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Posts posted by heso

  1. 5 minutes ago, Planet Houston said:

    In Texas, this only works for early voting. On Election Day you have to vote at your precinct voting location. Not sure about rules in other states. 

    Perhaps sports should go on a hiatus for several days before Election Day for this very purpose. 

    In PA we don’t have early voting but hienz field and ppg arena are planning to open up as polling locations on Election Day. 

    the primary was a clusterfuck because they closed so many polling locations because of Covid. They also inexplicably didn’t reach out to previous polling workers, just assuming they didn’t want to. So the vast majority were working there for the first time and had no idea what they were doing. 

  2. 17 hours ago, TexEx15 said:

    Very well done.

    Why are we beeping out the word pussy in that recording anywhere? The president of the US is on record saying he grabs women by the pussy. If hearing someone say that word makes you uncomfortable, you should be forced to reconcile that it’s a direct quote it come out of the president’s mouth and not only did he say it, he has done it.

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Bevo14 said:

    I haven't seen as many Trump flags in my Philly suburb as I did last time. Of course I barely leave the house but still. One of my dumbass friends that sat out the last election is voting for Biden this time. We'll see what happens.

    I think part of that is the direction I’m going and distance from the city. Like you I’m not really leaving the house other than to go golfing or to my grandmother-in-law’s lake house. So the direction I’m traveling away from the city very rapidly goes from suburbs to Mississippi without the accent. 

  4. Like I said last week, I’ll believe Biden wins PA when I see it. There are more trump banners/flags/etc. around the greater Pittsburgh area than ever.

    i expect a lot of that is that the hardcore Trumpers love to make sure everyone knows knows how much they love trump and Biden doesn’t have that kind of support from anyone. There are also a fair amount of educated, traditional conservatives that, while not openly expressing their love of the orange god-king, will happily pull the lever for a straight R ticket.

    I know a bunch of people that will be voting for Trump for a second time. That said, I know a decent number that voted for trump last time that are switching to Biden. I don’t know a single one switching TO trump, I don’t think those actually exist. There might be 1 Kasich voter I know voting for trump this time. But she probably voted for him last time and just told people she voted for Kasich to avoid ridicule. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, BradInATX said:


    Yep. I think PA and MI are fairly solid Biden at this point. But WI is in play for sure. The bad news is that all of those swingy states they have labeled as tossups (OH, FL, NC, GA) are likely to go for the same candidate, whoever that is. They moved together last election and their polling seems to move together this time.

    The good news is that Arizona seems to move independently of those. So in my very likely scenario, the Dems have two outs. WI and AZ, which have completely different demographics and aren't joined at the hip. Two distinct, separate chances, and they just need one of the two.

    Purely opinion here but I think AZ is more likely to swing the election than OH/FL/GA/NC. If any of those states go blue, AZ already will have. And it could be our saving grace and firewall against the very possible Trump win in Wisconsin.

    I will believe Trump loses PA when I see it. 

  6. Shot my personal best on the front 9 today for a 39. Even par thru 6 my buddy spent the whole time we were waiting on the 7th tee talking about my score and how well I was playing so obviously fired the next ball OB. Finished bogey bogey bogey. 

    followed up the 39 with a smooth 49 on the back. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, Hate said:

    I think I am looking for weed to this event more than any other sporting event this year. Now that the PGA has shown they can have tournaments successfully during this pandemic, the Masters should be spectacular. I can’t wait to see what the course looks like in the fall. This may be the highest rated golf tournament in tv history.

    And we don’t have to hear assholes yell dumb shit on every tee shot. 

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  8. The most important part of that press release, for me at least: 

    All 2020 ticket holders will be guaranteed the same tickets for the 2021 Masters. Augusta National will communicate directly with all ticket holders and 2021 ticket applicants in September. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    You knew we were ducked when he wouldn’t shut up a out the inauguration crowd size 

    You knew we were fucked the day after the election. I’m constantly baffled at how anyone expected anything other than exactly what we got when we all knew exactly what trump was. I remember laughing in my old boss’s face when he was excited over trump announcing he was going to run. “He’s an outsider and a businessman. He knows how to run things.” wat? I insisted that there was no fucking way the republicans were stupid enough to nominate that phony. 

