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Posts posted by heso

  1. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Perilous times, amigo.

    And it’s already quite clear, if Trump loses, millions of his supporters will not accept the result. Many, many of them have openly promised a violent response (seriously, they aren’t being shy about it). Some of them will follow through, because they’re fucking insane morons being egged on by an insane moron.

    What’s absolutely infuriating about this are the public figures, the broadcasters and talk show hosts calling for this violence aren’t going to lift a finger. They’re just riling up bubba and cleetus to get the guns and head down to the city. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    So a question about Pa: The Pa supreme court, due to a lawsuit filed by dems before the election, said that they could count mail in votes received three days after the election (the law said they have to arrive by election day). SCOTUS didn't grant a cert, so the state supreme court ruling is currently being followed.

    Question: I believe the mail ins received after election day have been segregated. Are those ballots being counted, and if so, are they showing up in the totals. In other words, if the supreme court, now with barret, decides to overrule the PA supreme court, will that change the numbers I'm seeing on the TV right now, which would probably hurt Biden?


    The SoS only said that they were being segregated. Santorum claimed that his sources told him that they were counted. I haven’t heard anything other than that either way. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    This is what I see happening as well. They know Trump can’t hold onto PA but they want to let the state announce the lead change, and then they will call Pa and then the presidency for Biden. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some level of discussion with Biden’s camp to get him ready to give a speech.

    You’re right. I think if making that call wasn’t making the call in the presidency it would have been called already. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Things are trending toward a Biden 55K win in Pennsylvania. I think the Democratic estimates from last night were overstated but he's still on pace to win.

    Not sure if Philadelphia is more represented in what's been counted since last night or what remains to be counted. That could tilt things one direction or another but with apparently over 70,000 Philadelphia ballots left things still look solidly like a Biden win.

    The 100k victory that Senator Casey was pushing was the final certified total after the late arriving mail in ballots and provisional ballots. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    If anything, McConnell would force resignation with the credible threat of impeachment and removal.  I don’t think he will do that but I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump resigns on his own to get a blanket pardon from Pence for federal crimes.  He’s still liable for State crimes.  Anyway, Trump isn’t getting impeached again. It’s too exhausting on everyone involved and nothing to be gained politically. 

    He definitely wouldn’t do it. The Trumpers are still to mad and it will take a few cycles for them to get over this. Mitch won’t waste a single ounce of political capital on that fuck now that he’s useless to him. He’s just going to stop blocking the falling rocks coming for trump. 

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