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Posts posted by heso

  1. Pay for part of it with a fat tax. No fee for under 25% body fat. Goes up from there. Can’t afford it? Go for a jog or drink 1 less pop a day.

    would reduce the prevalence of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, mental health issues, and many many more, which in turn would reduce spending on chronic illnesses. 

  2. 1 hour ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    It will in Pennsylvania, and if Texas was in play it would here too. 

    Look, fracking sucks, but Houston would be Detroit right now without it. I would be alright with that as I am one of the freaks who longs for the empty, depressed Houston of the '80s Oil Bust, but I do not represent a large bloc of voters. 


    I live in western PA. unless you’re personally gaining financially from fracking (which is a very low %), you’re either indifferent or negative towards fracking. 

    And even then, you’re talking about Uniontown, not Pittsburgh. Counties that trump won 65-35, at the closest. Short of trump turning black and replacing pence with a Muslim, there no hope for those counties. 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    ...threads in which people are read to go to war over whether okra is a necessary ingredient in gumbo.

    Having been born and lived nearly the entirety of my life north of the Mason Dixon line, I don’t really get a say in it. But I can only assume the ones on the side of okra are the asshats. 

  4. 43 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    I was in Philly two weeks ago and every commercial segment had at least one Bloomberg ad.  No one else had any.

    I live in Pittsburgh and for a while Steyer was the only one advertising here. And it seemed like every commercial break. Now it’s only Bloomberg. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Calihorn said:

    Did Biden come in 5th? That would be one of the explanations if it were true

    I expect that he came in a distant 4th at best, but more likely 5th based on what I saw last night. They were at very few locations where he had a viable 15% and many locations where he was behind Yang in the first count. 

  6. 42 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Calvinballin' in Iowa

    If this is true, I think everything past the first vote should be thrown out.



    That happened at one of the caucuses that CNN was at. I think it was the one that Tapper covered. The Biden crowd was clearly not viable but in talking to them they explained that they were going to woo the people from the Klobuchar group, which was also not viable after the first count. 

  7. 5 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    The English National Health Service employs 1.4 million people, many of them in admin. Note, that's England alone, not the UK. 

    Extrapolating from population totals, the American National Health System would employee over 8 million people.

    But it’s not like those 8 million would still work in all of the local private insurance companies. 

  8. Finally got around to talking to one of my good friends that works at a health insurance company (in Pennsylvania) about the Democratic candidates. Had no idea where he stood on it going into the conversation. 

    he said he said he doesn’t talk about his support of sanders at work. Says people there pretend like it’s not even a possibility that he makes it to the White House. 

    said he’s donated to sanders and would welcome losing his good paying job if it meant Medicare for all. 

    plans to start looking for a new job of Bernie gets the dem nod just in case. 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 minute ago, longhornmatt said:

    Lol, they’re just now starting to count in the place where Tapper is?   It’s been an hour and a half and they’re just starting?

    This piece of shit state should be kicked out of the Union.

    He said earlier that they didn’t have enough cards for the number of people that showed up. So they had to wait for more. Then they tried to count the total number of people attending, but somehow they failed at that the first time around so they had to do it again. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    At least two of those dipshits are putting their left hand over their heart.  Flag code, what flag code?

    Fucking idiots.

    I assumed the video was mirrored since all of the lapel pins would be on the wrong side as well. 

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