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Posts posted by heso

  1. Just got word that my company’s Miami office is under a mandatory evacuation until tomorrow as a precaution. 

    edit: apparently the building owner issued the mandatory evacuation of the building. Seems unnecessary with Cuba between the earthquake and Florida. 

  2. Just now, Biff Tannen said:

    How do the questions work?  Do they pull them out of a hat on pieces of paper?  Are they anonymous?

    I don’t know, I think one side submits one question, then after the answer the other side submits a question. I don’t expect there to be any specific attribution, just that it would be coming from the dems or the gop

  3. 12 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


    There has to be a significant segment of the Republican population, especially politicians, that absolutely despise trump and everything that he his. But because the base has made him their god, they have to tread very carefully about where they put their votes. If they wholesale abandon Trump, the doom themselves. But they can’t enjoy seeing what he’s doing to the country.

  4. 10 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    Programming note:


    He has to tweet about it because the ratings of his defense  vs the prosecution’s ratings matter. 

    Hannity spent a segment of his show talking about how low the ratings for the prosecution were and how terrible the production was. “These are the people that brought you the wizard of oz and they couldn’t make it more interesting than droning on and on like that?”

  5. 57 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:


    That seems to be why it’s so important to get the senate trial over and done with as quickly as possible without Bolton testifying. 

    During the house investigation: “what’s the rush?” Fight the subpoenas in court. Delay delay delay, in hopes that it drags on until they can run out the clock before the election. 

    Then they get the draft of the book and realize Bolton could blow the whole thing up. The message changes to “why is Nancy holding up the senate trial? We need to get this over and done with ASAP.”

    then Mitch coordinates with the WH to rush through the trial as quickly as possible without witnesses before what’s in Bolton’s can be leaked out. 

    the GOP PR machine would have no trouble deflecting the noise if Bolton’s book contents came out after the acquittal. But it becoming public before, or worse yet, right now, puts them in a bind to vote to acquit with no witnesses while this is live in the news cycle. 

  6. I just looked at an unlabeled map, i had already read the line about the Black Sea. I think if I had not read that I might have pointed to Belarus. 

    Although if I had taken a minute to think about the fact that Crimea was on the water I would have picked correctly. 

  7. 56 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    I am too lazy to do it, but of the states that are registering blues at a high rate, how many have a GOP senator up for re-election in 2020?

    4 toss ups: mcsally - AZ, Gardner - CO, Collins - ME, Tillis - NC. Most of those states are bluing slowly, Maine the fastest. 

    The two states that are registering dems the fastest that have GOP senators up for re-election are Texas and South Carolina. But they are both safe. Cornyn in Texas slightly less so. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, DixonHur said:

    Doesn't matter as long as we have the electoral college because minorities tend already live in Dem strongholds.

    The only change will be the GOP losing the popular vote by a larger margin.

    There are only 11 states that are registering more Republicans than Democrats. 

    TN, OK, UT, AR, KS, NE, ID, WV, SD, AK, WY

    Population rank:

    16, 28, 30, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 47, 49, 50

    Other than Tennessee, low population states with low growth, in some cases negative growth. 

    And in the case of Texas and South Carolina you have Dems being registered at a better than 2:1 rate. 

    From the last election there isn’t a single blue state that is increasing its Reputation ratio but at least 10 red states that are increasingly dem. And almost all 10 of those (MT, ND) are in the top 1/3 for population.

    collectively, those 10 states represent 154 EC votes.

    • Like 3
  9. 4 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    despite your pessimism, it appears to be trending the other direction. I don't think McConnell had the votes and support he thought he did

    And I think this ties into my post right after yours. Could Mitch coming out and proclaiming that it’s a sham trial with a foregone conclusion of acquittal have actually cost him some initial republican votes on things like witnesses and documents?

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