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Posts posted by heso

  1. 9 minutes ago, ShaggyBevo RIP said:

    The Arnold Classic is the biggest Columbus sporting event after tOSU football. Body builders and spectators from around the world attend.

    Like 200,000 spectators. And it’s not just bodybuilding. They have weightlifting, grappling, fencing, cheerleading, more. I’ve had to addendums for work several times and would have wished for a coronavirus when I had to be there. 

    • Like 1
  2. 48 minutes ago, StruggleBus said:

    There have been some younger people dying, but yes, it's mostly olds. If you're under 40 the mortality rate has been .2%. And as far as I know there haven't been any children under 9 that have passed from it yet. 

    And the mortality rate for the flu for the 18-49 range in 2017-18 was 0.02%. Roughly 2800 deaths on 14.4 million infected. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Chult86 said:

    As someone about to purchase a new home, rate cuts sound good to me for the short-term. As someone worried about the long term health of the country, rate cuts do not sound good.

    Are there a bunch of olds in the area you’re looking to buy? Might be prudent to wait a few months. 

  4. The message that all is well does not match the action of the biggest rate cut since the recession and all it’s going to do in the short term is show people that there is an actual problem, however short lived it may be. 

    The rate cut was nothing more than a shortsighted attempt to calm everyone down. 

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  5. 15 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I'm pretty blown away that the Bros are apparently taking their talking points from Fox News now.  My god, through the looking glass indeed.

    I think a more accurate representation would be that the Bernie bros thought Joe was dead in the water and were preparing for a fight with Pete or Klobs and/or Bloomberg. Now that they have all fallen and Joe is the guy to beat the bros are saying “wait, I thought we all agreed that Joe had dementia. Now you all think he’s Joe cool again?”  

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, JimmyJames said:

    Have you heard trump speak lately? He’s not murdering anyone on the debate stage. I’ll be surprised if he even shows up. Won’t matter anyway. 

    Trumps brain is only slightly less mushy than Joe’s, but he owns it a lot better than Biden does. His answers in the debates about the nuclear triad or Aleppo showed that he clearly had no clue what the fuck he was talking about, but he owned it and gave a rambling bullshit answer. Pete would have been the best at debating Trump because he thinks quickly and doesn’t get flustered. He picked exactly the right spots to poke Amy in that Nevada debate and had her completely rattled. 

    The optimist in me hopes Joe will be with it enough to point out all of Trumps bullshit in a loud and aggressive manner that will resonate with the working class white men that bought into Trumps lies last time around. “Where are all those manufacturing jobs you promised? Where is the coal revival? Where is all the money from Mexico to pay for your wall that fell over? You diverted some of it from a daycare center and housing repairs that badly needed it on military bases! Where are your tax returns that were under audit 4 years ago so we can all see what a deceitful conman you are?”

  7. 1 minute ago, Doc Sam Beckett said:

    What a world we live in where SOCIALISM is considered worse than the shit that they are going to hit Biden with. One thing vs countless things 

    And the socialism thing can be countered to a degree by pointing out all of the ways the government assists the ruling class. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    They cracked. Independents now outnumber registered Republicans

    Did you watch any of the impeachment proceedings? They haven’t cracked. They lost some of their educated centrists. 

  9. 15 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Well, I think you're wrong based on the Electoral College.  I think Sanders runs up the score on Trump in solidly Democratic states in a way that Biden doesn't do.  But I think he loses Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin (the analyses to which you point predates Biden's consolidation of the center-left lane).  And I think he doesn't have a prayer in Texas or Arizona or Florida.  But who knows--maybe you're right.

    But that's maybe not the most important part.  If we nominate Sanders, we will lose the House.  We won 40 House seats in 2018, most of which voted for Trump in 2016.  They are disproportionately suburban, college-educated districts--precisely the types of districts that have been voting for Buttigieg or Warren or Klobuchar over Sanders.  If we nominate Sanders, we will lose a lot of those seats (and some others).

    And if we nominate Sanders, forget about retaking the Senate.  Kelly may win, because he's a great candidate.  Cory Gardner will probably still lose because Colorado is now just that Democratic.  But Maine?  North Carolina?  Iowa?  Alabama?  Forget it.

    And also forget taking the Texas House.  So that means the Republicans get to fix their gerrymander in Texas, which we all know is now broken.  So Colin Allred is going to get gerrymandered out of his seat, as is Lizzie Fletcher, in all likelihood.

    And look further down the ballot--we have four candidates up for Texas Supreme Court.  They're good candidates.  They have a chance with a strong Democratic turnout (and a MAGAt turnout that only votes for their orange god and doesn't scroll down the ballot in this new no-straight-ticket environment).  A Sanders nomination would kill them.

