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Posts posted by heso

  1. Finally getting to posting these photos from earlier in the fall. 

    The old course at Bedford springs. Original design in 1895. Redesigned by Tillinghast as his first course design in the US after spending time with old Tom Morris at St. Andrews. Redesigned again by Donald Ross. Current layout has 7 holes from Tillinghast, 7 holes from Donald Ross, and 4 of the original holes. 




    This mound is about 3 feet tall. Pulled a 3 wood left on a second shot on a long par 5 and thankfully came up short of it. 


    This was Tillinghast’s first of what he came to call a Tiny Tim hole. In his words: 

    Previously we discussed the long one shotters of our courses...  Now let's turn to the other extreme and regard the very short ones -- the Tiny Tims as I choose to call them.  How short may these be?  ...I would say that from115 to 125 yards the short pitch hole would be satisfactory -- provided it was guarded impressively.  And this provision is of utmost importance. Unless such a green stands forth impressively, despite its Lilliputian proportions, it is utterly wasted.  It should be a little David challenging the Goliaths of golf.

    His sketch for the the hole in his book where he wrote that quote. 


    closeup of his “alps” left of the green. 


    • Like 4
  2. Love this kind of atmosphere in a late season big ten game. Classic big ten football weather

    its the exact reason the first round of an 8 team playoff needs to have a home game for the higher seed. Would love to see an sec team or a usc or Texas head up to the north for a snow game in the first round of a playoff. 

    • Like 1
  3. If that had actually been what set Garrett off he would have been shouting it all over the field as soon as he was done swinging the helmet. He’d have been shouting it to the refs. He’d have been shouting it to the rest of his team. He’d have been shouting it to his coaches. The whole fucking world would have known about it before they cut to commercial. 

    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    First time I've ever heard Penn State fans described as "sophisticated." Doesn't exactly jibe with most interactions I've had with their fanbase.

    Yinz rednecks aint got no idea what sophisticated is. Shit, half of us put French fries on our sandwiches, the other half cheese whiz. If that ain’t sophisticated I don’t know what to tell you. 

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    It looked on the replay like it managed to bounce everywhere around him (like wtf was he doing there, he deserved the turnover for being an idiot) but managed not to touch him. The flight/spin of the ball never changed at all.

    I’m in the stadium. I have no idea if it touched anyone.  

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    What is the precedent for legal action from on field/court/ice actions?

    Seems that 


    7 minutes ago, Wally Pryor said:



    Except earlier this season when he punched Delanie Walker after the whistle.  And earlier this season when he ended Trevor Siemian's season on a late hit. 



    Yea but if there’s any possibility for something to be made racial, you can count on Josina to take it there. 

    • Like 3
  7. 15 minutes ago, gecko said:

    Wasn't there a hockey player charged with assault for some "stick action" a number of years ago? 

    Marty McSorley slashes Donald Brashear in the head

    The incident: An aging Marty McSorley had his hands full when he dropped the gloves with heavyweight Donald Brashear during a game between the Bruins and Canucks on February 21, 2000. Brashear got the best of McSorley and the brash enforcer rubbed it in, dusting off his hands and mocking his opponent. McSorley, seeking to save face, tried to entice Brashear into another bout later in the game, but Brashear wouldn’t take the bait. McSorley trailed Brashear as he skated down the ice, suddenly slashing him hard on the side of the head. Brashear toppled to the ice unconscious. McSorly was suspended for the remainder of the season (23 games) and never played again in the NHL. He was later charged with assault.

    The outcome: McSorley was found guilty of assault with a weapon and was sentenced to 18 months probation.

    Dino Ciccarelli clubs Luke Richardson:

    The incident: Ciccarelli was a skilled forward with a temper. So when he was rubbed out along the boards by bruising rookie Leafs defenceman Luke Richardson during a game at Maple Leaf Gardens on January 6, 1988, he took exception. But Dino took things a bit too far, clubbing a stunned-looking Richardson several times with his stick. Ciccarelli was tossed from the game and later handed a 10-game suspension.

    The outcome: Ciccarelli was charged and convicted of assault. He was fined $1,000 and sentenced to one day in jail.

    Todd Bertuzzi sucker-punches Steve Moore from behind

    The incident: Colorado Avalanche forward Steve Moore was a wanted man after he laid a hard check on Vancouver Canucks captain Markus Naslund on Feb. 16, 2004. Naslund was in a vulnerable position and he suffered a concussion on the play, knocking him out of the lineup for three games. On Mar. 8, the Canucks sought revenge. Moore fought Matt Cooke, but that didn’t suffice for the Canucks. Late in a lopsided game, Bertuzzi appeared to be stalking Moore before unleashing a powerful sucker punch to the back of his head. Moore tumbled to the ice, with the full weight of Bertuzzi, and other players, piling on. Moore was stretchered off the ice with three broken vertebrae. He never played again.

    The outcome: Bertuzzi was suspended for the remainder of the season plus seven playoff games, totaling 20 games. Bertuzzi was charged with criminal assault causing bodily harm. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year probation and 80 hours of community service. Moore subsequently sued Bertuzzi and the Canucks, reaching a settlement a decade after the incident.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Pam Cummings said:

    6 games. It's the NFL. The commissioner is a fucking idiot who sucks at his job. The league prints money in spite of that fact.

    I expect it will be the rest of this season just because they want to story to die ASAP and not carry over into next season. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Iceman said:


    He did avoid suspension/ disqualification, so technically...


    Yeah, Garrett has had a couple of 'near misses' this season.  Can't remember the other game this season, but he had a huge personal foul that was just not part of the flow of the game.

    He got fined in week 1 for a late hit. Then he got fine in week 2 for two roughing the passer calls, one of which ended Trevor Siemian’s season. 

    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, JesusSweatDuck said:

    The aggy mind is a interesting thing

    My favorite is that Rudolph assaulted Garrett and should get the longest suspension of any of them and on top of that, Rudolph could be charged with assault resulting in jail time if Garrett decides to push the issue. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    I think he should be suspended a full 16 games.  The rest of this season and first 10 games, next year. 

    I think this is the right way to go. This kind of thing should a full season if it happens week 1 or week 14. 

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