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Posts posted by heso

  1. 1 hour ago, DoobieWah said:

    I'm thinking of going back and re-watching it from the beginning so I can enjoy it one more time before these last few episodes ruin it forever.

    I don't follow online threads except for this one and the bookfags one, (having also read the books), so I'm not too worried about spoilering it.

    The Kong's Island and Starbuck's scenes are pretty disappointing.

    The coffee cup scene is unbelievably sloppy but I didn’t see it live and if it wasn’t pointed out to me I’d have no idea it happened. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, housious said:

    Yep. Funny how this thread went from dogging on the people who weren’t enjoying this season to nearly everyone realizing how bad it sucks.

    I’m going to continue watching because of how many years I spent watching the previous seasons, but this thing isn’t getting any better in the last couple of episodes.

    I’m still enjoying the hell out of it. It’s still really good TV. I’m more pissed that they’re ruining the ending because they got bored with it. 

    • Like 3
  3. I’m going to be pissed if everyone just believes Jon’s parentage without question and no explanation. Everything that has happened in the 7 kingdoms in the last 25 years was built on a lie and everyone just accepts it. 

    Someone needs to at least pull Howland Reed out of hiding and ask him where Ned got that newborn baby. 

  4. 53 minutes ago, Barry_McCokiner said:

    No way it ends well for Bronn.

    Samwell fucking Tarly has a better chance at high garden than Bronn. He has a halfway decent family claim. If Dani wins she owes him her life through Jorah, plus she burned his father and brother. Although he may just be happy to get horn hill. Plus he’s the one that found out dragonglass kills white walkers (and I thing found out about the deposit on Dragonstone). All Gendry did was build some shit out of it. Sam is more of a hero than that bastard. 

    • Like 1
  5. 33 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Yep. These producer/writers don't have a fraction of the imagination of the man who created their playground. They couldn't bring themselves to sacrifice a single major character in the battle with the dead even though all of them outside of the crypt were placed in hopeless situations.

    They didn't bother to learn anything about battle strategy in setting up the big battle with the dead. The episodes before and after the battle were similar to some of the self-loving character studies that spelled the decline of The Walking Dead.

    Dany outside the walls of Kings Landing was jarring for all the reasons stated. I don't know if someone mentioned that the geography was even different. I have the feeling that they didn't have time to add CGI to recreate the forests that we've seen in that area. For several moments I was waiting for an explanation of where they were and why Dany had appeared with so weak a force.

    The Euron ambush was stupid and just raced through. Why wouldn't Euron follow up and destroy everyone including those who somehow swam ashore? In daylight, there is nothing to stand against him. Why wouldn't Dany go after them at night when they wouldn't be able to see the dragon to shoot at it? Why split your forces and go to Dragon Stone?

    I never watch the "Behind the Episode" pieces that accompany TV shows. I have some background in filmmaking and the droning of directors/producers about their genius decisions grates. Just the sight of these guys makes me angry. They were given a great story that they have executed well. They've proven that they don't have the mettle to create on the level required.

    I sound angry, but I'm still enjoying the story despite its decline in quality. There will never be another surprise like the Red Wedding or the execution of Ned Stark. I don't foresee an elegant or clever ending to GOT, but I still like it. The story telling has grown poor, but the momentum of the excellent story telling of the past still works. I care what happens.

    That’s about where I’m at. I’m still really enjoying the hell out of the show. 

    The biggest part of the problem is them trying to cram what should have been at the very least 20 episodes into 13. I think if they had given it a full 2 seasons (maybe 3) they probably could have avoided a lot of then clunkiness and given what the vast majority would have considered a satisfactory ending. But god know how long that would have taken them. 

    But I guess we really shouldn’t be surprised when two guys that did an excellent job of interpreting a fantastic story for tv aren’t up to the task of writing the ending in 1/20th of the time that it’s taken the actual writer to do that while trying to put it to screen. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, elguapo said:

    Who needs ravens when you can just teleport all over Westeros between scenes.

    The jump cuts through time aren’t that different from earlier seasons, but now they are particularly jarring when there is only one storyline instead of a few good ones interspersed with 30 mins of Sam and Gilly in horn hill, Arya mopping floors in bravos, or Jamie and Bronn in Dorne. 

