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Posts posted by heso

  1. 11 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Let's stop with the conservative stuff, it's an insult to those of us who were actually conservatives - this is pure 100% Republican, and not all Republicans are conservatives.  

    What you are talking about is also the easiest way to motivate a lot of people to vote against a Republican.  There's a fuck-ton of people in this country, who do not vote for one reason or another.  Pushing a Ted Cruz or whoever is not going to get them out to vote for the Rs.  But it will provide fodder for the Ds, the moderates, the independents.

    Prior to Trump, for 8 years, our President was a Half-Black, Muslim, Atheist, Socialist, Marxist, Communist homosexual who was born in Kenya and raised exclusively in Indonesia until he lived in Hawaii, which, we all know why it wasn't a state until 1959, nudge nudge, wink wink, and he then he was a "community organizer" from that sleazy little town known as Chicago.

    He had no problems beating a war hero in 2008 (albeit with the help of W and Sexy Librarian running mate), and he had no problem beating the Mormon with the bland running mate in 2012.

    And keep in mind, Trump needed Hillary Clinton at the top of the (D) ticket, and he still fucking lost the popular vote.

    RBG is the kind of thing to get a whole shitload of those people that had no problem electing a Half-Black, Muslim...etc....etc...etc. (insert everything I mentioned above), out to vote.  Hillary ain't on the ticket anymore.

    That’s not a bad point. There are ~800,000 more registered Democrats in pa than there are republicans. This might be something that gets some of them out to vote. 

  2. On 9/13/2020 at 12:18 AM, pyrohornIII said:

    Had my first Biden sign stolen out of my yard today while I was at the store.    Wonder how pissed they were when I put a new one out within an hour of them swiping the first.   I hope they keep coming.  I have about 40 more to go.  Cowardly fucks.   Had two Beto signs destroyed in 18.


    Last week I heard the lady 2 doors down complaining to my neighbors about someone stealing her blue lives matter sign out of her yard. A couple days later the guy across the street had his Biden sign go missing. She replaced hers with a sign for the local PA House GOP candidate. He replaced his yard sign with two massive Biden Harris flags hanging off his deck. 

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  3. 9 minutes ago, TXSG8R said:

    So am I taking crazy pills or did Trump basically say he was going to gut SS and Medicare a week or two ago, and it’s not even on anyone’s radar at this point?  

    I can’t fathom how no one has pushed the figures from the actuary saying that if Trump eliminates the payroll tax that SS runs out in a year. 

    if you want to get the most selfish voting block in history on your side. Show them that the other guy is fucking their retirement. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  4. On 9/3/2020 at 7:56 AM, Bookman said:

    If Election Day was a holiday, I think a lot of people would take the day off and not vote.

    If I were in charge I'd give my employees 2-3 hours paid leave to vote.

    I think that’s a good way to do it. We just got word that everyone at my company is going to get a half day pto for voting related activities, whether that be actually voting or volunteering to assist voting in some way. 

  5. 1 minute ago, InkaUtexas said:

    This is theft. Plain and simple. Sure it might seem minor, but to me it is a big deal. A- These were paid for by the Department of State's art budget (yes they have one), B- this is part of representation at a major embassy, and C- They fucking belong to us, the tax payer. 

    Trump fancied several of the pieces in the U.S. ambassador’s historic residence in Paris, where he was staying, and on a whim had them removed and loaded onto Air Force One, according to people familiar with the matter. The works -- a portrait, a bust, and a set of silver figurines -- were brought back to the White House.


    He was probably gonna try to take them when he left the White House claiming they were his and he just brought them to the White House because he wanted them there while he was living there. 

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  6. Just now, 4th&Five said:

    John Bolton said that while he didn’t hear President Trump disparage troops, the reported comments in The Atlantic weren’t out of character. “I haven’t heard anybody yet react to say, ‘That’s not the Donald Trump I know,’” he said.

    Thanks, I didn’t see the exact quote, just that he said he didn’t hear it. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


    What a fucking coward. He knows he’s on the verge of losing the military. Bunker bitch is grasping at straws. The pussy can’t even own his own bitchassedness 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  8. 1 minute ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Is the media just now catching on to all this?  It’s been known since each incident occurred.

    I assume it’s being brought back up now to add some grit to gain traction in the declining active duty military support. 

  9. 20 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Yeah- I think if they get their asses kicked they will absolutely go away. Or will be ignored. 

    It will be ignored where it can be, but there are many places, many house districts where Trumpism has take over as the main religion. Places that were democratic union strongholds for 75 years. The unions have withered, the jobs aren’t there, and the populace was lost and angry with no one to blame except Obama. After 2009 the jobs came back in the cities, but not nearly as much in the rural areas. Along came Trump making promises about bringing things back to the old days, when American manufacturing was king and blacks and women knew their place. That was a real seductive message to those regions and anyone that is willing to carry that banner will thrive for another 20-30 years at least. 

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  10. 4 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    thanks for the mostly depressing link.

    It took PA a week to count the 1.4 million mail in ballots for the primaries in June.

    And for anyone that didn’t look at the link up thread, they can’t even open the ballots to start processing them until Election Day. PA likely won’t be able to be called for at least a week after the election. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    I think you can start make an argument that dissolution of the Union should be on the table.  I think we may have reached a point where the two sides of America can no longer live with each other. 


    I’d love to see how many of those pink states would flip to blue when the vote was on secession and being faced with losing the economic support of the coasts. Let the Bible Belt try to survive on its own. 

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