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Posts posted by heso

  1. 6 minutes ago, Continental Op said:

    I just want him to stick around and poke Trump in the eye for awhile.  

    Someone told me that he committed to throwing his money behind whoever wins the nomination. No clue if that’s true or not be it would be fun to see him throwing his cash into attack adds that just expose cheeto’s bullshit. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I tuned into a few seconds of closing arguments and heard the ol' "this is all a hoax and an attempt to overturn the 2016 election" defense. I'm confused; I thought they had shifted to "ok he did it and we don't care". 

    Depends on the constituency of the senator. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    the only way to handle a bully is to start slapping said bully

    Nothing would be sweeter than the people who think he’s a real brilliant tough guy seeing him exposed as the pussy mental midget that he is. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Clark Hunt is a rich, silver spoon sumbitch that was handed this.

    But he was pretty outstanding at SMU.  He makes Jerrah's kids look like the morons that they are.

    Speaking of his silver spoon. I just read about how he and his brothers tried to corner the silver market and at one point owned 1/3 of the privately held silver in the world. 

  5. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I won't comment on the illegality of it, because I'm not qualified to do so, but I am qualified to say Cipollone was clearly out of his element in those proceedings.  He just doesn't have the intellectual horsepower to hang with the better attorneys in the room.

    But just like Jim Jordan in the house hearings, intelligence and facts don’t matter here. His job is to sound smug, and indignant, and aggressive so that the Fox News PR hype machine can repackage clips as evidence to feed to the rubes. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, BrazilHorn said:

    Challenge is the Rs don’t think Trump did anything wrong or outside the pale of day to day politics. 

    Yes they do. They know what he’s done is terrible for the country. But they care about their re-election above all else because doing so allows them to swindle the country to line their pockets. 

    The rural poor, the racists, the evangelicals have made Trump their fat, orange, god-king. So the republicans have no choice in the matter but to bow to the king or face his wrath and get outed for someone who will stay in line. 

    if their polling numbers told them that it was the right move with their voters they would be campaigning to crucify him in front of the Lincoln memorial.

    Trump is not the politicians god, money is their god. Trump is the idiots’ god so the politicians have no choice but to pander. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    If Dershowitz is right (hint:  he’s not) would that mean Nixon should never have been considered for impeachment given that his motives were for the National good in electing Nixon? Dershowitz would agree that the break-in itself was a crime but I guess the coverup and lies were all cool in his world?

    The best part of Dersh’s argument is that it doesn’t even have to be remotely in the best interest of the country, only that the president could claim that he thought his action was in the best interest for the country. Not even that the action itself was in the best interest of the country, just that the president thought that the action would help him get re-elected and therefore better for the country. 

    its such an insane argument. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, TDunk said:

    Did I follow the Dersh logic correctly in that if Obama wanted to spy/wiretap the Trump campaign, he would be in his legal right and not impeachable because it would be for the betterment of the country...

    Yes, but only because it doesn’t matter to Dersh or the gop right now. The argument will flip 180 degrees when it’s a dem pres. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, TXSG8R said:

    So I missed the beginning, are the senators limited to one question or is each party taking turns for the allotted period of time?

    The parties take turns asking questions. The group that the question is directed to gets 5 mins to answer. 

    2 days of 8 hours for questions. In the Clinton trial that worked out to 150 questions. 

  10. Can someone please explain to me the rural poor’s love for the GOP. I genuinely don’t understand how that came to be. The 14 states with the highest poverty rates are all Republican strongholds. The the great lakes states are only swing states because they have a balance between rural and urban population but the rural poor in those places are all overwhelmingly republican  

    Is it a race thing? A gun thing? 

  11. I just saw a GOP senator claiming that if we’re going to impeach Trump for making the deal with Ukraine to help his re-election prospects then no president will ever be able to do anything that would improve their chances of re-election without getting impeached for it. He gave the example: if a president goes and makes a trade deal that is beneficial for the country, that’s now impeachable because it improves his re-election prospects. 

    jesus Christ. I don’t think I know anyone stupid enough to believe that. But I’m sure I know people that will believe it because a GOP senator said it on Fox News. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Underdog said:

    Sounds like a complete shitshow.  

    Well he’s just a pure capitalist with no fucks given for the history of the team, the fans, the city, anything. His sole purpose in life is to extract as much cash as possible out of everything he touches.

    Whats happening now is that the sports fans in the city have watched the Steelers and penguins run ideal franchises and win championships for decades and the pirates just not give a fuck about competing. The stadium was packed when they were competing after all those years of losing and they got rewarded by the owner slashing payroll to suck as much money as possible out of it. 

    Now he’s cleared house with the hopes of convincing the fans that it was the fault of the GM and manager but everyone sees that the emperor has no clothes. 

    • Like 1
  13. 50 minutes ago, Underdog said:

    Same here, even the early 90s a bit. 


    TBH, I didn't even know who owns them anymore.  thought McClatchen or whatever the fuck his name is/was still owned them.  Want to make it back over there for another game next season. 

    His family was a minority owner when McClatchey was still the majority owner. He learned how to maximize profits without fielding a competitive team from McClatchey until Nutting became the majority owner in 2007. 

    a few years ago when they were competing for the division he said publicly that attendance would need to increase for payroll to increase. That season and the following season he had record attendance. He cut payroll both seasons to maximize profits from the increased attendance. Made bullshit moves at the trade deadline when the rest of the division was making real moves to compete. 

    He’s turned down bids from Mario Lemuix and also a bid from one of the Steelers minority owners to buy the team off of him that would actually try to make the team competitive.

    he’s just printing money right now. The mayor has floated discussions about possibilities for the city to force his hand since they paid for the stadium but expectedly took no action. 

    also, I hate him because he bought the ski resort near by and raised the prices to the point that it’s not worth it for me to spend the $ to snowboard on ice pea gravel. 

    • Like 3
  14. 1 hour ago, Underdog said:

    So expect another 20 year run on losing recordS for the Bucs?

    Was gonna ask if bob nutting was old enough to die soon. Unfortunately he’s only 57. 

    I’ve never seen another sports owner give absolutely no fucks about winning. Profit is the only thing that matters. 

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