and saw you, the genie is out of the bottle.).

    I'm going to put O&G stuff aside for now, because that doesn't belong in this conversation.

    Anyway, we can just stipulate that Defund is bad for centrist candidates in red/purple areas. Stipulated.

    So that's a problem for them. What do leaders and winners do: They accurately diagnose and then solve problems.

    The argument Lamb and Spanburger and the shitlibs are making is that Defund rhetoric hurt them. OK, it probably did. But then they say their "far-left colleagues" are to blame? That's just a fundamental misdiagnosis of what happened. Defund rhetoric didn't come from AOC and her ilk. It came from activists in the streets. The far-left braintrusts on the coasts don't lead black activists in Mississippi or Philadelphia or Atlanta or Missouri or basically anywhere in the country.

    Diagnose the problem correctly. Lamb and Spanberger (whoever these fucking freaks are) are either too stupid or too cowardly to tell the truth about where Defund rhetoric comes from. Both are disqualifying.

    We're not Republicans. We're not supposed to be lying idiots.

    Lamb is the PA 17th district, where I live. It’s half of Allegheny County without downtown Pittsburgh and the whole next county over. He has a county that Biden won by 20 and a county that Trump won by 18. Registered Democrats outnumber registered republicans 2 to 1 in BOTH counties.

    His district shifted 3 points blue in the presidential race while shifting 5 points red in the house race. He was the incumbent and his opponent basically just ran on Trumpism. Fighting the radical left, reopening the economy, supporting the police, supporting fracking, etc. 

    He’s 36. He won 2 house elections in 2018 in two different districts. The special election for PA 18 and then after the district lines were redrawn he won his current district. 

    He’s probably going to run for Pat Toomey’s senate seat in 2022.

    He knows that while the AOCs of the party want to drag the nation forward-left as fast as possible kicking and screaming, there are a massive amount of people that are open to heading in that direction at a slower pace and without embracing things like defund the police and “socialism”. The vast majority of those people would completely get behind issues like police reform and progressive ideas, but not when the banner carriers are calling them defund the police and socialism. 

    It seems to me that Lamb understands a democratic part of the country that AOC either thinks she doesn’t need, or will see things her way eventually no matter what. 

    AOC wants what’s best for the whole country, but she can’t do it without a majority of the country. Her ideas are good, and her passion is well placed, but she has to see that she needs the middle to come with her. And right or wrong, how her ideas are branded will make a massive difference in how much she’s able to accomplish.

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