  7. Just a quick point about the people (both on this thread and elsewhere) bitching that the walkers should have been in on the fighting, we should have had a long drawn out fight scene with Jon and a walker, blah blah blah. 

    I swear half you fuckers watch this show while scrolling twitter or something. 

    Samwell fucking Tarly killed a white walker. 

    Jons fight with a white walker lasted 5 seconds after he got his sword back. What, are we supposed to buy into Jon losing his sword (in)conveniently as a walker strolls up? Would that have been good writing, to give us the exact same scenario again?

    every mother fucker up there had a dragon glass weapon. Once that secret was out, the only play was to overwhelm with numbers of dead. 

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, DanTheHorn said:

    Just finished watching the show again. Maybe it has been mentioned, I noticed Bran lowers his vision for split second and takes a look behind the Night King. Then the music livens up when he looks up again. My guess is he sees Arya an knows what is coming. Nice detail by the director.

    I saw that and it seemed like the NK  noticed it as well and that was why he was able catch Arya out of the air. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    I did not think the darkness subtracted from the enjoyment.  I thought it added to the sense of foreboding and tenseness.  Also, it made for some pretty cool visuals whenever lights were present onscreen (flaming arakhs, dragonfire, glow from the castle at the end of the battle, etc.).  

    Totally agree with this. Had no issues with the darkness. Thought the use of lighting was excellent. 

    I think some of yinz need to buy new TVs or stop watching nighttime battle scenes with 150 watt flood lights at max brightness. 

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Lurch said:


    If I had to do it all over again, all I would want is a span of synthetic turf wide enough for me to take my stance on it with the ball in the middle (5’ wide perhaps?) and 12’ long with the hole center cut at 10’. I would want it to be a single piece (no seems) and perfectly level. I’d want it to run at 10ish, possibly with the ability to add/reduce sand to fine tune the speed.


    I was picturing 4’ x 12’ with about 18” behind the hole, but if I’m going to want the ball in the middle maybe I need to go a little wider. I’ll have to measure my stance. 

  11. 5 hours ago, pops said:

    With the current technology, backwards golf makes no sense. The closer you get to the green off the tee the better. Most courses are built with trouble at the 250-280 mark of the tee. Blow it past that and everything gets easier. 

    Cool story time, but I played college golf the same time as tiger. We saw Stanford a few times and one of those was at the cougar classic in Provo. Riverside country club. Legit course. In 1996 Stanford won it with a score of 882. Last weekend that would have snuck you into 12th place. 42 shots out of first. And that 96 team had tiger, notah, Joel kribel...

    The game is different now. Hit it as far as you can off the tee and get up and down. Driver, wedge, putter. Those are the 3 clubs that matter now. Shit, look at Mickelson. He has his clubhead speed higher than ever in his career. 

    Based on the post above yours, you’re advising upper 90’s players to “blow it past the trouble at 280”?

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Sleepygrad said:

    The TER also told Bran he would never walk again but he would fly. So he wargs into one of the dragons soon.

    I would imagine that the NK gets defeated on Wjnterfell but we’ve also been shown the KL throne room burnt and covered in snow so the WW have to make it to KL also, right?

    Could have just been referring to worging into crows or a metaphor for becoming the 3ER. I assume he can’t worg into the undead dragon. The other two have riders and I don’t expect Jon or Dany to die in the battle. Unless one of them gets knocked off and the dragon needs a rider, I don’t think he worgs into a dragon. 

  13. 22 minutes ago, Quasimofo said:

    You think Dany took Jon's news hard? Just wait'll NK tells her he's Targaryen too. "Bitch, you see me on that dragon? You see me walk through fire? You see all my lieutenants with hair the same color as yours?"



    Except that the children of the forest made him to fight the first men, which was what, thousands of years before the targaryen invasion? The targaryens have only been in Westeros for a few hundred years. 

  14. Anyone else think Howland Reed (Mira & Jojen’s father) still has a part to play this season?

    He was the only one with Ned that lived through the tower of joy skirmish. We know they were close, as evidenced by Jojen telling Bran that upon hearing of Ned’s death was the only time he saw his father cry. He may be able to speak to Jon’s lineage. On the ride north from Dorne he never said “yo Ned, where’d you get the newborn baby inside that tower that your sister was in?” He is still alive, no?

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