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Posts posted by heso

  1. I saw a new one this weekend at Home Depot. I’ve been to HD a half a dozen times since early April. First time was before the statewide mask mandate (PA), and I saw two people in the store with a mask. After that it was 100% since you needed to be wearing one to get into the store. This past weekend, despite still needing to wear one to get in the store, I saw 5 people either holding their mask in their hand or taking it off and putting it in their cart. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    The problem with the NYT charts is that they don't use the same y axis.  All they are are exaggerated representations of the shape of the curve, which yields totally erroneous conclusions when you make these kind of comparisons.  I mean it is impossible to argue that NY, NJ, PA, etc. look better than Texas, CA, AZ, or FL. Although I would agree that in the grand scheme of things they resemble Italy and Spain moreso than TX. 





    Completely agree. My good/bad determination was a poor choice of words. More just pointing out that those early northeast outbreak states had an initial explosion and then are now continuing a downward trajectory, while the current outbreak states had an initial bump and then fade and are now back into an upward trajectory. 

    im still not sure what to make of the death rates in the current outbreak states other than to guess that those states are catching the outbreak in real time while the northeast outbreak testing was probably a month behind the initial surge of the outbreak and thus only caught a small percentage of actual infections. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/12/2020 at 12:19 PM, Mapache said:

    This is bullshit. It's the taxpayers money asshole, not Trump's


    I know this isn’t surprising, but I don’t know why this isn’t being made into a huge fucking deal. You’re god damn right that it’s the tax payers money and most are perfectly happy with their $1200 and completely oblivious that $500,000,000,000 was delivered to people that needed it the least. 

  4. 49 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:

    Anybody have any data on the green  ('16 non voters)? Who exactly are these people (age, politically, demos) and if there's been any targeted polling on what they intend to do in 2020?


    I am a single data point in that green section. 36, college, white, male, suburb, independent, Pennsylvania. I am a big reason we’re stuck with what we are because I didn’t think bunker bitch had a chance to win. 

    I don’t show up in polling because I don’t have a land line and I don’t answer calls from numbers I don’t recognize. 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    until now, we've had two different types of presidents - those who try to unite the country and succeed, and those who try to unite the country and fail.  until now, every president has at least pretended to try, even if they weren't that interested or didn't need the support/votes.

    trump is a new, third kind of president - those who don't try to unite the country, but instead actively try to divide the country.  this is not accidental.  he thinks it's the only way he can win, and he's probably right.  he won't win, but it's his best strategy.  he doesn't have the capacity to do it any other way.

    about a week ago, stories started circulating about how the administration was divided on whether trump should make an oval office address to try to unite the country.  meadows and others thought he should.  kushner and others thought he shouldn't.  people who only read the headlines probably thought, yeah, that figures. 

    but i read the actual articles and found something interesting.  kushner said he opposed the speech, not because of the messaging, but because he felt that in previous instances when trump read a prepared statement in the oval office with hopes of reassuring the country, he had failed spectacularly.  that's why he opposed it.  and he's not wrong.

    His only play is to try to paint the left with the brush of illegals, criminals, abortionists, communists, etc. 

    If you’re not in favor of giving the country to those groups, you have to vote for me. They’re going to take your guns, abort your babies, raise your taxes and give the money to illegal immigrants and gang members. 

    If he tries to unite he loses his base. He has no choice but to try to make the left look worse than the right to pick up the white middle. It worked spectacularly in rural and suburban PA, MI, and WI. He took a group of people that weren’t  entirely comfortable with the openness and inclusiveness of the 21st century and he gave them the comfort of good old fashioned racism.

    Im pretty optimistic that the suburbs are going to swing pretty hard against him this time around. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    The rising number of positive cases in 21 states can help us prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths if we are capable of identifying, isolating, and contacting those people that might have been infected by the people testing positive. We must use basic precautions like masks if we want to slow/stop a second wave. Failure by government to slow a second wave would be moronic just because there’s currently room in the hospitals. It’s a way to keep the economy open and not shut down again. 

    or we can whistle past the graveyard and keep on with our magical thinking 

    The pushback on any effort to slow a second wave will be peak idiocracy in times where it can’t seem like that could peak any higher. The dumbs have already convinced themselves that the first round was an overreaction and this is really no big deal. 

    • Like 4
  7. That chart looks a bit different when you add in the heavy hitters. COVID still likely to bump suicide out of the top 15 with Brazil and India still ramping up. We won’t know for sure until a retrospective reallocates the unexpected bump in pneumonia and the unattributed slum deaths to covid, but I expect it ends up with an outside chance of cracking the top 10 for 2020.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, landman said:

    Glad to see cancer and heart disease have been eradicated from the world.  Where do deaths from medical mistakes fit in?  Estimates of over 200k in the US die each year from them.

    Such a misleading chart other than to show the growth of covid death rates aver time. Excluding covid all of those causes of death accounted for 7% of deaths last year. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    what the fuck is up with that weird fence of yours in the eastern part of your yard?  It doesn't really connect to anything and just sorta ends at your neighbor's port-less carport.  Before we find your shady dog walker, let's talk to that asshole neighbor of yours about why he feels the need to pave over a nice lawn in order for everyone to see his bitchin' Mazda.  

    Both the fence and the driveway yard annexation were there when he moved in a year or so ago. It used to be a split rail fence that went across the front and sides of her yard but it was falling down by the time I bought mine 4 years ago. When the lady wanted to replace it, the township told her the fence at the front of her yard had to move 12 feet in from the road so she only replaced what you could see from the road on the side. So now it’s 50 feet of white vinyl rail fence that turns back into old split rail in the back yard. 

    The houses are all 75 years old, so they have 1 car garages and had 1 car width driveways. Rather than bumping out the driveway to fit two cars like the rest of identical houses on the street did, whoever lived there decided to pave a double width parking spot in their front yard for some reason. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Helobious said:

    This is the whitest thing I’ve ever read.

    Yea I mean I really didn’t think much of it at the time other than what kind of asshole goes out of his way to walk around a fence and bushes to walk his dog down a driveway up to someone’s house. 

    If it was just me I wouldn’t give a fuck. my only real concern is my kid or my dog come running around the side of the house and spooking some douchebags pit bull and getting bit.


  11. Alright surly, how paranoid should I be? About 10am today I’m in my living room with my 4 year old and my dog. I have just minutes ago broken one of my toes when a kitchen stool fell on it. Sitting on the couch I look up from my ice pack and see a guy (maybe 40-45) with his dog (mid-sized pit bull, male) walking up my 30 ft or so driveway and pauses at the corner of my yard where my dog pisses every day, say 7-8 feet from my living room window. Doesn’t seem to be looking at anything I particular other than his dog. My useless dog who can hear the mail truck from half a mile away never notice them. As I start to get up to see what the fuck this asshole wants he starts to walk away through my neighbor’s yard back towards the road. He was standing there for maybe 5 seconds before starting to walk away. Had I not been more concerned with my throbbing foot I’d have walked after him to question him. Once he gets to my neighbor’s driveway he crosses the street and turns into a cul-de-sac with maybe 10 houses on it. I’ve never seen the guy before but I doubt I’d take note if I had. Definitely haven’t seen his dog before. I live on somewhat of a main road, regularly stream of cars, joggers, and dog walkers. I thought it was odd but seems like there’d be much better opportunities for houses to rob. My wife is fully freaked. What say you?


    Diagram of his path:


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