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Posts posted by heso

  1. 8 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    fwiw, late last week I had a single episode of obvious diarrhea out of the blue.  Nothing else. It crossed my mind wondering if it was a sentinel symptom of something, and did see that mild or minimal diarrhea can be associated with this coronavirus.  Over the past 3-4 days, last two days for sure, I've had mild upper airway restriction which I rarely get, slight runny nose, a minimal cough, and a vague sensation of pressure or heaviness deeper in the middle of my chest.  No real obvious fever but the last 3 nights sleep has only been 5 hours and waking up with my legs feeling hot... Part of me hopes this is a milder covid-19 infection and I can join the herd.  Who the hell knows.  I'd go get a test right now if it didn't inconvenience anyone. 

    I’ve had a nearly identical experience for the last few days and have been wondering if I have it. It’s unlikely, as there aren’t any confirmed cases in the city yet. I know there are about 5 presumptive positives in local hospitals right now. Ohio claiming they have 100,000 cases makes me wonder if I do. 

    I know I couldn’t get tested right now if I wanted to.  I’ve definitely found myself hoping it’s a mild covid. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Somnio said:

    With the amount of high profile cases popping up I think the number of cases may be metric fuckton more than we realize.

    What are the odds mayors, actors, professional athletes, coaches, presidents, wives of prime ministers, etc. would have come down with this without there being tens of millions of cases already?

    I worry the ever talked about hospital overload is getting ready to hit very fucking soon.

    Early on I was confident that you could add a zero to the number of cases. As our testing lagged I thought probably two zeros. At this point you might be able to add 3 zeros to the number. 

  3. It will be really interesting to see how they pull it off if they move it to the fall. 

    Augusta National’s primary turfgrass is bermuda. During the hot and humid Georgia summer, bermudagrass covers the landscape because of its heat tolerance characteristics (amongst other reasons). In the Fall as the nights become cooler, the bermudagrass goes dormant, stops growing, and turns brown. Once the weather patterns are desirable to grow cool season grasses, the bermudagrass is scalped down from tee to green to almost nothing. The scalping process can be quite aggressive depending on the bermuda’s health. It is very labor intensive and requires an incredible amount of resource inputs. Once the bermuda has been scalped, perennial ryegrass seed is laid out from wall-to-wall using calibrated spreaders that ensure all areas receive enough ryegrass seed to promote a dense and uniform turf canopy. In my personal experience in overseeding, we have used more than a million gallons of water per day to establish germination, matched with a fertilization program that can cost up to $10,000 per application in product alone (both statistics I have a hard time advocating, rationalizing, and standing behind). From the time the ryegrass seed is spread to the time you can re-open the golf course to play may be from 4-6 weeks depending on environmental and growth conditions. 


  4. 10 hours ago, RockyMountainHighHorn said:

    Yeah and of course the one year I win the ticket lottery, doomsday effin hits. Unreal. Hopefully them georgians will find a cure for this darn thing-maybe it’s squirrel and moonshine. Save the masters!

    I’m hoping they either postpone it until the fall, or if the host it without patrons that they let this year’s lotto winners rebuy for next year. 

  5. 53 minutes ago, APMP said:

    Anybody voluntarily pull their kids out of school yet?

    We haven’t pulled our 3 year old out of daycare yet, but I’m trying to convince the wife that we need to make that call sooner rather than later so her mother can watch the kid. I don’t know what we’d do if we got the notice that the daycare is closing temporarily because someone tested positive. Probably try to self quarantine for two weeks somehow and then have the my MIL step in after that. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Girdwood said:

    We have no clue what coronavirus CFR is at this point. Everyone is just guessing.

    So best case scenario it’s Germany’s 0.2%. Worst case scenario it’s Italy’s 6+%. 

    so best case scenario is twice as deadly as the flu. 

    i think that’s probably close to an accurate number, IF, and this is a huge if, the spread can be slowed and the impact on the healthcare system can be managed. 

  7. 11 hours ago, Somnio said:

    For at least 2 weeks I've had almost daily headaches, fatigue, aches and pains, and just a general feeling of not being well.

    I must admit the thought has crossed my mind that I have Covid-19.

    It’s much more likely that you had a mild case of the flu. Despite getting a flu shot I had it with basically those same symptoms. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Jhawk said:

    I love my 3 and am very comfortable with it, but I have a 3-5 shots a round that just go awry and get me in jail.  I'm really trying to justify the driver and know I will have to put in a lot of work (and possibly time in the gym) to make it worth it.

    If you put in that speed work and get your driver swing up 15 mph will that shaft still be the best option for you? Seems like the prudent thing to do would be to get your swing speed up and then get a driver fitting. 

  9. 4 hours ago, RockyMountainHighHorn said:

    I’m going for the first time. Have Tuesday practice round tickets and going to try to get tickets for Thursday. Any tips for doing that? Wait until closer to the tournament?

    This year is not like other years. How do you feel about the possibility of spending $1300 on Thursday and it being canceled? Might depend on stubhubs policy on canceled events. If you get your money back if the even gets canceled, the current price of $1375 for Thursday is the cheapest it’s been in years. I expect that price to trend downward for at least a week or two as more people freak out. If you can get Thursday for under or close to $1000 with a refund if the event is canceled, that would be hard to pass up.

  10. 40 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Tickets have dropped about $800 on secondary market.


    Positive of Wu-Flu.

    Assuming the tournament isn't affected.

    From what I’ve seen, each day is off around 40% from their typical peak the last couple years, with 15-20% of that coming in the last 4-5 days. 

    They are currently in line with what prices have been at in late summer/early fall which seems the be the low point. 

  11. 20 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    And some of them....will have been a complete clusterfuck, allowing their jurisdiction to become a hub for the disease spreading (I mean, we're all expecting Florida will meet this description, right?)


    Text exchange with a friend of mine in Florida:

    Heso: Are hospitals testing people in Florida yet?

    friend: Maybe. Seems very unclear. The one I’m at in ft Meyers is. And obviously the one in Sarasota did. But there’s been no statewide mandate on anything yet. 

  12. Didn't they purchase more land from the Augusta Country Club so they could move the tee box back?  I think they want to make that second shot more risk reward like it used to be 20-30 years ago. 

    Yep, they did a lot of construction back there over the winter, built an access road around the back, etc.

    Augusta country club moved that whole hole from one side of the cart path to the other where all of those trees used to be.

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