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Posts posted by heso

  1. 34 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    We're playing in Landover, Maryland. Fed Ex Field. An hour drive from Baltimore.

    I have seen this misstated so many times in various ways that I am convinced that at least a dozen Texas fans are going to show up on the Maryland campus in College Park on 9/1 looking for the football game.

    Or at M&T bank stadium instead of fedex. 

    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Mileslong said:

    It seems to me this thread started and soon after there was a huge argument about whether building your own guitar was putting it together with parts or having to cut it yourself from a block of wood.

    I would like to revisit that argument right
    now please

    If the majority of the parts had previously been part of another guitar you’re not building, you’re reassembling. 

  3. 23 hours ago, Longhorn94 said:

    ok, yeah i remember now. bernard said he was sent to the lab by ford to retrieve another control unit for another.  thanks!

    He was sent there to print it, not just snatch the one that was being printed. Undecided if that is an important distinction or not at this point. 

  4. On one hand it would be great to see the caps make it through the pens only to get stoned by Flower yet again. On the other hand, fuck the caps and I hope the lose the next 3. 

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Parliament said:

    Regarding liability insurance, Penn State is the model for what will happen here, I think.

    And iirc, they paid out whatever it was, then went to their insurance provider for money, AFTER it was all settled. And I'll guess liability insurance will never pay 100%. Next in line is the Michigan Legislature. Not sure how that would go.

    PSU’s insurer initially tried to avoid paying any of the $100 million because they were never notified of an increased expectation of risk. PSU’s argument was that the people who would have made such a notification had no idea anything happened. 

    They ended up settling for an undisclosed amount. 

    MSU will fight the same battle of who knew what and when. 

  6. 26 minutes ago, tbone_ said:

    Can't watch. What's different about tonight?

    Flower stonewalling the early jets push then Vegas taking full control of the 2nd half of the period. I think they had 9 unanswered shots on goal heading into the break. 3 posts and a few saves kept it from getting out of hand. 

  7. Nashville not waiting for the game to get out of hand. Pulled Rinne down 0-2 halfway through the first after letting up two quick goals. 

  8. 10 hours ago, 5 5 said:

    My grandfather played at Penn State. He didn't molest anybody but Notre Dame.

    You people are basing everything on a salacious movie. Movies, especially bio pics, lie their ass off. I live in Hollywood, it's all sociopathic bullshit here. "Based on a true story" is a fabricated tradition designed to protect and promote fictionalized non fiction.

    Don't believe the hype.

    It’s just as possible that paterno played a more active role in the cover up as it is that he knew very little and mcqueary isn’t being truthful about what he told paterno. 

    But even if you want to believe the best possible scenario, that paterno knew very little about the details, sent it up to his superiors, and then remained willfully ignorant. He still knew something was up. He outright admitted that he knew Sandusky was doing something untoward with young boys on campus. 

    If Paterno wanted to do the actual bare minimum he would have banned Sandusky from his campus, from his football facilities. But he didn’t. He wanted to turn a blind eye to it and pretend it didn’t happen. 

    And for that his legacy will forever be ruined. No matter how good a man he might have been before that, no matter how many good deeds he accomplished, no matter how man young men he turned into leaders means a single shit in the end, because at the end of the day, when it mattered most, when the safety of young children was on the line he did as little as possible and looked the other way. 

    • Like 1
  9. The rest of the questions from the assessment:

    Begin Assessment

    In order to ensure your park experience is truly transformative, we'd like to know more about you. Please take a moment to complete our brief individuation assessment. Your answers will be kept in strict confidence.

    Do you have a pre-existing heart condition?

    • Yes
    • No

    Do you have a history of mental illness?

    • Yes
    • No

    Any history of panic attacks?

    • Yes
    • No

    What are your hands doing in your primary social media profile picture?

    • Touching someone
    • Waving
    • Holding something
    • Hands not pictured

    If you had to lose a finger, which would you cut off?

    • Thumb
    • Index
    • Middle
    • Ring
    • Pinky

    The red color symbolizes:

    • Passion
    • Regret
    • Anger
    • Love

    Which best describes you?

    • Horse
    • Wolf
    • Fish
    • Fly

    _________ is sexy.

    • Efficiency
    • Suspense
    • Submission
    • Power

    You are in a sinking lifeboat with nine other people. You can stay and try to save the entire group or save yourself immediately by swimming to a safe boat alone. What do you do?

    • Stay
    • Leave

    People ___________ you.

    • Underestimate
    • Follow
    • Believe
    • Resent

    Would you rather die in a...?

    • Fire
    • Hurricane
    • Earthquake
    • Tornado

    If an artist were drawing your portrait, which would you prefer she use?

    • Pencil
    • Charcoals
    • Ink
    • Oil paints

    There is one true love for everyone.

    • True
    • False

    Ideal locale?

    • Tropical beach
    • Mountain village
    • Picturesque desert
    • Seaside resort

    People are by nature selfish at core, corruption comes from within.

    • True
    • False
    • I don't know

    I like to push myself outside my comfort zone.

    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Rarely
    • Never

    If someone told you that you could halve the world’s population by pressing a button, and that would alleviate most of the world’s poverty, would you do it?

    • Yes
    • No

    Society must have clear structure or it descends into chaos.

    • True
    • False
    • A little chaos never hurt anybody

    You were in a car accident and unfortunately there is nothing left in the wreckage. Luckily you planned ahead and had your entire anatomy measured and mapped, and all of your memories logged and saved. An exact replica is constructed from all this information - is this you?

    • Yes
    • No

    Do you believe in a higher power?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I don't know

  10. 2 hours ago, seven said:

    I don't think so. That kid is just another programmed host (though sentimental to Ford). 


    I get frustrated with people constantly talking about "X had their consciousness uploaded to Y host". Has there been a single bit of evidence that the technology even exists to do that in this universe? 

    We haven’t seen any direct evidence of it. But the several lines of dialogue from Delos’ retirement party between William and Delos as well as Logan to Dolores. 


    Also this question from the personality assessment on the West world website last season: 

    You were in a car accident and unfortunately there is nothing left in the wreckage. Luckily you planned ahead and had your entire anatomy measured and mapped, and all of your memories logged and saved. An exact replica is constructed from all this information - is this you?

  11. We’ve got at most, a billion years before the oceans start to boil off and the earth resembles something more similar to Venus than earth. We’re already about 80% of the way through the earth being a habitable planet. 

  12. Do yinz think the interaction between el lazo and William were pre-programmed by Ford or do you think he has uploaded his consciousness to a host/network and is interacting with William in real time?

  13. Now that they finally made it past the pens I wouldn’t be surprised to see them storm through the rest of the postseason. 




    Or get swept out in embarassing fashion. 

  14. 9 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Why didn't someone move the fucking car?!?!

    In that thread on Twitter the guy that posted the video said he honked his horn a bunch and banged on the door. Owner wasn’t home. Owner came back an hour later to get his car and the guy showed him the video of his car getting burried in lava. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Gardner Barnes said:

    I read a theory this am that what is in Abernathy is not necessarily the data, but actually the consciousness of James Delos  That is why the pic of his daughter short-circuited him in season 1.  


    Would make sense why the Delos corp wants that data, since the upload and transfer capabilities could make humans immortal. They could sell immortality.

    I’m very much in the camp that William’s pitch to Delos was selling immortality. 

    As evidenced by two bits from the party. 

    William: everything is progressing, you’ll just have to be patient. 

    Delos (between trying to repress coughs): yea well some of us can afford a little more patience than others. 

    And then later in the evening Logan talking to Dolores: May their forever be blissfully short. 

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