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  10. Anti-mask anecdote from earlier today: 

    Driving across PA today in the trumpiest of areas, a county trump won 72-23. I stop for gas and a piss. Inside I’m pleasantly surprised to see almost complete mask usage. This is a county with 95 total cases. One guy not wearing a mask inside. Not only that, but he’s eyeballing me like I’m the fucking weirdo. Classic little man, 5’6” at best in boots, looks like a typical bad apple cop, early 40s. Ends up in front of me in the checkout line. He’s buying two 16 oz cans of natural ice and a slim jim. “holy shit people actually drink that”. He leaves the store and gets into a beat up old minivan. As he pulls away, I already know what’s there before I see it. Trump 2020. No doubt Trump has that man’s interest top of mind. 

    Truly the best people. 

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  11. On 7/12/2020 at 12:44 PM, Incredulity said:

    Are there studies that pinpoint the current surge to bars?  Contact tracing results?  I find reference to, “spread in bar settings” referenced over and over but no referral to source of that info.

    I don’t have the exact source handy but I’ve read this on several local news sites. If you really need a source I’m sure some googling would turn it up. 

    Allegheny county has like 1.3 million people. Around the time we moved to PA’s “green phase” (a terrible name considering what it would signal to the dumbs) we had a day with zero new cases. 

    Today we had over 300. Contact tracing put the overwhelming majority of the new outbreak into bars and restaurants. That and out of state travel. 

  12. Since this is now the "How much can you bench, bro" thread, I need to comment on this.  
    1x should be doable by most guys who have ever lifted weights.  2x is otherworldly.  I weigh 200 and can do that weight probably 10 times.  I would need 2 spotters to get 400 lbs off of me before my sternum cracked.
    Also, you nail the issue with women in a later post.  I bet my wife and 2 teenage daughters couldn't do half of their body weight.  My daughters are gymnasts and very strong, but they have no clue how to lift weights at all.
    Off topic, but may be of interest to the non-weight lifting bros:
    Florida just shut down all of the bars again and they are requiring masks in all businesses after 5pm today.

    Just so we all know how ridiculous a 2x bench is for everyone outside of surly.

  13. 1 minute ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    I’ll look but I’m pretty sure cases have far outpaced deaths now compared to spring.  I’ll dig through some data tomorrow.  Mostly a telemedicine day - which I’ve grown to hate.  

    Curious how much of that is due to increased testing. Looking at NYC likely having it rip through the city before anyone knew it was there and testing not coming in until only the worst cases were leaving their houses to get tested vs the current outbreaks being tested in real time. 

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  14. Just now, StruggleBus said:

    Fuck all 30 of those people 

    Also fuck lawyers 

    I mean, if you’ve got some kind of lung or breathing condition where wearing a mask is unbearable, what the fuck are you doing going to the grocery store in the midst of a pandemic that will likely kill you if you catch it?

    None of my family has been inside a grocery store since mid March. 

    How is this hard?

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  15. 13 minutes ago, BradInATX said:



    One of the more disappointing things I’ve read recently was about how the big grocery store chain up here currently has 30 lawsuits filed against it by people who were forced to leave after refusing to wear a mask due to some health condition that makes wearing a mask difficult or “impossible”. Despite the chain offering curb side pickup. All 30 are represented by the same attorney. 

    The masks clearly work. How has our populace become so stupid as to refuse to wear them “because muh freedoms”. 

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  16. 3 hours ago, The Ace of Aces said:

    Pennsylvania here. Idiots called Wolf a dictator and an insane house rep drafted impeachment papers against him. 

    Meanwhile he handled this as good as anyone in the nation. 

    The only real gripe I have is with the colorization of his phases. The current phase should have been yellow not green. It gives too many people the false impression that everything is a-ok and this is all behind us. 

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