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Posts posted by heso

  1. 20 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    It means he is the candidate who describes himself as a democratic socialist, who, among the democratic candidates, pushed a variety of socialist ideas the hardest, and, more importantly, would be described by people who might be convinced to not vote for Trump as the socialist, aka the boogeyman commonly used by the right. Being the guy that beat the boogeyman might buy Biden enough cred to convince those people to abstain from voting for Trump. I don't think Bernie takes it personally. Neither should you.

    I saw an interview with Bernie the other day where he said as much without saying it when asked about the way Biden talked about him in the first pres debate. “Look, Joe and I have different opinions on some things, but we both agree on the common ground of removing the existential danger in the White House.” Or something to that effect. 

    He gets it. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. 4 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Given the tweet about his meds, can someone ask Katie Porter to go check into his stock buys? Have the whiteboard ready. 

    His financial disclosure in 2017 reported capital gains from Gilead. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    If he’s in some control over his treatment, and he actually believes what he has said about hydroxychloroquine, he would have told his doctors to give him some. They haven’t, to our knowledge, so that tells me he’s not in charge of his treatment. 

    He knows HCQ was bullshit. He told his docs to do whatever it takes to clear it up as quickly as possible. Regardless of how serious his case is, “throw everything you have at it. I can’t go out like this.”

  4. 10 minutes ago, UTHornFan014 said:

    Statistically speaking (based on numbers available), what is the % chance of him dying?

    Sent from my HD1925 using Tapatalk

    65-74 year olds is 8%
    75-84 year olds is 18%

    Trump is 74, fat, and likely has at least 2 or 3 other pre-existing conditions. 

    I think he’s probably got a 10% chance of dying from it. He’s white and has the best doctors in the world. Those two things shave a little off the mortality. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Yeah--we don't count ours until Election Day, either.  But the Texas Secretary of State publishes how many people voted in each of the 12 largest counties of the state every day.

    That's all I want to know--how many people are voting.  Not how they voted.

    I mean, it's Philadelphia--I can guess how they're voting.

    Ah, gotcha. It’s the first year it’s been an option so I haven’t heard anything about if there will be any numbers released. I’d expect not. 

    All of the counties are required to at minimum accept absentee ballots at their main elections office but counties are allowed to open additional offices as well as stay open outside of their normal hours and on weekends if they choose to. Hopefully Philly can run up the score early. 

    Edit: Philly has 7 locations right now with another 10 opening as they get staff trained up. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I wonder if the numbers for early voting in Pennsylvania are published like they are in Texas (at least for the large counties).  I'd like to see how they compare in Philadelphia to 2016, because that's really where Hillary had a shortfall.

    By the way--that line looks really pretty safe.  Good social distancing and masks (at least so far as I can tell).  It's a good advertisement for going out and voting in person, which I fear is a whole lot safer than mail from the standpoint of having your ballot actually counted.

    Those won’t even be counted until Election Day. It’s just “early in-person absentee” voting where you request, complete, and return an absentee ballot all in one step. So those are paper ballots that will be sealed in their envelope until 8 am Election Day. 

  7. 6 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    I’m not a speech therapist but have worked with many.  When someone has a stuttering issue and you keep cutting them off like that, it’s damn near impossible to get anything out.  I’m not here to say feel sorry for Joe, but I’m sure af here to say Trump should be shoved into traffic for that shit...

    His team flat out said they wanted to do that. They said they watched previous debates and looked for ways to get him stuck and stumbling like that. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Oh god....listening to Santorum defend trump...it was unfair of Wallace to ask trump to condemn people who support him...white supremacists and people who will get violent after the election. He acknowledges that they were “gaffes” by the POTUS....but thinks Wallace was unduly harsh to ask them.

    This is the world we live in.

    We all know that Santorum is there to act as a foil and it was clear as day that from the moment they started the segment that he was aghast at having to try to find positives in Trumps performance. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, heso said:


    Called a couple more times today and finally got through. The lady I talked to sounded frazzled and seemed like she had answered my question many times recently. Their staff of 11 people is completely overwhelmed by the number of voter registration applications and said that repeated database crashes have further hampered them. She said they’ve gotten over 15,000 applications but didn’t specify the time frame. For reference that’s a little over 1% of the population of the county. She said they have to have them all processed by October 18th so they’ll do whatever it takes to get it done by then. 

    And like magic, my registration was approved today. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  10. 16 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Call the fucking news. I’m not kidding. Even if not nefarious, it will expose the shit show. 


    16 hours ago, thepop said:

    You've only called 3 times? I'd be calling nonstop or going in person.


    Called a couple more times today and finally got through. The lady I talked to sounded frazzled and seemed like she had answered my question many times recently. Their staff of 11 people is completely overwhelmed by the number of voter registration applications and said that repeated database crashes have further hampered them. She said they’ve gotten over 15,000 applications but didn’t specify the time frame. For reference that’s a little over 1% of the population of the county. She said they have to have them all processed by October 18th so they’ll do whatever it takes to get it done by then. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. So I’m trying my best to vote in this election in a somewhat important battleground state. I attempted to register in February so I could vote for Yang in the primary. By the time the actual primary rolled around in June I had other things to worry about as it was already determined that Biden got the nod. 

