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Posts posted by heso

  1. 1 minute ago, Helobious said:

    This is the whitest thing I’ve ever read.

    Yea I mean I really didn’t think much of it at the time other than what kind of asshole goes out of his way to walk around a fence and bushes to walk his dog down a driveway up to someone’s house. 

    If it was just me I wouldn’t give a fuck. my only real concern is my kid or my dog come running around the side of the house and spooking some douchebags pit bull and getting bit.


  2. Alright surly, how paranoid should I be? About 10am today I’m in my living room with my 4 year old and my dog. I have just minutes ago broken one of my toes when a kitchen stool fell on it. Sitting on the couch I look up from my ice pack and see a guy (maybe 40-45) with his dog (mid-sized pit bull, male) walking up my 30 ft or so driveway and pauses at the corner of my yard where my dog pisses every day, say 7-8 feet from my living room window. Doesn’t seem to be looking at anything I particular other than his dog. My useless dog who can hear the mail truck from half a mile away never notice them. As I start to get up to see what the fuck this asshole wants he starts to walk away through my neighbor’s yard back towards the road. He was standing there for maybe 5 seconds before starting to walk away. Had I not been more concerned with my throbbing foot I’d have walked after him to question him. Once he gets to my neighbor’s driveway he crosses the street and turns into a cul-de-sac with maybe 10 houses on it. I’ve never seen the guy before but I doubt I’d take note if I had. Definitely haven’t seen his dog before. I live on somewhat of a main road, regularly stream of cars, joggers, and dog walkers. I thought it was odd but seems like there’d be much better opportunities for houses to rob. My wife is fully freaked. What say you?


    Diagram of his path:


  3. Just now, SquishMitten said:

    So when's the next launch window? Need to set my calendar. Almost forgot about today

    Saturday. 3:22

  4. So I assume that since the launch time is so specific at 4:33 there is no chance of waiting a bit to see if the weather clears up?

  5. 72b1144e19d566a6dc091616ae2919b2.jpg

    Finally got these into the ground this weekend. 8x4, 14” deep.

    I’ve never done any gardening before, so who knows how the fuck this will go. No clue what I’m doing other that what I’ve read over the couple months.

    Filled with 37% screened topsoil, 37% compost, 10% coconut coir, 8% peat, 8% vermiculite.

    The bottoms are 1/2” hardware cloth.

    Next step is to build some hinged cages for the top to keep the wildlife out.

    Planted tomatoes, carrots, radishes, peppers, snap peas, thyme, basil, strawberries, celery, lettuce, dill

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, gurt said:

    Not much feels as good as when you hit an iron right in the center of the sweet spot

    3 wood off the deck with a slight bit of fade to reach a par 5 in two. Feeling lasts the whole way to the green before I invariably leave the eagle putt well short. 

    • Like 2
  7. The covid lay-off was not kind to my game. I couldn’t get to the range and went out and fired a smooth 100 on what is probably the easiest course in the area. I hit 2 fairways all day. I had multiple rounds last season that I was north of 70% FIR. If it wasn’t such a wide open course I might have shot 120. I just could not stop leaving my hands behind me and blasting everything out to the right. Probably the worst day I’ve had off the tee in 10+ years. Driver, woods, irons, made no difference. Everything was either a big slice, a push, or a shank. Even when I thought I was making a good swing it was trash. I’ve never thrown a golf club, but if I was ever going to, it would have been this past weekend. 


  8. 18 hours ago, NateHitch said:

    So wife and neighbors wife want to do one of those fold down, fence bars. It's not a bad idea, we spend a lot of time with them and we'd put it to good use. I don't want to do the super simple ones I've seen on social media, where it folds down on one side so one neighbor has a bar/seating area and the other has to stand up. Trying to think of an idea so it pivots down and both sides have a table area. It's a 6' fence. Was thinking maybe I could just have the top 3 feet on a rail that can pivot and raise or lower but would like advice from people with a little more engineering background than myself

    Saw this on reddit today:


    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    My vote is herd immunity. Even a fast vaccine is too long to demand all people continue isolating (until the beginning of 2021). Also, the economic damage that would bring for the city and state of NY would take a decade to recover from.

    Once over the initial hump, and hospital capacity and supplies are better, then I think you have to come up with a better fucking plan that this NY on Pause.

    The vulnerable should continue to quarantine, but the rest of us should start getting back to it.

    I think that’s the only path forward for NYC. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:
    31 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    In New Jersey or America? I’d double that 5 to 10 and probably make it 15x higher

    Yeah, I would say actual numbers of cases in NYC are probably 10 to 20 times the reported number. Wouldn't be shocked if a quarter to half the city has had it.

    Which would seem to mean that without an extended Wuhan style lockdown, the only think that would stop the spread in NYC is a vaccine or herd immunity. 

  11. 6 hours ago, Pom said:

    Nothing can compare to your first trip! I’m going with seven first timers this year! It will be interesting to see how the course looks in November.

    That’s awesome. I’m looking forward watching him see it for the first time. It’s absolutely like being a kid in Disney world for the first time. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Pom said:

    Have you been before?

    2nd time. I won the lotto for the Tuesday practice round for 2018. One of the guys that went that year won the lotto for Monday practice round this year, so almost the same 4 guys as last time. One guy had a kid due masters week this year so he gave up his ticket to a guy that’s never been there before. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    One flaw in some of the new analysis and even old analysis is imperfect information. We seem to reply on an assumption that we have up to date testing. The other day Houston had a dump of tests finally reported, some tests waiting to be analyzed for a couple of weeks. The number of positives greatly jumped.  However we don't know how many current tests are waiting to be processed. Is it just 1 day's worth of tests?  10?  

    Maryland has been averaging about 300-400 new positives per day. Today it jumped to 1,200.  Did they really experience 3-4x new people with coronavirus or did the labs get new processing machines to catch up on the backlog.  https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/

    the point being that I don't know if the raw numbers tell us the full story without more context. And that context doesn't seem to be available.


    Quest diagnostics alone had a backlog of 150,000 samples a week ago and the vast majority of those were from New York. I’d guess part of the big jump from Maryland is the N.Y. pig working it’s way through the python and other places starting to get quicker turnaround time on their results. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, StruggleBus said:

    Yeah, because we shut down massive parts of our economy. 

    And that’s what a lot of the rubes will fail to ever comprehend. That we nearly completely shut down almost the entire country for a month and a half, to keep this in the neighborhood of the worst flu. If we would have just let it run it’s course, no doubt we’d have ended up with a million dead. 

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