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Posts posted by heso

  1. 35 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

    Wtf does that mean? "Mitigate the spread somewhat"? 

    So it took 6 days instead of 3 to spread the virus? The end result is the same. We're gonna get infected. 

    All it takes is one to infect others. We're not gonna stop this. 

    60,000 people all needing to be hospitalized for a week all at once is a much different problem than 60,000 people needing to be hospitalized for a week over 3 months. 

  2. 34 minutes ago, Seger78 said:

    Why are people stockpiling water? Is there worry that things get so bad that the water supply becomes compromised?

    Because these people don’t know what a disaster is or how to prepare for one. This area of the country has almost nothing in the way of natural disasters. It’s too far inland for hurricanes to reach with anything other than some prolonged rain, it’s too hilly for tornadoes, too wet for fires, there isn’t a fault line for hundreds of miles, the occasional flash flood affects some of the valleys but clears in hours or a day. The worst is the occasional blizzard. 

    So any time there is a forecast of more than a half foot of snow there is a hysterical run on milk, bread, and water. Since that’s what they know, that’s what they go to for this. 

  3. 35 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    That WHO report is fucking terrifying.  It implies that China threw everything it had, in terms of health care resources, at Wuhan and thus kept the death rate artificially low.  

    If this thing goes broader, that rate will skyrocket.  Almost everyone who gets the virus shows symptoms eventually.  And 20% of those need intensive hospital care.  We have ICU capacity for something like only 1% of the population.     

    The death rate in China outside of Hubei Provence is half what it is inside. 

    i expect that the actual number of infected in Hubei is at least an order of magnitude higher than the confirmed number. Which would still only be 1.2% of the population. 

    I think what they are seeing in the hospitals is the worst cases of a much larger outbreak. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    ^ this

    It should be perfectly clear that it’s been in the US for some time.

    odds are you have been exposed already.

    wash your hands, try not to rub your face.

    There was an article linked on reddit that was in Italian but was quoted with a doctor in Milan stating that he expects the virus had been circulating in Italy before January. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    Take a moment to write down everything you learned. You’ll find it helpful in the future

    Good call. I’ll definitely do that.

    He sent me video of my best swing of the session, a swing that was an example of me doing what we’re trying to change, and the drill we were using to change it. I’ve probably watched each of those 20-30 times. 

  6. I had my first golf lesson ever yesterday. I’m basically a tour pro now. 

    honestly it’s amazing how well a competent pro can teach you what you’re doing wrong in you’re swing. I went in completely lost with my irons and left feeling supremely over confident. 

    im going back next week to polish things off before I sign up for Q school. 

    • Like 2
  7. 13 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I have the same with my employer and pay while in quarantine is on a case by case basis. Since these ratings could worsen while you're away, I think someone has to be very foolish to travel to any country that has a possibility of a rising threat. Northern Italy could become all of Italy soon. Or SK or Japan could lead to Singapore overnight.

    And you never know if the US decides to ban travel from a country, you might not be able to come back. Personally I would be very careful about foreign travel at the moment. It's probably ok but the really bad possibilities are really bad.

    I wouldn’t be going anywhere other than Western Europe right now, and even then I’d be very trepidatious about leaving the country with how fast Italy’s outbreak blew up. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, BlueGreySky said:

    Bullshit.  Asithappens post was about Catholics being reprehensible people for not caring about child abuse (we do care and fuck pedos).

    The Catholic Church has been around for nearly 2000 years.  Your great grandchildren will be witness to it - it ain't going anywhere.  

    Your right, some light pedophilia won’t hurt them any more than thousands of executions did during the inquisitions.  

    • Like 2
  9. 9 hours ago, closetojumping said:


    If you are reading this thread for anything other than pure entertainment, you are doing it wrong. 

    I just had a guy predict the collapse of China, call me a dumbfuck for mocking it, and then he doubled down by predicting the fall of the far eastern manufacturing base and the resurrection of manufacturing power in Europe and the United States. And I mean, he meant it. That’s just one. Every page is a trail of gold breadcrumbs. 

    If the numbers from China are to be believed, the number recovered is far outpacing the new cases. 

    the death toll in China is 0.0002% of the population. It’s only 0.025% of the population of Wuhan city. 

    Almost 4000 people in China die every single day. 

    However, the numbers from China are probably all lies and the death toll is likely in the 6 figures. (Even if it were it would still be less than 1% of the population of Wuhan). 

  10. 1 minute ago, Thrawn said:

    I have seen a handful of those here in Florida recently. If I actually put shitty stickers on my car, that is the one I would go for.

    In western PA the only candidate promotion I’ve seen in the last year is Trump stuff except for 1 Pete yard sign and my Yang “Math. Money. Marijuana.” shirt. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    What if I think Bernie's policies and proposals would be disastrous for the country? 

    Am I still obligated to vote for him even if he's not Trump?

    Personally, I give no fucks about the Bernie Bros - they are the other side of the crazy coin (the MAGAts being the other side).  It's his policies I have issues with.

    Can you elaborate on what policies will be disastrous for the country and how they will play out? 

  12. 12 hours ago, troph said:

    Agreed we have to vote for Bernie, but we got trump because they sat out last time around. No love lost for the bros, they are terribly in the way of Sanders. Self described insulting assholes, screaming for the sport of it, willing to hurt people for a laugh, don’t like them, don’t need them, they are a major liability and will only further polarize discourse. But yes vote for the dem no matter what.

    Where did this idea that the Bernie bro’s sat out and cost the dems the election? Where is the analysis that is the demographic that swung the election? I’ve never seen it. If it exists I’ll take it for what it’s worth but on the surface, I don’t buy it. 

    Pa had 1.66 million primary voters in 2016. Clinton got 2.926 million votes. She underperformed Obama by 63k votes. Trump won by 44k votes, outperforming Romney by 290k votes. Going into Election Day her campaign wanted to carry a margin of 450k in the southeast pa counties. They left those counties with a margin of more than 475k. That alone should have won them the state. So where did she underperform and Trump excel? Literally every suburb in the state. The corridor from Scranton to Wilkes-Barre, Erie, Johnstown, south central Pa. areas that have been reliably blue for decades. She got crushed in those areas for a number of reasons: her assumption that she would win them all, Trump running an effective campaign of stoking fear in Islamist terrorism to convincing people the Mexicans were taking their jobs and bringing in drugs. Clinton stayed out of the state and ran ads that highlighted the offensive stuff Trump said. She should have ran ads about all the people that lost jobs when his businesses folded, highlighted all of the contractors that went out of business when he stiffed them on contracts.

    Trump ran an effective campaign of lies. Clinton ran an ineffective, lazy, and presumptuous campaign because she and her team thought they had PA in the bag. 

    Blaming the 2016 election on Bernie bro’s is lazy and disingenuous. It completely ignores the facts that Hillary was a terrible candidate that ran a bad campaign and Trump ran an effective campaign that stoked fear and boosted turnout. 

    I don’t see tens of thousands of suburban and rural Bernie bros in pa swinging the election. 

    • Like 1
  13. Bloomberg bought a bunch of billboard ads in advance of Trump’s rally near his hotel and along the motorcade route:






    Other billboards:


    Donald Trump cheats at golf.


    Donald Trump lost the popular vote.


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