    Come August I submit my application for a mail in ballot. A month later I get an email that my ballot application was declined because I’m not registered. Bullshit. I go online and check and sure enough the website tells my I’m not registered. I don’t know what the fuck happened. I was fairly certain that I submitted the application but I had no record of receiving confirmation of it. So I re-register and this time I can request a mail in ballot at the same time. Done. 

    I immediately get 2 emails that both applications have been received. 5 minutes later I get an email that my mail in ballot application has been declined because I am not registered to vote.

    It’s now 3 weeks later and my voter registration application status hasn’t changed: Received, Not Processed. 

    Ive called the Allegheny county election office 3 times. I go through the menu. It connects my to registration, rings 3-4 times and then disconnects me. 

    Looking for any news about a delay I saw an article from 2017 saying that something like 22,000 applications were not processed and added to the voter rolls until October 31st and those people weren’t notified that their registration was processed until after the election. 

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  12. 5 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:

    If they don’t have that stuff ready to run immediately, especially on something like his tax returns, they would be massively failing at their job. On an issue that has been a major point for years, the videos/ads should’ve been 95%+ complete already

    Exactly. The one that I saw Biden retweet could have been sitting in the hopper completely ready to go other than the dollar amount that trump paid. 

  13. 1 hour ago, hayden_horn said:

    well, the biden camp had some shit locked and loaded, so either they were the leak, or they had access to the source material. not that there is anything wrong with that. we should have known this shit years ago.

    What did they have that was locked and loaded? Everything I’ve seen is stuff that could be produced on the spot. I’m sure their marketing team has a few people on standby at all times to whip something up the minute a story breaks. With a library of stock footage and canned trump footage and some after effects templates set up ahead of time I could knock out a quick video on pretty much any topic in under 30 mins. And that’s just by myself. I’m sure their team has sat around and thought about a couple dozen topics that news might break on, have a library of canned images and footage of everyone in trump’s orbit and the second a new story breaks the copywriter calls into the designer and says “here’s the text. Give me images of a, b, and c with soft piano in the background. Send me a link to review in 10 mins”

  14. 4 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    The lone positive of 3 straight years of overt politicization of the government is that everyone has retreated to their own echo chambers and I doubt there is really any news that will move the needle. I bet Barr anticipated that “NINE DISCARDED BALLOTS!!!!” would be huge news, but outside of Breitbart/OAN it was barely a fart in the wind.

    Well part of it is that they don’t even know what the fuck happened with those ballots. Just that and investigation is open. Since the normal ballots hadn’t been sent out yet, and apparently these military write in ballots look similar enough to a ballot application that they were opened erroneously. Not to mention that the GOP fought to have ballots that didn’t include the extra security envelope invalidated, it’s possible that these didn’t have them, and since they were erroneously opened thinking they were ballot applications, without that security envelop they had to be invalidated. 

  15. Some day I’m going to put together multiple facets of my game at the same time. Normally hitting greens from the fairway is the downfall of my game. Like 2-3 of 18 GIR. I finally put together a round where I hit 10 greens and my putting completely falls apart. And to top it off my wedges, normally the strongest part of my game, fail me on half of the greens that I missed. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    So with 75,000,000 people expected to vote...we're talking about 9 spoiled ballots.  

    What's that, 0.00000012%?  We're worried about that percentage but not the percentage of people dying from Covid-19?  

    Hint:  It's slightly higher

    They had to issue a correction. 2 were resealed an stores before the FBI got there so it’s only 7 ballots. 

  17. 11 hours ago, lemonlime said:

    It's bullshit. Have ballots even been mailed out yet in PA?

    Ballots have not been sent out yet in PA. Those could have only been write-in ballots with no candidates listed that get sent out to some military early in case they don’t have time to get and return a standard absentee ballot. 

  18. 9 hours ago, Mdhorn said:


    This is your setup for Trump to take over everything and move to invalidate mail in ballots.  I think it's a planted setup and the gang of merry dipshits will fuck it up like always but they're on it.  And it's in a swing state no doubt.  

    I tried for a while last night to figure out what the hell was going on there and the only conclusion that I could come to is that it’s a setup. 

    They couldn’t have been standard ballots. Those weren’t even finalized until a few days ago because there was a fight over whether the Green Party candidate should be listed on the ballot. So there was no way those could have gone out, been sent back, and discarded in time for them to be found, the FBI start looking into it, and DOJ and the White House to have a coordinated response to it. 

    Since they were military ballots they would have been blank write-in ballots that get sent out early. 

    So someone at the elections office “finds” some discarded trump ballots in the dumpster outside and right away FBI is investigating and the DOJ IMMEDIATELY sends out a press release that “the FBI is looking into what happened. Oh also all 9 were cast for Trump.” Later has to issue a correction “oh wait, 2 of them were apparently resealed and stored before the FBI could get a hold of them so definitely 7 were cast for trump. Definitely 7. And we don’t know what happened so these votes may or may not have been counted. But someone is definitely throwing away votes for Trump. At least 7. Definitely.”

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