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Posts posted by heso

  1. 1 minute ago, texifornia said:

    I'll leave it to those who know the rules better than me, but he was certainly way upfield before the throw.

    Pay by play guy didn’t agree nor disagree so I assume it was just the color guy being overzealous. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Zavala said:

    Hmmm Clepson answers Cuse mistakes with 2 field goals.

    What does Cuse answer Clempsons mistake with?

    Needs to be a td. They wasted the int. Gotta make Clemson pay for the mistakes. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:

    So what, wins are wins, right?  You can't excuse pisspoor performances by PSU against Indiana, Rutgers, and MSU with "but they won" and not hold OU to the same standard with the Army game. OU won the game, all that matters, no?  For the record, that is not my position, and in a world where Texas didn't lose week 1, I would have had OU ahead of them prior to last week, and Texas ahead this week. Because some wins are more than other wins.

    And your turn to make the mistake - Iowa didn't even play Ohio State in 2016.  The asswhipping you are referencing occurred last year, and that asswhipping kept Ohio State out of last year's playoff.  The only game Ohio State lost in 2016 before the playoff was the 3 point loss at PSU on a block FG return for TD.  They beat the shit out of an 11-2 OU team in Norman, they won at Wisconsin, they beat Nebraska 62-3, they beat the same Michigan team that beat PSU by 39.

    Your last sentence I agree with 100%.

    Let’s qualify those piss poor performances a little. PSU won those two game 84-12. OU won the army game 27-21 in OT. 

  4. 2 hours ago, TXSooner518 said:

    Here are the two statements I was challenging:

    1) Penn State was a Top 5/Playoff team in 2016
    2) Penn State "improved as the 2016 season went on."

    For #1, my much bigger arguments than halftime scores against Sparty/Rutgers are:  Penn State lost to a 5 loss Pitt team AND they lost to Michigan 49-10. So what do they have to counterbalance those two games?  The wins over tOSU and Wisconsin.  tOSU was a very good team that year, but my contention is that Penn State's win was lucky/flukish. It obviously counts in the standings, but if we are discussing how good a team is, it matters. 

    For Wisconsin, in addition to Penn State having to rally from 28-7 in that game, my main point was that Wisky beat NOBODY that year, other than a 2 point win over 8-4 LSU in Green Bay and an 8 point win over a MAC team in their bowl. So to call Wisky a "top 6" team is more a function of their schedule than Wisky's actual power (Sagarin's final ratings had Wisky at 9, and PSU at 13, BTW).

    For #2, that's the point made where I think the scores are relevant. Penn State closed 2016's regular season against one team that you could generously call mediocre, and two that were truly awful. The fact that they trailed the mediocre one with 5:00 left in the game, and struggled mightily until late in the game with both of the awful teams certainly suggests that they had not actually developed into some juggernaut powerhouse, but instead that they closed the season on a winning streak due to schedule, with scores that were "prettier" than the actual games.

    I'm not a B1G hater, but the fact is that, due to the size of the conference, and the consolidation of top programs in one division, you can end up playing a VERY weak conference schedule, leading average to above average-level teams to elite-looking records. It happened with Wisconsin in 2016, and Iowa the year before. 

    It also allows teams who pull off a pretty fortunate win to ride the rest of their schedule to a division title, without necessarily being the best team in the division (Sparty '15, PSU '16).

    Yea I don’t disagree with you that they may not have been a playoff team. They were a two loss team. Were two losses early in the season worse than a loss to the team that won the division? Playoff committee agrees with you. It’s pretty subjective. 

    The part that is just ridiculous is trying to use halftime scores as a measurement of anything at all. Halftime adjustments, etc. the game is 4 quarters long. The only thing that maters is the final fucking score. 

    Psu scoring differential by quarter for the 2016 season:

    Q1: -7

    Q2: -16

    Q3: +82

    Q4: +124

    Late in the second quarter of the big ten championship game Wisconsin had a 97% chance of winning the game. Who won the game? Penn state. Why? The final score is what matters. 

  5. 10 hours ago, TXSooner518 said:

    I'm super surprised.  Yep, those dominating performances in their last two regular season games where they led by a combined 19-12 over 3-9 Sparty and 2-10 Rutgers showed how it was all coming together!

    But narratives though!

    So easy for the feeble-minded to look at a team that closed 5-0 against pure wretched garbage and say they improved down the stretch while this other team was worse at the end. After all, they lost their last regular season game!  Of course it was to an 11-1 team, but NARRATIVES ARE EASY.

    Just to make sure we’re all on the same page here, you’re saying the wins over two top 6 teams say less about a team than the halftime scores of two games they won 84-12?

  6. 6 hours ago, kopp0e said:

    I think both ESPN & FOX alternate who gets top pick each week...

    I’m pretty sure for the B1G they draft pick a certain number of big games alternating picks. Fox takes um-osu, abc takes osu-psu, Fox takes um-msu, abc takes nd-nw, etc. 

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