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Posts posted by heso

  1. 31 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:








    Is this actually the point of all the frivolous lawsuits? Just to get one last round of grift out of the rubes. Drag the fight out as long as possible for the magas to reach into their wallets for the last of their change so dear leader has a fighting chance against the evil that is going to destroy this country. 

  2. I don’t get how they expect to sell that massive voter fraud in Philly swung the election. 

    Trump did better in philly than he did in 2016 and Biden did worse than Hillary there. Philly county shifted 3 points TO Trump. 

    The suburbs around philly and Pittsburgh shifted away from Trump. Blue collar Erie flipped back to Biden. Upper middle class Bucks county flipped back to Biden.

    In a lot of the really Trumpy counties in the middle of the state, counties that trump won by 30 points, counties that are controlled by GOP officials shifted 2-5 points to Biden. 


  3. These fucking asshats on Fox are really hanging their hats on these late arriving ballots in PA completely invalidating the election. 

    Their whole premise is “we don’t know how many there are and if they counted them or not.”

    It’s not “they counted these these ballots” it’s “we don’t know what happened so the whole thing is fraudulent.”

    I wouldn’t be shocked at this point if some of the GOP counties “accidentally” released these ballots into the pool to try to invalidate the mail in ballots. But we know that in most, if not all, counties the ballots were separated and shrink wrapped to avoid any mistakes. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, BradInATX said:
    26 minutes ago, heso said:
    This is probably better suited for the bourbon thread but I don’t think I’ve ever jumped from a glass of blantons straight into a glass of stagg. Blanton'sis my go to bourbon, my favorite reasonably available bourbon. Going from that right into the stagg really smacks you in the face with how huge the stagg really is. 

    I'd like to hear more about this mythical land where Blanton's is "reasonably available"

    Up until about 2 years ago I could walk into my local liquor store and grab a bottle off the shelf at any time. After that it started getting more and more rare. 

    By a year ago it was hard to get. For Xmas my wife happened to somehow luck onto the PA liquor website and they had a bunch for sale with a 3 bottle limit. She got me 3 for Xmas. You had to have it shipped to a liquor store. A week after she got those bottles she got a call from the liquor store that her 3 bottles had arrived. So for Xmas last year I got 6 bottles of blantons. 

    thats reasonably available. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, BigXII said:

    Production values are mainly a function of providing enough funding to let visionaries do whatever they want. Throughout history, the visionaries in film have come from all sorts of ideologies; Birth of the Nation was taught in a class I took at UT, and we also looked at Lemi Riefenstahl and Sergei Eisenstein and the effects of Nazi and soviet propaganda respectively. The ultimate common factor I noticed was having a leader that pumped money into those programs.

    Michael Bay has no problems doing right-wing stuff. Fox News follows the same template news machine aesthetic very well because it has significant funding. Trump's administration just wasn't interested in producing more than WCW levels of production is all.



    Dude a laptop from 2001 and a hacked version of photoshop can do better than this rinky dink shit.

    If I’m still alive in 50 years that will still be my favorite image of Trump’s presidency. A man so incapable of admitting that he has ever been wrong about anything in his life that, instead of admitting that he misspoke based on outdated information, he drew in his favorite fucking sharpie on a map that he expected ANYONE to believe that he was actually right all along. Holy fuck, what a clown. 

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