    I think Bernie brings Texas and Georgia more into play than Biden simply on the MFA issue if the dems united behind it and promoted it properly. Texas is last in the country in uninsured rate, GA is 48th. Both states are turning bluer with every new voter registration. 

    You would probably even swing some of the fringe mags hats that would vote for their own healthcare but act like they voted for Trump. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/michigan/ - Sanders better than Biden
    https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/wisconsin/ - Sanders better than Biden
    https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/pennsylvania/ - Sanders better than Biden
    https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/ohio/ - Nothing even close to recent but Sanders better than Biden
    RCP has Sanders +5.3 on Trump in Michigan. Biden is +5.2.
    In Wisconsin it's Trump +1.0 over Sanders but +1.7 over Biden.
    Sanders +3.0 in Pennsylvania. Biden also +3.0.

    To be honest, I'm the one who is wondering where this narrative that the data shows Biden outperforming Sanders versus Trump in battleground states is coming from. But wait! There's more!

    That's already baked in. He's already got a big SOCIALIST tattoo on his forehead to the people that the GOP effectively scares with their messaging. It's already done. He can't get more socialist than socialist.

    But Biden is about to get trucked. There will be "Progressives against Biden" PACs that form and are actually run by GOP operatives that point out all the regressive policies Biden has championed. Biden loses the vote of women who hate Trump's creepiness as soon as all of Biden's creepy touching and statements get played on air non-stop for months. Hell, Biden can't even attack Trump on Social Security cuts without questionable statements from his past coming out. And I haven't even mentioned the Hunter Biden thing that will get the Trump supporters frothing at the mouth to vote against him.

    The polls I just linked have way more room to get worse for Biden than they do for Sanders.

    The narrative that Joe can beat Trump but Bernie cannot has been completely fabricated by the left media. Medicare for all and a fracking ban both poll above 50% in Pennsylvania. 

  11. 26 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    The GOP did crack first. They went all Trump. Centrist Pubs moved to the Dem party. The Dems will first get bigger and then split in two. 4 parties would be ideal. 

    1. Trump. Hate minorities, gay people, and poor people - all tax money to the rich and corporations.

    2. Old GOP. Hate minorities and gay people being around - some tax money to poor people, but mostly its just for the rich.

    3. Old Dem. Like minorities and gay people being around - still, other than some token welfare, they only get tax money if they are rich or a corporation.

    4. New Dem.  Like minorities and gay people around - tax money should go toward supporting the people.

    The GOP didn’t crack. They solidified around trump because he delivered what no one else could. He brought xenophobia for the racists, tax cuts for the rich, deregulation for business owners, a complete spreading of our country’s legs for anyone who paid enough to pillage it, was willing to look the other way on the rampant corruption in predatory for-profit education, an increase in military spending, a claim that he would stop the endless wars, conservative Supreme Court justices for the actual conservatives. Millions of people gave away the republic to the orange god because he brought together a group of voting blocs that had nothing in common, and in many cases opposing interests, all in the name of owning the libs. 


  12. I’ve been advocating that this country needs a viable 3rd party more than ever and two old men, one senile and one a con man might be the thing to actually do it. 

    I thought the GOP was going to be the party that cracked first after trump either lost this time or after his second term, but the dems are well on their way to splintering first.  

    • Like 2
  13. Joe Biden’s brain is clearly turning to mush. Everyone saw it and he was dead in the water. But he took an afternoon nap and had a debate where he was semi lucid and shouted a bit and it fired some people up. 

    Now 2/3 of the Democratic Party has thrown its support behind a guy that will just get fucking murdered on a debate stage by trump because he’ll just fire lie after lie and old joe won’t be able to articulate that it’s all bullshit. Every mental lapse will get highlighted and broadcast across every battleground state. 

    Bernie was the closest thing the dems have to a fighting chance against what should be the easiest presidential candidate to defeat in decades and they are going to blow it for a second time. Not because Bernie is a great candidate (he’s just a bit too extreme for my taste with the forcing companies to shift 20% ownership to employees and immediate fracking ban, but other than that he’s a good candidate), but because he’s clearly the only one that has a chance of beating trump. 

    every single demographic except uneducated rural white people has been shifting away from the GOP, and the dems are gonna blow it for a second time. 

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  14. 7 hours ago, achooloco said:

    Probably goes on the dumb question amnesty thread (and I already fucked up once but people keep asking this around me) but in regards to getting it twice, the doctor on the Saturday conference said no way.

    but isn’t the common cold a coronavirus and we only know of 7 kinds of coronaviruses? So then how do people keep getting colds throughout the years? If we can’t get covid19 twice, then I’m definitely getting something wrong, but which part? Thanks in advance. 

    There are over 200 different viruses that cause the common cold. Only ~15% are coronaviruses. 

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